<lopex> chrisseaton: does graal offer more than jvm ?
<headius> I haven't rigged anything up to repair them or provide a slow-path escape that doesn't deopt though
<chrisseaton> lopex: that's a big question - it offers a new dynamic compiler, and a framework to make using that compiler easier
<headius> as it is now they might fall into failure case if the same site has to handle cross-thread events more than 1000 times
<lopex> headius: wrt, beer theres big and long running misconception about americane beers in europe, did you know ?
<headius> there's a ton of room for better mapping of call sites
<headius> lopex: oh, I'm sure...nobody believes we have good beer even today
<chrisseaton> headius: do you use a SwitchPoint now? I saw pendingInterruptQueueChecked - it looks like an explicit flag check
<lopex> chrisseaton: I guess it's from the 1:1 dogma ?
<chrisseaton> lopex: sorry I don't know what that means
<lopex> chrisseaton: jvm thread / system thread
<headius> chrisseaton: in indy mode, yes...non-indy has to do a volatile field check for every call or backward branch
<headius> those polling sites are so lightweight, though I may use indy all the time for them
<lopex> headius: now I know I've been wrong for so many years (wrt beer)
<chrisseaton> headius: can you point me at the code? I can't find it in the code paths
<lopex> headius: I have a beer store (400 kind) under my nose now
<headius> lopex: you've had a chance to try some good American beers?
<chrisseaton> headius: I'm looking at interrupt in RubyThread for example
<headius> lopex: oh, that's excellent
<headius> chrisseaton: sec
<lopex> headius: mostly American hop polish beers
<headius> chrisseaton: IRBytecodeAdapter7.checkpoint emits the indy site
<lopex> headius: and I'll dully admit, Americans beers RULE
<lopex> headius: but it's mostly hops
<headius> on the other side the site binds to a global SwitchPoint with the fail case doing a poll for thread events
<headius> lopex: very hop heavy for sure
<headius> our german friends had some difficulty... "This doesn't even taste like beer!"
<lopex> headius: American double IPA is my kind
<headius> chrisseaton: basically the switchpoint just reduces the cost of polling to a safepoint
<lopex> sometimes it's calle imperial
<lopex> *called
<headius> *most* code out there doesn't use thread events because they're so unpredictable...usually it's at a server level for shutdown, etc
<chrisseaton> headius: you say 'reduces' - does something cause you to think it doesn't compile to nothing in the end?
<headius> lopex: yeah, for American beers, sometimes imperial means more alcohol and sometimes it means more hops
<lopex> headius: not just hop heavy, American hops alone are just the ones to go for
<headius> or both
<lopex> headius: but yeah, I like heavy hopped
<headius> I love a good double/imperial IPA too
<lopex> headius: \o/
<headius> chrisseaton: well, it compiles to a safepoint :-)
<lopex> headius: just look at the polish version http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/alebrowar-crazy-mike/268632/
<chrisseaton> headius: the safepoints are already there from the GC - I think this will simply add a dependency - which doesn't modify the code
<lopex> headius: one of those
<lopex> headius: 100 ibu etc
<headius> chrisseaton: well, we will end up emitting more of them, but yeah, JVM should be able to coarsen and move things around
<chrisseaton> headius: I'm writing something on this stuff at the moment - I'll keep you in the loop and give you a look look
<headius> my main concern at this point is that it's still a global safepoint, so it kills all sites when you have to send an event across threads
<chrisseaton> yeah
<headius> but I'm not sure how else to do it
<headius> it could trigger at any of those polling sites
<lopex> you mean deopt granularity ?
<headius> I have not watched the assembly to see how it evolves in the presence of events
<headius> lopex: right
<headius> oh I just had one idea
<headius> per-thread SwitchPoint
<headius> that would at least reduce it to the code that thread is running
<lopex> that would require some machinery
<headius> oh, but I can't do that either because another thread could run the same code
<headius> bother
<headius> yeah, I have not been able to figure out how to keep it from being a global hit
<chrisseaton> you say that you emit more safepoints - I don't think that's how it works - safepoints get put in the same place every time - using a SwitchPoint doesn't add a new one, it will use the existing ones - so your use of a SwitchPoint here should theoretically produce the same machine code and should be zero-overhead
<headius> chrisseaton: we can certainly confirm that :-)
<chrisseaton> but not sure in practice - recording the state for deoptimization may interfere in some way
<headius> that's why I figured it would need more...it has to be able to branch from any of the specified sites into the interpreter
<chrisseaton> thanks for that pointing out how you're doing it though - very helpful
<headius> and if it can't see through side effects in the intervening code...
<lopex> chrisseaton: you have an idea how truffle manages in js cases like class schemes etc ?
<lopex> I guess it resembles ruby ivar cases right ?
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<chrisseaton> lopex: there's a paper on that - http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2647517 - pay wall I'm afraid but I can send you a pre-print - PM me if you want it
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<lopex> chrisseaton: just a genuine curiosity after reading some v8 and MS papers
<chrisseaton> we use a hidden-shape system - similar to V8
<lopex> chrisseaton: MS impl is quite far away too
<lopex> ah
<lopex> well, I mean quite advanced
<lopex> chrisseaton: does jruby-truffle benefit from taht ?
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<chrisseaton> JRuby+Truffle currently has a much simpler version
<lopex> due to semantics ?
<lopex> headius: anyways, US beers rock!
<lopex> headius: and stupid europe wants to go blind
<lopex> headius: you know you have 3000 breweries ?
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<chrisseaton> lopex: it's just older - we'll use the new Truffle one at some point
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<chrisseaton> headius: do you want to stop talking about 9k now that we're 9.0? Or are we keeping the shorthand?
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<headius> lopex: I'm not surprised...there's a new one in my area every other week it seems
<lopex> chrisseaton: will the js-truffle impl land under OracleLabs ?
<headius> chrisseaton: nah, 9k sounds fun :-)
<headius> it's all just numbers anyway
<chrisseaton> lopex: no plan for that at the moment as far as I know - but you know you can get a JS binary now? http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/oracle-labs/program-languages/overview/index-2301583.html
<lopex> box instruction
<headius> yeah you have to be super explicit in CIL
<lopex> .maxstack 2
<lopex> yeah
<headius> the "JIT" does no profiled optimization, so you have to be explicit
<lopex> but the details are interesting too
<lopex> on jvm oyu just aload ets
<lopex> etc
<lopex> but the verifier fails o jvm too
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<chrisseaton> headius: when you switch to 9.0 we seemed to get the tautologous dev-SNAPSHOT again - it should just be SNAPSHOT right?
<headius> chrisseaton: unsure... when we do preview release it's not going to be a snapshot, it will be or something
<headius> or .pre1 or whatever.. which will be .pre1-SNAPSHOT until we release it
<chrisseaton> ok I'll leave it then as it will change at some point soon anyway
<headius> yeah
<headius> once it's fully released it will just be 9.x.x.x-SNAPSHOT at any given time though
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<lopex> headius: you have an idea to integrate StringUitls and encoding apis ?
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<lopex> er, StringSupport
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<headius> yeah ideally we'd move more and more of the encoding/transcoding support code out of JRuby
<headius> into ByteList + jcodings
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<lopex> headius: not bytelist please :)
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<lopex> but it's just a dep issue
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<lopex> joni still doest depend on bytelist right ?
<lopex> *doesnt
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<headius> neither of them do
<headius> putting stuff in bytelist makes sense if we want to move CR there
<headius> anything we can do to simplify RubyString would be welcome :-)
<lopex> what about other ocnsumers ?
<lopex> I know bytelist is small but...
<headius> other consumers?
<lopex> the CR thing si gross
<headius> it is
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<headius> well, it's mostly gross...it does a decent job of keeping 7-bit from having to do full MBC logic
<headius> but yeah
<lopex> headius: what if joni depends on too many things
<headius> well, joni wouldn't have to depend on bytelist
<chrisseaton> ByteList being separate has been a godsend for Truffle - more separation like that is extremely helpful
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<headius> mostly thinking about CR logic moving into ByteList so it's not sprinkled all over RubyString and other classes
<lopex> chrisseaton: but there's been calls for join to depends onit
<lopex> *joni
<headius> I don't think that needs to happen, really
<headius> nor jcodings depending on bytelist
<lopex> yeah
<lopex> that's my main point
<headius> sure, no problem
<lopex> Fwell, not religious :)
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<headius> bbl
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<JRubyGithub> jruby/truffle-head 41a6379 Chris Seaton: Merge branch 'master' into truffle-head
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<headius> rtyler: yeah, that's the project I've been neglecting to finish 9k
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<rtyler> headius: nuh-uh
<rtyler> that sounds like something more up chrisseaton's alley :P
* rtyler wonders if two parts of Oracle are competing with one another
<chrisseaton> they're product, we're research, that's the difference
<rtyler> ah
<chrisseaton> we have very different constraints and goals
* rtyler nods
<rtyler> it's not unprecedented for Oracle to pit teams against one another
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<rtyler> I wish javafx had some widget toolkits that were around that weren't ridiculous
<rtyler> fxml + jruby would be interesting
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<headius> rtyler: enebo and nahi have worked on JRubyFX a bit, plus some others
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<rtyler> I've found myself in a burrow with raw SWT for now
<rtyler> I'm not sure how I feel about it
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<headius> it is an option :-)
<rtyler> both shoes4 and swt.gem make a boatload of assumptions that don't work for me :(
<headius> I didn't know the swt gem did much more than namespacing the classes nicely
<rtyler> vendors some freakin' jars
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<headius> ahh right
<rtyler> it also kicks puppies
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<headius> I could overlook the jars, but seriously...puppies
<rtyler> yeah dude
<rtyler> being retarded and just using raw SWT might pay off
* rtyler shrugs
<rtyler> I just want to make a little image app damnit
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<rtyler> jruby way to call a java method foo.setSize(12, 23)?
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<Antiarc> is foo a Ruby object or Java object?
<rtyler> java object
<headius> no shortcut for that unfortunately
<Antiarc> you should be able to get foo (in jruby, wrapped as a RubyObject), then foo.to_java.setSize(12, 23)
<Antiarc> unless I misunderstand
<rtyler> you do :P
<rtyler> setProperty style mappings that JRuby does
<rtyler> but at least I'm rendering things http://strongspace.com/rtyler/public/jruby-swt-experimenting.png
<headius> no really good way to hvae an attr accessor that takes two values unless it's []=
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<rtyler> using pry from within a jruby app to futz with things is neato
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<Antiarc> headius: in 2.2.0, 2.1f.object_id == 2.1f.object_id, whereas in jruby, each new float results in a new object. Is that intentional?
<Antiarc> (where 2.1f is a float, not literally 2.1f)
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/deG2gw
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master f0ef342 Charles Oliver Nutter: Install 1.7's indy ivar binding, with reification support.
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<headius> Antiarc: MRI started using tagged pointers for floats recently, which means they are idempotent like fixnums
<Antiarc> ah, okay
<Antiarc> The objectids for true and nil changed in 2.2.0, too
<headius> we could emulate that if it becomes necessary, but we still create objects for floats
<Antiarc> 2.0.0 I guess
<headius> that's interesting
<Antiarc> "This is a technique for speeding up floating point calculations on 64 bit machines by using immediate values for some floating point vales, similar to using Fixnums for integers. The pattern for Flonums is ...xxxx xx10 (i.e. the last two bits are 10, where for fixnums the last bit is 1). The object_ids of other immediate values have been changed to accomodate this change."
<headius> nice description
<headius> it has never been clear to me how important it is to match those object IDs
<Antiarc> In the RubyBasicObject constructor, I've added this.setFrozen(this.isImmediate()); -- is this acceptable overhead, or should I manually assign the frozen flag for known immediate values?
<headius> but we have generally done so
<Antiarc> (working on TestObject#test_freeze_immediate, for reference)
<Antiarc> Fixnum/Bool/nil, really
<headius> probably should do in each
<Antiarc> I guess it's better to do it in each
<Antiarc> yeah
<headius> hmmm
<headius> are all numerics frozen now?
<Antiarc> 1.23.frozen? => true in 2.2.0
<Antiarc> but the test only covers fixnums
<Antiarc> Bigdecimals are not frozen
<Antiarc> haven't tested rationals yet
<headius> complex isn't
<headius> that seems wrong
<Antiarc> Rational(4, 6).frozen? => false
<headius> nor BigDecimal
<headius> oh, I did 1.0r and that was true
<Antiarc> Looks like just floats, maybe a side effect of their tagging?
<headius> recentish trunk build
<Antiarc> Ah, I'm behind
<Antiarc> I'm running preview1
<headius> well, still...it seems like all the core numeric types should be implicitly frozen
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<headius> anyway...that's another debate
<Antiarc> Yeah, but can't do it in RubyNumeric because of BigDecimal. Bleh
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<Antiarc> undef_method(:method_missing) can actually remove it from a class, so calling Bar.undef_method :method_missing; Bar.new.method_missing => NoMethodError. What's the right way to handle that?
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<Antiarc> Perhaps if trying to undef method_missing, just remove it instead?
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<lopex> no more ivars for Fixnum ?
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<headius> lopex: oh really?
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<lopex> headius: no, I just wondered that if they're frozen then ivars dont make much sense for them
<lopex> ...then
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<headius> lopex: oh, duh, of course
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<lopex> headius: and that allows some cheating for optz I guess
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<headius> lopex: they used a separate table for ivars anyway though, so I don't know what more they get out of it
<headius> Antiarc: there's one failure in rake:spec:fast for Range#max
<headius> maybe you want to take a crack at it before I do
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] enebo pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/0FmcPQ
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master c0969d5 Thomas E. Enebo: No block params should ever be null
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 34173fd Thomas E. Enebo: Derp merge
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<lopex> headius: yeah, and as never cleaned up
<lopex> * it was never
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<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 2457421 Thomas E. Enebo: Trivial single line conditional with no {}. Made into one-liner
<JRubyGithub> [jruby] enebo pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/XPgZTw
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<nirvdrum> It's official. I'm joining Oracle Labs to work on Truffle-backed JRuby.
<headius> wow, welcome to the team :-)
<nirvdrum> Thanks.
<nirvdrum> It'll be a bit weird not working for myself anymore. But I think it'll be a welcomed change.
<nirvdrum> I'll get to harass enebo full time now.
<enebo> nirvdrum: woot
<enebo> hah…Oracle labs has mot FTE’s on JRuby than on the curret JRuby core now :)
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:9e383f2 by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build was canceled. (http://travis-ci.org/jruby/jruby/builds/40554503)
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<nirvdrum> Unfortunately, the timing was such that I couldn't get a RubyConf ticket before they sold out, so I won't be able to join you guys next week.
<enebo> nirvdrum: ruby-talk generally has some tickets pop up
<nirvdrum> I didn't fully understand the process, but I think tickets became non-transferable after 10/31. The only way to get one is to get on the RubyCentral waiting list.
<nirvdrum> At least that's my understanding.
<enebo> oh … must have been a problem at some point
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<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 6140817 Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] Kernel#pretty_inspect should call #inspect rather than #to_s....
<JRubyGithub> [jruby] eregon pushed 3 new commits to master: http://git.io/9xO9Lg
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 9c70781 Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] Use LexicalScope.NONE for readibility and flexibility.
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 15b169b Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] Fix module/class constructors so they automatically set the constant in the lexical parent....
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<headius> chrisseaton: can you give me the short version of how you reify instance variables into different shape objects right now?
<headius> I have a flag in standard JRuby to do that using a pre-created set of 10 classes (0-10 ivars), by inspecting the method hierarchy for possible ivars
<headius> I believe Rubinius does something similar, but I've never made this code live
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<headius> nirvdrum: one big area enebo and I both want to see more work on is sharing between jruby proper and jruby truffle
<headius> some of that will come in the form of moving code to Ruby, which we want for both Truffle and IR
<enebo> nirvdrum: For IR we want to selectively load Ruby versions for JIT but likely continue using Java ones for interp
<enebo> nirvdrum: Eventually hopefully Java versions can go away but startup is affected quite a bit from loading Ruby
<headius> exciting times :-)
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<nirvdrum> enebo: Well, if you want faster startup times, we should really discuss the require semantics :-)
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<enebo> nirvdrum: yeah startup time anyway we can get it
<enebo> nirvdrum: I know require semantics are a large chunk
<nirvdrum> A very large chunk.
<enebo> nirvdrum: I hope you have some more time to look at stuff like that in addition to pure Truffle code
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<nirvdrum> That's up to chrisseaton :-) But I suspect that won't be a problem.
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:34173fd by Thomas E. Enebo): The build is still failing. (http://travis-ci.org/jruby/jruby/builds/40555186)
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<nirvdrum> enebo: But some of this stuff you and headius would have to buy into. E.g., we've tossed around the idea of needing a flag to add .class file scanning during require.
<enebo> nirvdrum: Interestingly I wonder if we can delineate when we do that?
<chrisseaton> headius: hi
<enebo> nirvdrum: Like perhaps for jruby-complete we need to do it from front of Ruby.init() but for normal jruby perhaps we enable it after kernel
<nirvdrum> As far as I can tell, it's only needed for AOTC stuff. .class files in JARs should just be picked up from the classpath.
<enebo> nirvdrum: ah true
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<nirvdrum> enebo: And getting to the bottom of why .jar.rb is a specially-handled case. I guess I need to grab donV whenever he shows up.
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<enebo> nirvdrum: hmm perhaps we need require_class and then AOTC generates an empty wrapper containing that
<chrisseaton> headius: there's a shape object that maps names to either primitive fields or array elements. every object has a shape. when you add or remove an instance variable, or change the type, you get a new shape and the arrays are reallocated if needed
<enebo> nirvdrum: Actually that idea is not too unreasonable
<nirvdrum> enebo: And all of this is to satisfy transparent lookup when doing "require 'x'". "require 'x.class'" would work in either case.
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<nirvdrum> Cutting down the suffix list would cut out a lot of the FS accesses my crazy load service PR was addressing.
<chrisseaton> headius: I don't currently look at the number of statically visible instance variables - but that's mainly just a philosophy thing - I don't do static optimisations in JRuby+Truffle if I can possibly avoid it, for simplicity
<enebo> nirvdrum: Well perhaps we should consider changing the requirement for 9000? I am not so against some of these early decisions
<headius> chrisseaton: so the type shape changes but the active object does not...but when you go to allocate a new instance that shape is used to determine which one to use
<enebo> nirvdrum: It is a major version and we have not put out a preview release. I am just trying to think of impact to existing users vs balance of improvement to general experiene
<headius> sure...it wouldn't be difficult for what I have now to work lazily and subsequent objects would reify variables we've actually seen
<chrisseaton> headius: I think currently we try to force all instances of an object so share the same shape, but our new implementation (not yet released) treats every instance on its own, and performs much better
<nirvdrum> enebo: Yeah, I was trying to force it before 9k is released. It seemes this represents a good opportunity to revisit some sins of the past :-)
<chrisseaton> instances of a class I mean
<headius> my "shape" only involves the names and offsets of ivars, but it's there in the table of ivars
<enebo> .class is pretty exceptional case but I think having a .rb shim as part of AOT could make removing it backwards compat by having them run jrubyc with —shim (just made up the option for sake of migration argumnt)
<nirvdrum> enebo: The other one would be the service class lookup.
<chrisseaton> so every object starts out empty - the class doesn't inform the layout at all (in the new faster version)
<headius> ah...does the object reshape itself in memory on the fly?
<headius> obviously I'm limited in what I can do to in-flight objects
<chrisseaton> headius: no, there's some primitives and then an extension array, but we don't do any kind of class generation or things like that
<Aethenelle> headius: changing DynamicMethod#getImplementationClass to return implementationClass == null ? implementationClass : implementationClass.getMethodLocation();
<chrisseaton> headius: I guess you're worried about indirection - you want actual fields in your RubyBaiscObject instances, right?
<headius> Aethenelle: that *seems* ok :-)
<Aethenelle> fixes the one error but creates a different one
<headius> chrisseaton: indirection and allocation; that array is a whole extra object to hassle with
<enebo> Aethenelle: you have to have a typo there :)
<enebo> != null is what you have?
<Aethenelle> nope ==
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<headius> Aethenelle: do you know why it fixes the error?
<headius> enebo: if it's null he wants to return it
<chrisseaton> headius: well in our new version we have our RubyBasicObject, then we have a DynamicObject as field in that, then instance variables go in fields in that, or in an extension array, so up to three levels of indirection, and it's still faster than what we have currently, as the shape system is more sophisticated
<chrisseaton> headius: so the indirection isn't the key problem
<headius> but we really should figure out if that can ever actually be null, and why
<enebo> ah :) heh
<enebo> I should have read the right side of that expression
<chrisseaton> headius: I can show you the object stuff in depth at RubyConf of course
<headius> chrisseaton: yeah, we should have some sessions while we're all there
<headius> a separate DynamicObject inside the ruby object isn't really much different than having an array
<Aethenelle> it seems like te implementation class in the error is stale. I wanted to try putting it there because it would prevnt me from having to sprinkle getMethodLocation() all over the code, but it seems to mess up prepend_features somehow
<chrisseaton> yeah but then we have an array in the dynamic object as well
<headius> allocation rate should be similar
<enebo> headius: Aethenelle: yeah in which case is impl class null on method.
<enebo> For years we have had some of that logic but subbu killed a lot of that when he killed rubyclass field
<headius> chrisseaton: do all those objects fold away somewhere? because that's now two levels of indirection and one additional object
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<Aethenelle> enebo: headius: dunno, I didn't look into it... blindly adding getMEthodLocation there took the error count from 33/12 to 32/25
<chrisseaton> headius: if the root object escapes, then no they don't get folded - but the careful way we guard and type the reads gets us the performance back and more
<enebo> Aethenelle: ah curious which methods do it if not too big a problem
<enebo> Aethenelle: probably a single case
<headius> ok...my designs are influenced heavily by the lack of good EA so I have to meet JVM halfway...that means direct object fields
<headius> it works, and it definitely reduces alloc rates
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<Aethenelle> i think it's something like InterpretedIRMethod
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<chrisseaton> headius: and about doing more stuff in Ruby - the code we're importing from Rubinius is being carefully left unmodified, so it isn't being made Truffle specific and could be shared
<headius> with indy, the ivar access sites bind pretty much down to field accesses, and if EA was working they might fold away
<enebo> Aethenelle: well that is all Ruby loaded code
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<enebo> Aethenelle: which perhaps we don’t use the field any more
<Aethenelle> it gets used
<headius> chrisseaton: yeah we'll have to figure out how sharing that code will work, collaboration and licensing-wise
<enebo> Aethenelle: I mean from IR compiled code
<enebo> Aethenelle: e.g. pure-Ruby code
<Aethenelle> let me see if I can find one of the tests that failed to try...
<enebo> Aethenelle: We might use it for Java impld methods perhaps?
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<enebo> Aethenelle: I will take a quick peek also
<Aethenelle> it's used for super resolution among other things
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<enebo> we use it to invalidate cache hierarchies
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<enebo> but IR assumes it is non-null and is accessing the field directly so I think maybe this is a special case
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] eregon pushed 3 new commits to master: http://git.io/c2xwwQ
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master ecd9420 Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] Remove duplicated method.
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 0738040 Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] Add an alias and error on initialize_copy with different classes.
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 3037dce Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] Split Kernel#dup and #clone as they will differ.
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<Aethenelle> UndefinedMethod
<enebo> Aethenelle: ah hmm :)
<enebo> Aethenelle: not sure anything should be seeing that directly
<Aethenelle> populateInstanceMethodNames
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<Aethenelle> doesn't really matter... changing that line isn't the right thing to do anyway... creates other problems that are almost as bad... just seeing if it rings a bell or something liek that...
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<enebo> Aethenelle: Hmm UndefinedMethod I thought we just used as a singleton null object pattern. I know in the past we tried saving it to indicate cached nomethod but I did not think we were doing that anymore
<Aethenelle> enebo: it does get cached on lookup and it's used for method undef
<enebo> Aethenelle: ok. I guess I also forgot undef
<Aethenelle> ... which, now that i think about it, may mean there's a missing test for prepend ...
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<Aethenelle> hrmm.... MRI fails the test I would have written anyway...
<enebo> Aethenelle: Not to invite too much work but the abstraction for impl class I think is broken for this method.getImplementationClass() == smoe_type should really be method.isImplementedBy(some_type)
<enebo> Aethenelle: Then it is compatible with null object pattern we are using for UndefinedMethod
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/T9zbUA
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 77a71b8 Charles Oliver Nutter: Tag Range#max failure for now.
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<Aethenelle> enebo: I'll add that to the cleanup list...
<enebo> Aethenelle: thanks in advance :)
<Aethenelle> np, it's a pretty simple refactor... almost a regex even...
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<dfr|work> morning folks
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<headius> I can't reproduce that test:mri error from travis yet
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<rtyler> headius: Lookout is going to have #2017 and #2032 fixed for the 1.7.17 release, FYI
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<rtyler> do you know of any other jruby-complete or jruby-core/stdblib bugs that we should take on?
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<headius> rtyler: oh nice!
<headius> rtyler: issues with lots of comments that we haven't addressed are always good :-) hard to say top priorities without some auditing
<headius> there's always masked specs and tests to be filled out as well, but that's just a big grab-bag
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<Antiarc> headius: the MRI test suite has a test which verifies that implicit calls to respondTo? (via typecasting) pass the second "true" parameter, testing that it can see private methods. JRuby can see private methods, but doesn't pass "true" so the spec fails. In this case, is it better to make JRuby match MRI's behavior, or just exclude the test? I think it's a bad test in that it tests implementation rather than return values, personally
<Antiarc> But then you might have cases where people override respond_to? or something, maybe, and would want that boolean passed?
<headius> Antiarc: do they check arity of the target method and only pass it when it will not error, or something?
<headius> I don't see how you can pass that without breaking single-arg respond_to? impls everywhere
<Antiarc> They do check the arity (which needs a fix in JRuby)
<Antiarc> Right now it enforces 1..2 params, JRuby will accept 1..n
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<Antiarc> But I guess that's inbound
<Antiarc> I need to test what you're asking
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<Antiarc> yeah actually, that's what the test is testing
<Antiarc> when arity is 1, it doesn't pass the bool, but in the previous test, when arity is variable or 2, it passes method, bool
<Antiarc> So I guess jruby needs to match this behavior. Nevermind then :)
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<headius> yeah
<headius> sucks to have a damn arity check in the respond_to? path, but it is what it is
<headius> respond_to? and method_missing both need some serious invokedynamic love so they inline nicely
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<headius> Antiarc: I forget, are you on Linux or OS X?
<Antiarc> headius: Linux effectively
<headius> and you don't see that ioctl error from travis?
<Antiarc> Desktop is a Windows machine, but I'm working on a Fedora 19 install on my LAN via SMB/SSH
<headius> I can't reproduce so far on Ubuntu
<Antiarc> Nope, stuff runs fine, but I'm not running headless
<Antiarc> ie, I'm running the tests in a TTY
<headius> yeah it has to be something like that
<Antiarc> Hm, it works even when not running under a tty via ssh
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] headius closed issue #2146: Certificate problems installing gems from private gem server under Java 7 http://git.io/Aw_y7w
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:15b169b by Benoit Daloze): The build failed. (http://travis-ci.org/jruby/jruby/builds/40557500)
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<rtyler> headius: since I'm going to fund some jruby core development, how can we keep this organized? :/
<rtyler> labels?
<Antiarc> Man, this is weird. 2.2.0 allows me to define new methods on nil even though nil is frozen.
<headius> nil the object is frozen, but NilClass probably isn't
<headius> rtyler: yeah labels probably...I wish anyone could set them but if you're organizing folks to work on stuff we can give you access
<headius> are you going to be at RubyConf?
<rtyler> unfortunately not, I couldn't justify yet another business trip this month
<rtyler> I've had a trip the past two weeks
<Antiarc> ah good call
<rtyler> headius: I could just maintain a wiki page with links to Lookout sponsored work?
<rtyler> I don't know, I've already got to book keep this shit in our internal JIRA
<Antiarc> > nil.frozen? => true
<multibot_> <hint>:1:13: parse error on input ‘=>’
<Antiarc> > def nil.foo; end => :foo
<Antiarc> in MRI.
<multibot_> <hint>:1:12: parse error on input ‘;’
<Antiarc> but, > def ("foo.".freeze).test; end => RuntimeError: can't modify frozen object
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] headius closed issue #2107: Java exceptions on too many open files in 9k http://git.io/GhZhEg
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<headius> rtyler: yeah a wiki page would work too
<headius> you could also just have a lookout jruby fork with all access you want, and PR stuff back into mainline
<headius> maybe that would be the best option
<headius> we can have a wiki or something that links to known active forks with their own teams
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<headius> Antiarc: the last case needs to singletonize the object, which involves changing its metaclass...so that fails when the object is frozen
<Antiarc> ahhh. Okay, so nil probably works because it's a singleton, then
<headius> ahh yeah good point
<headius> $ rvm ruby-2.2 do ruby -e "p nil.singleton_class == nil.class"
<headius> true
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<Antiarc> https://gist.github.com/cheald/fcfdca12a0452925e933 - does that look like the right change?
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<Antiarc> IRRubytimeHelpers.checkClassForDef
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<headius> Rubytime
<headius> heh
<headius> Antiarc: hmm, well if the object is frozen, getSingletonClass should fire the frozen error
<headius> if it doesn't, that's where the bug is
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<headius> the mutation that fails is the lazy singleton class creation and assignment that happens in there
<Antiarc> Aha, okay
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<Antiarc> I've managed to un-exclude most of the Object tests so far. Should be able to PR a bunch of commits today.
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<headius> Antiarc: awesome!
<headius> I can't figure out what's up with this ioctl thing
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<headius> hmmm
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/_P254Q
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 0eff18b Charles Oliver Nutter: Fix travis filtering of download progress in maven.
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<headius> asarih: can you help me figure out why this thing fails only on travis?
<headius> the logic for the new test/unit hits io/console to get windows size, and it works on OS X 10.9, Ubuntu 14.04, but not on Travis in this configuration
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<Antiarc> Works on Fedora 19 too
<asarih> headius: looking
<asarih> what's that?
<asarih> Errno::EINVAL: Invalid argument - ioctl(TIOCGWINSZ) winsize at /home/travis/build/jruby/jruby/lib/ruby/stdlib/io/console.rb:120
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:3037dce by Benoit Daloze): The build is still failing. (http://travis-ci.org/jruby/jruby/builds/40561746)
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<headius> asarih: that's the problem
<headius> I've checked that the struct layout and the params are all correct for linux
<headius> and it works on local linux installs
<asarih> hmmm. I can give you a debug VM…
<headius> that would be very helpful
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] mkristian closed issue #1549: openssl issue with rails and installed default gems http://git.io/QsTA9A
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<headius> bbiab, snow
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<asarih> kk
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<Antiarc> headius: last night you said that rational was frozen in head - I just tested a head build and it doesn't appear to be. Can you doublecheck your install?
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<nirvdrum> headius: Dunno how helpful this is, but I saw a very similar error way back in the early 1.7 days and Wayne had some fix for it.
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<headius> qmx: I'm getting rid of the "JRuby Wiki" team on Github, since you're the only one in it and you're a committer too
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<rtyler> headius: OH, one other thing I wanted to discuss with you and enebo was jruby 1.7 backports
<rtyler> I'm wondering if there are performance or bug fixes in master that you guys have neglected to backport to 1.7 due to time constraints
<rtyler> we're going to have to support 1.7 internally for a while moving forward, and backports could/would be part of it
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<headius> nirvdrum: yeah that does seem somewhat relevant
<headius> I thought maybe the fileno was not getting pulled out properly for whatever stdio it's using, but when I gave it a totally bogus one the error's different
<enebo> rtyler: we might have missed some backports that are simple but some like IO are completely different code now
<headius> when we can't get a real fileno we map it to some bogus number > 10k
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<enebo> rtyler: same for most performance issues since it is a completely different runtime
<rtyler> right
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<enebo> rtyler: but let us know if we are missing something
<headius> yeah we have continued to do most behavioral fixes against 1.17
<enebo> rtyler: Our only caveat to backporting is solely risk
<headius> up until maybe a few weeks ago when Antiarc and I have been hacking on 2.2 behavior
<rtyler> that's fine by me, just wondering if I should expend time on it :)
<headius> with 9k coming along, we'd certainly appreciate help maintaining 1.7 line
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<enebo> rtyler: we would love it if time was spent on it. Personally, I predict 1.7 released until 2016
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<enebo> released=releases
<headius> yeah...maintaining it for another year is not unreasonable
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<headius> asarih: so, debug vm...show me how
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<headius> Antiarc: checking
<asarih> headius: send email to support@travis-ci.com, please.
<headius> looks like I'm 700 commits behind MRI trunk at the moment
<headius> asarih: can do
<asarih> Danke
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<rtyler> enebo: that wouldn't surprise me, the big thing that might make this challenging for me is whether we need to support many versions of the ruby language between 1.8, 1.9 and 2.x
<enebo> rtyler: Feels like if you are on 1.9.3 then 2.2 will not be a big deal
<enebo> rtyler: 1.8.7 is a much larger visible gap
<rtyler> yeahhh... :/
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<qmx> headius: okie dokie
<headius> rtyler: we have not had patches for 1.8 behavior come in for a very long time
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<headius> we might be willing to accept patches to get 2.0 mode working better in JRuby 1.7, but there's a lot of features only supported on master
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* rtyler nods
<rtyler> I don't have nay requirements around anything 2.x right now thankfully
<headius> blast, I thought running through maven would reproduce this issue
<Antiarc> still on the ioctl issue?
<Antiarc> I couldn't reproduce it with nohup or a tty-less SSH session
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<headius> Antiarc: I'm requesting help from travis folks, but I discovered I can patch the test logic to gracefully fail when we have this error
<headius> I field #2168
<headius> filed
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:77a71b8 by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build is still failing. (http://travis-ci.org/jruby/jruby/builds/40562882)
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<asarih> headius: booted it and responded to email with creds
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<headius> asarih: awesome, thanks
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:f61a17f by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build was canceled. (http://travis-ci.org/jruby/jruby/builds/40578525)
<Antiarc> headius: I'm +13 commits right now, all centered around test_object. Each is small, but they're a decent chunk of code all together. Do you want them as separate PRs?
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<headius> Antiarc: if they're separate commits a single PR is ok
<Antiarc> ok
<headius> asarih: no reply yet :-\
<asarih> headius: hit reload button incessantly.
<headius> I shall do so
<asarih> or I can just give it to you.
<asarih> hang on.
<headius> that's an option too :-)
<headius> maybe my gmail tab has gone stale
<asarih> pm
<asarih> plz
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:2912237 by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build has errored. (http://travis-ci.org/jruby/jruby/builds/40600649)
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<Antiarc> What's the proper way to set up a method alias from Java?
<Antiarc> If I just give multiple names in the @JRubyMethod decorator, does that set up aliases, or define two methods?
<Antiarc> Nevermind, found defineAlias
<headius> asarih: reproduced, thank you!
<headius> Antiarc: there's also alias = in the decorator but when MRI binds a given method they usually just bind it twice under two names
<Antiarc> ah cool, okay
<asarih> headius: sweet!
<headius> I was worried it would be a tty thing I can't emulate, but it failed in ssh just fine
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