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eleitl is trying to do diy production of microelectrode arrays. anyone have experience in this area?
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god I hate patents
not saying the idea doesn't have merit, at least theoretically, but it's just gotten ridiculous now
lol what did they try to patent this time ?
method of exercising a cat? ;)
so I was reading about various processes of purifying silicon, just out of curiosity (I don't know much on the specific, well, didn't, I know more now)
anyway, I come across this company which claims to have invented some eco-friendly (should have been a red flag right there) way to make solar-grade silicon from silica, instead of starting from metallurgical grade
anyway, their "unique process" is just reacting silica with lye in aqueous solution to make sodium silicate and then running the solution through some ion exchange columns to remove impurities
except, that very same process has been used for at /least/ 60 years to extract silica from agro waste (like rice hulls)
how in the hell did these idiots manage to patent an extremely elementary method in chemistry that any first or second year undergrad could do?
utter insanity
well probably their process has something special
no, it doesn't
the only "difference" is that they use an column for boron and phosphorus, but they didn't invent either of the resins
*a column
yeah but they changed that there and thus they can patent their process
that's absurd
you shouldn't be able to patent *basic* methods in synthetic chemistry
they patented the process
yes, they patented "their" method of purifying silica, except they didn't invent anything
hm, purifiying SiHCl3 is not that hard
well they innovated by putting the dopants in there
bam, pantentable
they're not TCS
an extremely common method of purifying silica from biological sources is to burn it, then put the ash in concentrated solution of NaOH, and then use ion exchangers to purify the resulting sodium silicate and then hydrolyse that to make silica and lye again
they patented something which has been for 40-50 years at least
yeah but they put boron and p in there
which is new
or not patented already
no they didn't, they just decided to specifically try and remove B and P
well I guess they have something special to their process
nukem gmbh patented a pressure cooker for nuclear materials
I'm just sick of these absurd patents in the first place
the thing is, there's no such thing as individual research
all inventions are necessarily collaborative
what really irks me is tax dollar grant money being used to fund research which is then patented. No, it should be public domain
I'm sick of public money being swindled by universities to VC crap
diginet: This is why i'm using the "scorched earth" IP policy for my research
publish early and often so nobody has a hope at patenting it