jbenet changed the topic of #ipfs to: IPFS - InterPlanetary File System - https://github.com/jbenet/ipfs -- channel logged at https://botbot.me/freenode/ipfs/ -- code of conduct at https://github.com/ipfs/community/blob/master/code-of-conduct.md -- sprint at https://github.com/ipfs/pm/issues/7
<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] whyrusleeping force-pushed fix/prov-store from 2030d22 to abb85fc: http://git.io/vkD9w
<ipfsbot> go-ipfs/fix/prov-store abb85fc Jeromy: fix rampant memory leak in providers records storage...
<jbenet> yay.
<JasonWoof> jbenet: you want me to write up a proposal for using a custom service / feature where you can have friends mirror (download+pin) stuff you publish?
<JasonWoof> might be getting ahead of myself a bit here, I haven't run ipfs yet
<JasonWoof> I'm worried that I'm jumping right to the "what can't it do?" stuff before using that it does well
<whyrusleeping> can someone add a large file and tell me how long it takes?
<tperson> whyrusleeping: Ya, how big you thinking?
<whyrusleeping> tperson: like, 500MB-1GB
<whyrusleeping> i feel like something regressed
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<tperson> 700mb ~ 51 seconds
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<whyrusleeping> okay, maybe i fucked something up locally then
<whyrusleeping> tperson: was that daemon online or offline?
<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] jbenet pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/vkDNc
<ipfsbot> go-ipfs/master c9ad7a9 Juan Batiz-Benet: Merge pull request #1315 from ipfs/fix/prov-store...
<tperson> online
<whyrusleeping> oh, okay
<whyrusleeping> thats good
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<lgierth> who was that with the git repos hosted in ipfs?
<whyrusleeping> i was doing that
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<lgierth> will that "incrementally" push and fetch?
<lgierth> i'm wondering how feasible it would be to maintain build scripts using git repos from ipfs
<lgierth> could use a locally-built ipfs, copy it to a host, then use it to bootstrap that host to whatever you want it to be
<lgierth> no more deploy SPOF <3
<jbenet> once we have ipns records in (1-2weeks?) we'll be able to run git repos entirely out of ipfs
<jbenet> (the new ipns records, more robust)
<lgierth> apt repos in ipfs would obviously be nice too
<jbenet> yep :)
<jbenet> cjb may want to work with us on this o/
<lgierth> coolio
<tperson> npm would be amazing
<jbenet> yep :)
<tperson> That is what I really want to hack together someday
<tperson> whyrusleeping and I toyed with it a few weeks ago.
<jbenet> tperson: bengl and i started on that-- we need an ipfs-blob-store
<lgierth> i would think that any package manager that works with a local $repo can work with ipfs
<lgierth> lol lets dig github's grave
<cjb> jbenet: nice!
<cjb> would that give you swarming downloads of shared chunks, too?
<tperson> lgierth: Nah, just surgery. Github can still exist, it just needs to use ipfs :)
<lgierth> yeah a glorified UI for ipfs :)
<lgierth> is ipfs actually ready to work with large numbers of objects?
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<lgierth> A way to statically host your git repos in ipfs. For now, these are read only.
<lgierth> ok that means they're not incremental yet
<lgierth> will be really exciting when they are
<jbenet> tperson, bengl: next we need a ipfs-blob-store
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<jbenet> cjb: "would that give you swarming downloads of shared chunks, too?" yep
<jbenet> cjb: even across repos ;)
<cjb> ahhhhhh I want it
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<jbenet> cjb: different repos? ipfs dont care! the merkle-pando!
<whyrusleeping> lgierth: ipfs can handle a lot of objects right now
<jbenet> merkle-pando-tree!
<cjb> :)
<lgierth> coolio
<jbenet> cjb help us make it!
<cjb> yeah, it does sound like I should spend the next week or so studying ipfs/go
<jbenet> cjb we're kicking off node-ipfs development this week if you prefer node. more to do there-- so if you want to get to something working, go straight to go-ipfs
<cjb> nice, anywhere other than here I should read to follow along?
<jbenet> relevant repos at github.com/ipfs
<jbenet> whyrusleeping what's next to merge?
<whyrusleeping> the food i'm cooking into my stomache
<tperson> lol
<jbenet> that sgtm
<jbenet> MR.
<tperson> What is the difference between Supernodes vs Bootstraps in the config?
<tperson> I noticed none of the super nodes are QmSoL nodes.
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<jbenet> tperson: that should be renamed "delegated routing" -- what it does is randomly query a set of "delegate nodes" randomly, and use the first results that return.
<jbenet> tperson: (doesn't query all, one by one)
<JasonWoof> cjb: nice work on gittorrent! would be amazing to have your help on this project
<jbenet> tperson: the idea is that you have "something else" run routing for you-- useful when you cant run a dht or whatever. the problem with it is it leeches on the delegates AND the delegates have a lot of power over your records. it's meant to work within trust-- i.e. my watch uses my phone or my computer as a delegate, etc.
<jbenet> JasonWoof yep +1 :)
<tperson> ah alright
<tperson> I assume on first boot up right now the bootstrap nodes give back a list of delegates, and at a later point this might be configureable?
<tperson> (In the case of the phone/watch)
<whyrusleeping> jbenet: did patch get merged?
<whyrusleeping> cjb: join us and help us conquer the world (or something like that)
<tperson> Make pictures of cats load really really fast.
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<jbenet> fix* fix the world.
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<tperson> I'm not sure how useful this will really be, but when there start to be a bunch of implementations of ipfs, might be a good idea to have a repo with all the protobuf files localized.
<bengl> i'm not sure it will ever make sense to require/load modules directly from ipfs in node-land
<bengl> (at runtime)
<JasonWoof> bengl: why not?
<tperson> The advantage I can see, is it will reduce the duplications of packages.
<JasonWoof> slow?
<bengl> JasonWoof: ^
<bengl> lifecycle scripts are a huge deal
<tperson> Good point
<bengl> some modules even have different lifecycle scripts depending on whether they are in a node_modules directory or not :S
<bengl> (or at least switching logic based on that inside the scripts)
<tperson> bengl: Does npm use the abstract-blob-store?
<bengl> no
<bengl> but it could
<JasonWoof> hmmm... I was imagining using require() to pull a node module of a particular version (by hash) and it would grab its dependancies, also by hash
<JasonWoof> 'course this requires that all modules do their requires this way
<bengl> JasonWoof: you'd also need (at the very least) platform, as there are *many* modules using C/C++ addons
<JasonWoof> (in order to get a particular tree of module dependancies, via your original hash)
<bengl> and even that might not work in all cases, because lifecycle scripts
<JasonWoof> bengl: yeah, my thing would only work for pure js modules
<JasonWoof> mmm, yeah, no lifecycle scripts
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<JasonWoof> so we'd be creating another thing that's like npm, except can't do native compilation or lifecycle scripts
<JasonWoof> never mind :)
<JasonWoof> you can just use npm as normal, dump everything into ipfs, and it'll dedup the common files
<JasonWoof> (depending on what you're doing)
<JasonWoof> thanks for helping me think this through. I'm a little new at this
<bengl> npm has a dedupe command as well
<bengl> and npm@3 will install modules in a much more dedupe'd manner
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<bengl> JasonWoof: no prob
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<JasonWoof> I've only used npm a couple times
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<cjb> whyrusleeping: JasonWoof: thanks for the welcome :) Got lots more Go to learn..
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<jbenet> hey ogd, i found the class of devices we'd want to run software on _now_ that we have to be very conservative about space on wireless routers. some have less than 1MB of space to preload (firmware). and have ~20MB of ram
<jbenet> ogd: i have a tp-link mesh network in my car, i'll bring it to portland to play with when i'm there
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<JasonWoof> cjb: I hope you enjoy go. I experimented with it a few years back (played at making a mandelbrot generator) and had fun with it.
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<nell> hello
<whyrusleeping> nell: hey!
<JasonWoof> hi nell
<nell> I was just curious if anyone has dockerized ipfs
<nell> so that it can run on windows
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<cjb> JasonWoof: have done one project (Paxos implementation) but debugging goroutines and mutexes was very tough
<ogd> jbenet: write up a post on /internet3000
<jbenet> ogd: will do! love the repo btw.
<jbenet> nell: yes, there's a Dockerfile in go-ipfs root.
<nell> :)
<nell> how new is ipfs
<jbenet> ogd: add tron (the original) somewhere ("i fight for the users!")
<ogd> haha
<jbenet> nell: it was a paper a year ago.
<nell> :)
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<nell> cool
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<JasonWoof> cjb: Oy... though I can't imagine debugging async issues is fun in any language.
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<jbenet> https://github.com/ipfs/community/issues/23 "Access to Repos? #23"
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<jbenet> whyrusleeping want me to CR patch then?
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<whyrusleeping> jbenet: sure
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<jbenet> CRed
<jbenet> whyrusleeping p/
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<headbite> fun times....
<gwillen> loool, great
<gwillen> I'm in the middle of one of those red blobs
<gwillen> confirmed that it sucks
<tperson> So that is why I couldn't do anything for a while...
<gwillen> yeap.
<tperson> ended up switching to google dns and things started working again.
<whyrusleeping> wait. that's the issue?
<whyrusleeping> DNS?
<whyrusleeping> I have no internet
<tperson> lol
<tperson> Ya, just switch to google dns and it should work again
<tperson> or don't and just continue to play farcry...
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<bengl> tperson: ping
<tperson> hey
<tperson> I can seem to resolve every website except nodejs.org, is that down for anyone else?
<mappum> tperson: yep, appears to be down
<bengl> tperson: i haven't done much at all on ipfs-blob-store, but the basic idea i was going for was that the constructor would take in an ipns keypair, and then just have it proxy keys through to to that.
<bengl> err, admittedly, i'm not sure at all how ipns works, so bear with me if that didn't make much sense
<bengl> so blobStore.createReadStream({key: '/path/under/ipns/namespace'}) would work
<bengl> and refer to /ipns/<hash>/path/under/ipns/namespace
<bengl> ditto for createReadStream
<bengl> this would be ideal for the npm use-case outlined here: https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs/issues/65
<tperson> Alright cool, do we want to be able to store any meta as well?
<tperson> From reading the spec it sounded like that first argument is also suppose to be stored?
<bengl> you mean metadata in the abstract-blob-store spec?
<tperson> ya
<tperson> "If opts is a string it should be interpreted as a key. Otherwise opts should be an object with any blob metadata you would like to store, e.g. name"
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<bengl> the metadata in the example i just provided would just be {key: '/path/under/ipns/namespace'}
<bengl> i'm pretty sure the usual use case for that metadata is to return the content-hash for later-retrieval in blobstores like this one https://github.com/mafintosh/content-addressable-blob-store
<bengl> so really, what i'm describing is an ipns-blob-store and not an ipfs-blob-store ;)
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<bengl> i think i'm going to hash this out a little more clearly on that github issue.
<tperson> We could probably write both, absence of a key would simple return the hash has the key (just like in mafintosh example above), but we could also do ipns.
<tperson> kk
<bengl> right, bake both use-cases into one module?
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<bengl> alright i put a comment on that thread. i'm a tad tired so excuse me if i didn't make much sense
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<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] travisperson opened pull request #1319: Text under `ipfs name --help` incorrect (master...bug/name-help-fix) http://git.io/vkSTt
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<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] jbenet pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/vkSOU
<ipfsbot> go-ipfs/master 1178019 Travis Person: Text under `ipfs name --help` incorrect...
<ipfsbot> go-ipfs/master 7fbfecf Juan Batiz-Benet: Merge pull request #1319 from travisperson/bug/name-help-fix...
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<tperson> What causes `ipfs name publish` to take so long?
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<jbenet> tperson: not sure-- it's putting to the dht, but it shouldn't take so long
<tperson> I'm seeing about 10-15 seconds. Seems long, maybe it's not though.
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<jbenet> that's a ton.
<jbenet> we should be getting that down to a couple seconds.
<jbenet> there's a _ton_ to optimize
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<jbenet> rht_ o/
<rht_> eh what's going on
<jbenet> just saying hello :)
<rht_> oh (still, catching up if I miss sth)
<rht_> !help
<rht_> !?
<rht_> !friends
<pinbot> my friends are: whyrusleeping jbenet tperson
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<jbenet> we can add you over at github.com/whyrusleeping/pinbot
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<tperson> Is there a command that given a path `/ipns/<peer_id>/some/path` will resolve it down to an `/ipfs/<hash>`?
<tperson> I was thinking `ipfs resolve` would do this but that appears to be the same as `ipfs name resolve`, which only does `ipns` stuff.
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<jbenet> tperson it should do ipfs stuff too
<jbenet> tperson if not it's not finished
<rht_> jbenet: I'm checking out if there is new shiny bot around. also I still owe u guys a bot.
<jbenet> us* :)
<rht_> yeah, this week the soonest
<jbenet> no worreis
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<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] travisperson opened pull request #1320: Fully resolve ipfs paths down to its final hash (master...feat/full-path-resolve) http://git.io/vkSgC
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<rht_> btw chromium just moved to go-logging from logrus https://codereview.chromium.org/1149313002/. the reason was go-logging is more lightweight (+ has less dependencies) than logrus
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<rht_> I will still reduce the backend to just logrus (since we have already been using it)
<cryptix> hey guys
<rht_> hey cryptix, you once said "hmm i see two things blocking us from replacing go-logging with logrus as it stands. 1) logrus only has 6 log levels (no Notice) 2) logrus doesn't have subsystem concept in itself." -- does this still ring true?
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<cryptix> rht_: sorry got distracted
<cryptix> rht_: actually no. i talked with jbenet about 1), we can just scratch that level
<cryptix> rht_: and i found a way to deal with 2) like this: https://github.com/cryptix/go/blob/master/logging/log.go#L63
<cryptix> rht_: that way you always have a "module" field on each entry you subsecenty log with that logger
<cryptix> which works for my usecases and i think it should work with ipfs too (cc whyrusleeping jbenet)
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<cryptix> rht_: re chromium: also interesting.. didnt see them using go in there yet
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<ralphtheninja> morning
<cryptix> hey ralphtheninja :)
<daviddias> hey :)
<cryptix> hey daviddias! 3 days left... :o :)
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<rht_> cryptix: actually it is their 'infra' tools to support chromium dev. the bulk of chromium itself is still c++
<cryptix> yea thought so. still an interesting sign
<cryptix> also with the shared modules stuff coming in 1.5 i wonder where this will go
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<rht_> cryptix: and, chromium (go), firefox (rust)? who requested the shared modules the most?
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<cryptix> rht_: i havnt learn rust yet. i really shoudl but i allready have too much projects
<daviddias> hey :) that is right :)
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<daviddias> cryptix I've started doing some algorithm challenges with Rust just to get the hang of the language. It has a lot of things that make sense (0 cost abstractions), but it is such a verbose language
<daviddias> Not a fan of the ".unwrap" calls
<daviddias> ah, but I still have to speed myself up on Rust 1.0 release :)
<rht_> daviddias: how do you find the ownership/borrowing concept?
<cryptix> i took a look at some projects some time ago but got hung up on 'this needs experimental toolchain branch xyz'.. to much overhead at that time. yea i guess now that rust 1.0 is out i could take a look again.. _just_ need more time.... >_<
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<rht_> cryptix: they (rust) are looking to build some gc mechanism iirc, if this is your thing
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<rht_> cryptix: (and my question was more about the macro trajectory of go/rust as an ecosystem)
<daviddias> rht I liked the "compiler driven development" (:P) mindset that ownership/borrowing gives you
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<rht_> daviddias: you mean the compiler emits the most errors on object ownership than everything else?
<rht_> 1.2 There is no GC
<rht_> A language that requires a GC is a language that opts into a larger, more complex runtime than Rust cares for. Rust is usable on bare metal with no extra runtime. Additionally, garbage collection is frequently a source of non-deterministic behavior. Rust provides the tools to make using a GC possible and even pleasant, but it should not be a requirement for
<rht_> implementing the language.
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<ralphtheninja> first I thought that ipfs was really awesome, but now I have realized it's even more awesome combined with ipns ;)
<ralphtheninja> decentralized package manager is basically a solved problem .. unless I'm missing something
<mmuller_> ralphtheninja: well, I think IPNS is still pretty flakey.
<ralphtheninja> mmuller_: flakey in what way?
<mmuller_> in that IPNS addresses don't always resolve
<ralphtheninja> mmuller_: ok, well there might be bugs and things like that .. but the idea is solid :)
<mmuller_> (devs can jump in and correct me if this is has been fixed)
<mmuller_> yes, the idea is great
<mmuller_> but I don't think we could call package management based on it a "solved problem" until it's reasonably solid :-)
<ralphtheninja> hehe it's just me being crazy excited :D
<mmuller_> yeah, it's cool. Been there ;-)
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<whyrusleeping> gooood morning friends
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<daviddias> helloo whyrusleeping :)
<whyrusleeping> daviddias: hey! hows it goin?
<daviddias> Doing pretty good :) and you?
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<daviddias> Well to be more accurate, I'm living on a limbo mind state during this week where I know I'm ready to do my final thesis presentation this Friday, however I can't put my mind off of with with excitement and anxiety, which makes it hard to focus on other stuff well. But soon it will be done, so its cool :)
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<daviddias> btw, I've been "compiling" with jbenet mappum and krl a list of things in order to get node-ipfs usable, you might wanna give your insights :) https://github.com/ipfs/node-ipfs/issues/13 Mostly, let me know if having a "communication test" would be feasible, if I understand correctly, that has been one of the challenges (using the same streams parser in
<daviddias> both ends)
<whyrusleeping> yeah, we want them to be able to talk
<whyrusleeping> the issue right now is we cant find a good stream parser that both languages have implemented
<daviddias> is spdy a candidate on the table?
<whyrusleeping> yeah it is
<whyrusleeping> but good spdy implementations are hard to come by
<whyrusleeping> dockers implementation deadlocks
<daviddias> which one is that, spdystream?
<whyrusleeping> yeah
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<www> does somebody have a keybase invite for me?
<daviddias> lmc
<daviddias> I have, email?
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<whyrusleeping> yeah, ive got a bunch too
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<lgierth> whyrusleeping: jbenet: krl: could you invite to that channel again?
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<tperson> whyrusleeping: Does your patch command resolve paths under the root hash, or does it only modify that hash itself?
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<ipfsbot> [webui] travisperson opened pull request #58: Fixed Globe (master...feat/fixed-globe) http://git.io/vkQRz
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<whyrusleeping> tperson: its only a single level right now
<whyrusleeping> krl: ping!
<krl> pon6gs
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<rht_> whyrusleeping: do you want to make the test faster?
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<krl> whyrusleeping: pong
* tperson grabs paddle
<whyrusleeping> krl: hows it goin?
* whyrusleeping wonders what tperson is going to do with a paddle
<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] wking created add-api (+5 new commits): http://git.io/vkQob
<ipfsbot> go-ipfs/add-api 27e1747 W. Trevor King: Initial version
<ipfsbot> go-ipfs/add-api 657f833 W. Trevor King: Fix 'trickle' -> 'layout'...
<ipfsbot> go-ipfs/add-api 999cda9 W. Trevor King: Add a PreNodeCallback...
<whyrusleeping> rht_: we ran those tests with a 'real' rng before, and i remember the bottleneck on the tests being the rng
<krl> whyrusleeping: working on the webui build system
<krl> almost got it all working hot-reload style again without webpack
<whyrusleeping> krl: oh nice, i saw you switched it to browserify again
<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] whyrusleeping pushed 1 new commit to feat/patch: http://git.io/vkQ6O
<ipfsbot> go-ipfs/feat/patch f4fcb6c Jeromy: addressing comment from CR
<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] wking opened pull request #1321: Do not merge: Spec for adder APIs (master...add-api) http://git.io/vkQ68
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<whyrusleeping> wking: i'm gonna merge it!
<rht_> whyrusleeping: ok I will test with a faster rng then
<whyrusleeping> rht_: cool, thanks!
<whyrusleeping> jbenet: i really want `ipfs save`
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<tperson> whyrusleeping: Can you make me a repo under the node-ipfs team called `ipfs-blob-store`
<whyrusleeping> tperson: shore thing
<lgierth> OH yesterday: "is that were you can buy blobs"
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<ogd> lol
<whyrusleeping> there you go
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<whyrusleeping> i want a vim plugin that lets you highlight a chunk of code and say "make a function out of this"
<tperson> Make it context aware so it will create everything correctly with types and everything.
<whyrusleeping> yeah, thats what i was thinking
<tperson> Remove the code with a call, and pass in the correct variables lol
<tperson> PHPStorm does it
<whyrusleeping> meh, php
<cjb> huh:
<ipfsbot> [webui] krl opened pull request #59: hot-reload without webpack (master...hot-reload) http://git.io/vkQxI
<cjb> ^ is that expected? just did a go get -u .. and ipfs init.
<whyrusleeping> cjb: you broke it
* whyrusleeping takes a look
<whyrusleeping> cjb: thats weird....
<cjb> lemme know if there's some debugging I can do
<cjb> it did write out a ~/.ipfs/
<whyrusleeping> all you ran was ipfs init?
<cjb> ~/.ipfs/config contains dbpath and peerId, nothing else
<cjb> correct
<whyrusleeping> could you send me the config?
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<cjb> I did:
<cjb> mv .ipfs .ipfs.bak && ipfs init
<cjb> just now, and this time it worked
<whyrusleeping> uhhhhhmmmm
<whyrusleeping> i think you must have had a really old binary installed
<cjb> huh
<whyrusleeping> i dont recognize those config keys
* whyrusleeping is super confused
<cjb> ohh, you're saying that a long time ago I had a binary that created this ~/.ipfs, and then I installed the newer binary and tried to ipfs init and it barfed on the old ~/.ipfs
<whyrusleeping> yeah
<whyrusleeping> thats likely
<cjb> haha, it could even have been the node impl
<whyrusleeping> oh maybe!
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<whyrusleeping> cjb: yeap, youre right
<whyrusleeping> it was from the node impl
<cjb> wow ok :) no worries, sorry for distracting you
<whyrusleeping> thats totally okay, its good to know about things people run into
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<jbenet> cryptix, rht_: on logger vs logrus -- logger is fine. btw we want to move the event-logging to a route on the API. (i.e. so it doesn't write to disk, or write at all if there is no http client). -- maybe we should put this on an issue somewhere.
<jbenet> ralphtheninja: hello! o/
<jbenet> rht_ i think rust will be a great language. i look forward to implementing rust-ipfs and related tools :)
<jbenet> ralphtheninja: re "decentralized package managment is a solved problem" EXACTLY!!!!!!
<jbenet> mmuller_ IPNS is particularly an area that is _not_ finished. we're working on IPNS robustness now. the Records spec landed last week-- we're implementing this week and next.
<jbenet> cjb: sorry about thenode-ipfs crap. the code out there atm is no good
<ralphtheninja> jbenet: :)
<ralphtheninja> jbenet: assuming everything works of course ;)
<ralphtheninja> how many are hacking on ipfs now?
<mmuller_> @jbenet, yes understood. Also, w00t!
<ralphtheninja> aah perfect timing for me to start learning rust!
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<PayasR> rust, cpp, node, go... way to go people :)
<cjb> jbenet: the timestamp on my ~/.ipfs/config is July 23 2014, so that's when I was trying it :)
<PayasR> ralphtheninja: you currently code in?
<ralphtheninja> PayasR: node
<jbenet> ralphtheninja: a lot of people, it's hard to keep track. i'd look at the activity on github.com/ipfs
<whyrusleeping> jbenet: patch is ready to be looked at again
<jbenet> okay will get on it shortly-- handling notifs
<jbenet> cjb: hahaha that's a long time ago
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<sprintbot> Sprint Checkin! [whyrusleeping jbenet cryptix wking lgierth krl]
<whyrusleeping> oh cool, it worked
<lgierth> the sprint pad hasn't been made an issue yet right? so i can add to it
<wking> checkin: I responded to jbenet's feedback on go-ipfs#1291 and spun off the adder-spec into a version-controlled branch in #1321. No further progress on the Docker storage, but that's my main target at the moment
<whyrusleeping> sprint checkin: patched up the patch command pending CR, moved util.Key to key.Key
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<lgierth> checking: i'm getting familiar with the gateway infrastructure, getting ansible to work, taking care of leaking docker containers
<lgierth> lol
<lgierth> checkin: i'm getting familiar with the gateway infrastructure, getting ansible to work, taking care of leaking docker containers
<jbenet> thanks sprintbot! -- I'm working on pushing out interfaces and wire specs for node-ipfs interop, code reviewing things, and lots of admin stuff. -- yesterday CRed and merged various things in prep for next release (we should cut that today or tomorrow), wrote up/prepped issues, and met with node-ipfs team and kbala about bitswap ml
<wking> There's also some discssion on the command-line resolver API (go-ipfs#1320, which I think depends on further spec clarification in go-ipfs#1307)
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<whyrusleeping> i think 1320 is RFM
<whyrusleeping> after tests get pushed
<jbenet> wking: ok awesome. it's getting a bit hard for me to keep track of various things so if i don't respond within 12 hrs, either just ping me again or assign issues to me, or use https://github.com/jbenet/todo/issues
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<jbenet> btw, palo alto has an asymmetrically secure coffeeshop: http://www.coupacafe.com/wp-content/gallery/palo-alto/coupa_cafe_palo_alto_1_0.jpg
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* Bioblaze shivers.... "I had to fix a Avacado Factory`s Sorting/Packing/Weighting System @.@" *Remembers the Smell, and Just shivers*
<daviddias> awesome, thank you for putting time on specs for node-ipfs jbenet :) keep me posted as you go
<Bioblaze> Nice Coffee Shop <3
<daviddias> oh, so just learned about "multiplex" goal in this issue in your todo repo - https://github.com/jbenet/todo/issues/5
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<jbenet> daviddias sorry that tood is outdated, sec
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<daviddias> will we push that or spdy?
<daviddias> ah got it :)
<jbenet> daviddias i think spdy is easier because there are impls in both go and node
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<jbenet> we _could_ implement node-multiplex in go, but not sure we have the bandwidth to
<daviddias> spdy will also have greater support by the community in the long term
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<jbenet> right
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<jbenet> ogd take a look at http://ubjson.org -- think you'd like it.
<jbenet> it doesn't solve the "replicates schema everywhere" but i think that's one pbs hack away.
<daviddias> have you talked with whyrusleeping on picking spdy implementation? Jeromy was telling me today about some deadlock issues on go-spdystream
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<jbenet> yeah spdystream has an issue: https://github.com/jbenet/go-peerstream/pull/9
<Tv`> jbenet: fwiw if you're willing to live with field names everywhere, msgpack and specifically https://github.com/philhofer/msgp is *really* hard to beat
<jbenet> Tv` oh awesome i was looking for something like msgp!
<jbenet> (code gen)
<jbenet> Tv` the names arent a problem because we can hack them out, replace them with tags like in protobuf and have the first message include a reference to its spec, which maps tags to names.
<Tv`> eh, eww
<Tv`> at that point, why reinvent the wheel
<Tv`> i would love to have a codegenned fast avro marshaling lib
<jbenet> https://github.com/alecthomas/go_serialization_benchmarks is interesting, they dont show capnp
<Tv`> the format sounds fairly sane, and does pretty much exactly that; you agree on a schema up front
<Tv`> jbenet: i've benchmarked (the go lib for) capnp and was both disappointed in performance and horrified by the api
<Tv`> capnp boasts "infinitely fast unmarshaling" but that lie crumbles as soon as you actually access the fields
<jbenet> in c++ it's true. not anywhere else
<Tv`> and the construct/access api is just horrible
<Tv`> well it's "true" in the sense that there's no real unmarshal step
<Tv`> it just stays a []byte
<jbenet> in c++ they made it access the actual fields directly from the serialized memory.
<jbenet> and have casting work right
<Tv`> the huge downside is that accessing the fields is miserable
<jbenet> but this is infeasible to get working on every language
<jbenet> (because memory layouts are different)
<jbenet> manu bson-ld ubjson-ld or something like it is easily doable. i'll send you a better doc at some point, but we can have 1:1 json (and json-ld) interop for full machine readability, content addressing, and human-friendliness (1:1 json mapping, so can always print out a wire format in json
<jbenet> manu maybe this time next year the rifts between human-readability, linked-data, and fast-wire-formats will be patched.
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<jbenet> manu self-describing wire protocol (that does not require fetching from the network) is the last thing missing, and we can get that with content addressing.
* manu reading backlog, jbenet
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<tperson> What timezone is krl in?
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<tperson> whois krl
<manu> jbenet: I'm missing some context - re: bson-ld - sounds good, understand and we were theorizing the same sort of thing
<manu> jbenet: good to know you agree - was this in response to a question I had asked previously (that I have now completely forgotten :P)
<manu> jbenet: also, how'd your meetings at MIT/W3C and Ripple go? Hopefully helpful?
<manu> jbenet: also, we're starting to finish up the first pass for the Credentials storage/retrieval system: https://github.com/digitalbazaar/authorization.io
<jbenet> manu bson is not good. ubjson is much better (has both length prefixed and streaming support, and is 1:1 json (bson is not, has a bunch of mongo-specific stuff). I'll make a short doc comparing them (and others) later
<whyrusleeping> tperson: krl is GMT + 2
<whyrusleeping> (our time + 9)
<manu> jbenet: not much there to look at for you, but we've abstracted the "decentralized storage" bits so we can make progress on the non-storage portions of the protocol.
<jbenet> manu not a response to question but figured it was something you have been thinking about too :)
<manu> jbenet: re: ubjson - good to know, we'll focus on that if we have to use binary JSON formats.
<jbenet> manu meetings went great!! Thanks so much for intros and will follow up with you re results. In part w3c one opened a good channel
<manu> jbenet: glad it opened a channel for you :)
<jbenet> manu cool will take a look at identity creds stuff later this week
<jbenet> manu: will write more on the doc but ubjson is a bit under-supported because of lack of use. It's the better format though and that sort of tools are not hard to write
<manu> jbenet: don't yet - I'll let you know when we have something better for you to look at - probably in 2 weeks
<manu> jbenet: I don't want you to waste your time trying to piece stuff together
<jbenet> manu: ok sounds good!
<manu> we haven't had time to document properly, most of the good stuff exists in code and isn't easy to navigate.
<jbenet> manu haha thanks appreciate that
<jbenet> manu story of all our lives :)
<manu> haha, yeah - tell me about it :P
<jbenet> tperson: though note that krl has sleep patterns independent of solar hegemony like me
<manu> jbenet: ah, found it - this is really the only thing I wanted you to see - https://github.com/digitalbazaar/authorization.io/blob/master/tests/lib/idp.js#L27
<manu> jbenet: those are the sorts of documents we'd want to store in the decentralized storage solution
<manu> they're basically a "decentralized identity document"
<whyrusleeping> jbenet: i have the sinking feeling one of my commits from a bitswap PR got dropped somewhere...
<jbenet> whyrusleeping: oh uh. Not so good
<manu> they tell you where a particular DID (decentralized identifier) can be access via the Web.
<manu> s/access/accessed/
<manu> 'accessControl' says which other 'identities' and keys can update the decentralized document
<manu> 'publicKey' says which public keys are associated with the decentralized ID.
<jbenet> manu that looks good to me!
<manu> jbenet: in any case - I'll be able to show you more in a few weeks - mostly to demonstrate the flow of how this stuff works and where/how it hits the decentralized storage mechanism.
<jbenet> manu we need a similar thing. Great! Actually we should discuss making all of w3id.org content addressed
<jbenet> manu so that we can have specs that are authoritative and signed without having to hit an http endpoint to check
<whyrusleeping> jbenet: remember asking me to change the bitswap message from just New(bool) to NewFull and NewPartial ?
<jbenet> manu (ofc also want mutable pointers but having immutable ones possible is important in -LD land)
<whyrusleeping> that commit appears to no longer exist
<manu> jbenet: yep, that would be super helpful (also, will need a fallback/forward to http - because not using it makes people nervous :P)
<whyrusleeping> and also i think a bug i had addressed in that same timeframe is back...
<jbenet> whyrusleeping: damn. Does GitHub have a reflog?
<whyrusleeping> i dont know
<manu> in any case - gotta run - but excited about the stuff I've seen coming out of IPFS lately - I read the backlog in this channel from time to time.
* manu afks.
<grawity> it does, but generally not accessible to users
* whyrusleeping grumbles about stupid rebasing
<grawity> though don't you have a reflog yourself
<jbenet> manu: thanks! See you around!
<jbenet> whyrusleeping: :/ sorry prob my fault.
<jbenet> whyrusleeping: what bitswap pr? And irc has the reflog worst case (thanks ipfsbot)
<whyrusleeping> :/ i dont even remember what PR that was...
<whyrusleeping> i think maybe 'bitswap-speed' ?
<whyrusleeping> nope
<whyrusleeping> not that one
<jbenet> bbiab
<wking> whyrusleeping: #1218 (says notmuch looking for "NewPartial"
<wking> )
<wking> so branch "refactor/bitswap"
<whyrusleeping> wking: thanks
<wking> np
<whyrusleeping> jbenet: git command to diff against the point where a branch diverged from master?
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<whyrusleeping> jbenet: okay, my local commit for that branch is 7f3bb79b7e50d91a192def8e85e0d560888f9179
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<whyrusleeping> jbenet: halp
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* whyrusleeping gives up hope
* whyrusleeping decides to become a blueberry farmer instead of a programmer
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<whyrusleeping> Tv`: thoughts on having the flatfs datastore synchronize writes to disk?
<whyrusleeping> my cpu load goes to the moon whenever i'm doing a large request because we have so many different threads waiting on disk IO
<Tv`> whyrusleeping: a better api would be something with a concept of a batch
<Tv`> whyrusleeping: but that's an api change
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<Tv`> whyrusleeping: invisibly, it could do a thing where multiple near-concurrent puts have their dir syncs combined, but that requires a *concurrent* workload, which ipfs add probably isn't currently
<Tv`> (also, a good kernel fs will do that combining anyway)
<Tv`> what you're describing sounds like a classic extN design wart
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<Tv`> p.s. larger objects would work better (guess why bazil is tuned that way ;)
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<barnacs> speaking of which, i still need volunteers to test concurrent add :/
<jbenet> whyrusleeping: sorry in transit. git cherry and derivatives?
<jbenet> whyrusleeping: no that's commit based. Some diff thing
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<whyrusleeping> jbenet: oh well, i dont think that caused the bug i'm seeing...
<whyrusleeping> it works if i revert to the merge commit from that PR
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<jbenet> whyrusleeping: we should get a list of missing commits though
<whyrusleeping> i dont think any are missing, i just think you ate a commit that i rebased/ammended
<whyrusleeping> Tv`: 'ipfs add' isnt concurrent, but 'ipfs get/cat/refs' all are
<whyrusleeping> anything coming in from the network is concurrent
<whyrusleeping> barnacs: did you file a PR?
<whyrusleeping> cryptix: according to git bisect, your godeps update broke bitswap >.>
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<Tv`> whyrusleeping: but those ipfs get etc aren't writes, only add or pin are, riight?
<whyrusleeping> no, they all write to disk
<whyrusleeping> every time get get a block we put it to the disk so its cached until the next gc
<Tv`> ah ok
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<barnacs> whyrusleeping: no PR yet, it's nowhere near ready to be merged and i don't want to pollute PRs with such things. would that help to get it benchmarked by people?
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<barnacs> for all i know it might even make performance worse with different os/filesystem/physical storage setups
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<whyrusleeping> barnacs: no harm in filing a PR. it makes it easier for people to test and report their findings
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<whyrusleeping> jbenet: ping
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<kyledrake> Is it possible to distinguish between an IPFS and IPNS hash?
<whyrusleeping> kyledrake: nope
<kyledrake> Interesting.
<whyrusleeping> an ipns hash is just the hash of a public key
<whyrusleeping> so in ipfs, it would point to the public key
<kyledrake> right.
<whyrusleeping> (currently doesnt because we dont store public keys in ipfs yet)
<kyledrake> I was thinking of making building a proxy that uses subdomains of hashes to deal with the Origin issue
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<whyrusleeping> subdomains? like <hash>.ipfs.io?
<kyledrake> right.
<whyrusleeping> that would be neat
<whyrusleeping> it would upset jbenet
<whyrusleeping> but its a cool idea IMO
<tperson> lol
<kyledrake> It's not really a choice. I can't safely serve up sites with the same origin policy
<whyrusleeping> hrmmm
<whyrusleeping> is there an issue filed for this?
<kyledrake> Not that I'm aware of.
<tperson> So you want <peer>.domain?
<kyledrake> Going domain.com/ipfs/* means that any site you load can mess with the cookies on that domain
<tperson> ah
<kyledrake> Neocities would look more like Mad Max without this policy in place :)
<tperson> Where do you need to distinguish ipfs vs ipns?
* whyrusleeping doesnt see anything wrong with mad max
<kyledrake> lol
<kyledrake> tperson if I wanted to do HASH.domain.io, i would need to know which to route it to.
<kyledrake> Or try both, I guess.
<kyledrake> The other solution is of course to use the TXT record. BTW that's going to be a problem too, the TXT record is usually used for SPF filtering for mail servers.
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<tperson> SO you want to support <directory-hash>.domain.io, as well as <peer-id>.domain.io?
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<kyledrake> The alternative would be to do something like <directory-hash>.ipfs.domain.io and <peer-id>.ipns.domain.io, but wildcard certs don't sub-sub domain like that.
<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] whyrusleeping created revert-godeps-update (+1 new commit): http://git.io/vk5aG
<ipfsbot> go-ipfs/revert-godeps-update 546415b Jeromy: Revert "godeps: update everything to master"...
<kyledrake> So you lose your SSL capabilities then.
<whyrusleeping> kyledrake: a hack could be <hash>-ip[nf]s.domain.io
<kyledrake> that would work, yeah.
<wking> kyledrake: you can have two TXT records (one for SPF and another for a DNS-link) on the same domain.
<wking> and I'd prefer ip[fn]s-<hash>.domain.io to be more obviously similar to /ip[fn]s/<hash>
<kyledrake> wking A lot of DNS SaaS doesn't allow that, including AWS.
<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] whyrusleeping opened pull request #1323: Revert "godeps: update everything to master" (master...revert-godeps-update) http://git.io/vk5wk
<kyledrake> Wasteland, indeed. ;)
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<tperson> kyledrake: Are you sure you can't have multiple? I think you just have to set them all at once (you can pass mutiple values)
<wking> kyledrake: RFC 4408 also clearly discusses how to handle multiple TXT records (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4408#section-4.5), so if your DNS-provider doesn't support it, I think that's just on you to get a better DNS provider
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<wking> ^ for SPF
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<whyrusleeping> jbenet: youre not allowed to not be on irc
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<rht_> whyrusleeping: tried swapping crypto/rand with math/rand. no noticeable change in both test_go_expensive and test_sharness_expensive. I did swap everything else except for rsa.go and key.go (perhaps they are the main bottleneck?). a deterministic math/rand-based rand.Reader will be a planned feature however, ref: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/8330
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<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] whyrusleeping created proto-fix (+2 new commits): http://git.io/vk59M
<ipfsbot> go-ipfs/proto-fix 20d3c63 Juan Batiz-Benet: remove msgio double wrap...
<ipfsbot> go-ipfs/proto-fix fe9ad4b Jeromy: buffer msgio
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<lgierth> wow that was annoying #funwithpython
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<kyledrake> pin requests: QmcKi2ae3uGb1kBg1yBpsuwoVqfmcByNdMiZ2pukxyLWD8 QmZwebpGTFPRTaab9t5Y5JuwrbuzCzqWLwdeUGDR8N3hn8
<tperson> !pin QmcKi2ae3uGb1kBg1yBpsuwoVqfmcByNdMiZ2pukxyLWD8
<pinbot> now pinning QmcKi2ae3uGb1kBg1yBpsuwoVqfmcByNdMiZ2pukxyLWD8
<pinbot> pin QmcKi2ae3uGb1kBg1yBpsuwoVqfmcByNdMiZ2pukxyLWD8 successful!
<tperson> !pin QmZwebpGTFPRTaab9t5Y5JuwrbuzCzqWLwdeUGDR8N3hn8
<pinbot> now pinning QmZwebpGTFPRTaab9t5Y5JuwrbuzCzqWLwdeUGDR8N3hn8
<pinbot> pin QmZwebpGTFPRTaab9t5Y5JuwrbuzCzqWLwdeUGDR8N3hn8 successful!
<kyledrake> thx
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<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] barnacs opened pull request #1324: experimental concurrent add (master...experimental/add-pipeline) http://git.io/vk5d5
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<whyrusleeping> tcp over wifi is shitty
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<whyrusleeping> barnacs: that PR makes add *fly*
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<barnacs> whyrusleeping: awesome
<barnacs> are you using an ssd?
<whyrusleeping> barnacs: if you could rebase that on top of our latest master, that would be awesome
<whyrusleeping> yeah, i have an ssd, 800MB/s r/w
<whyrusleeping> can try it on my raid6 array
<barnacs> the more info the better; i really don't know how different setups handle having a lot of concurrent writes thrown at them
<barnacs> hmm i will rebase it, though it looks like it conflicts with some pin callback changes
<whyrusleeping> i think the concurrent writes help less than just breaking up the different actions
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