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<Sync_> diginet: hasteloy c is the solution to a lot of problems
<Sync_> but is quite spendy
<Sync_> haha azonenberg that's a bad thing
<azonenberg> Sync_: finding pics, sec
<azonenberg> This was the result of attemtping to etch the Ta2O5 film on the wafer
<azonenberg> note one of the lines in the test pattern is floating off somewhere in the upper left
<azonenberg> there's bubbles under it
<azonenberg> Also worrying was that the Ta2O5 was cracking during the etch
<azonenberg> not sure what was going on there
<Sync_> uhh
<diginet> Hastelloy C is quite amazing
<diginet> isn't it generally used for things like nuclear power plant turbines?
<Sync_> yes
<Sync_> or chemical plant reactors
<Sync_> it is very annoying to machine
<Sync_> then there is zircalloy
<diginet> zircalloy? I take it it is made of zirconium, nuclear right? (doesn't zirconium make a good electron mirror?)
<diginet> err
<diginet> neutron mirror
<azonenberg> Zr is commonly used as fuel rod cladding, yes
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<diginet> this is kind of unrelated to the subject of homecmos, but you know what would be awesome? holographic lenses, for cameras/etc
<diginet> you could make, in theory, ultra-high quality optics for a fraction of the price
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