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szerintem, ha a form_for-ba beleteszed, hogy format: json
not here sry
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[jruby] eregon pushed 1 new commit to truffle-head:
jruby/truffle-head 9cf6a67 Benoit Daloze: Merge branch 'master' into truffle-head
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[jruby] mkristian opened issue #2173: on jboss wildfly when starting a rack application: stat unsupported or native support failed to load
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[jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to master:
jruby/master db1919c Charles Oliver Nutter: Don't apply color/tty options to normal test/unit runs.
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[jruby] subbuss pushed 1 new commit to master:
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jruby/master 9ba99c1 Subramanya Sastry: Fix 2132: Split LJE check from NonLocalReturnInstr into separate instr...
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[jruby] subbuss closed issue #2132: Why did the LocalJumpError cross the road?
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[jruby] eregon pushed 7 new commits to master:
jruby/master 4120568 Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] We should always use the logical class newInstance for #dup and #clone.
jruby/master 064e93d Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] Implement initialize_copy for String.
[jruby] eregon pushed 1 new commit to master:
jruby/master d203bc2 Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] Fix the build.
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[jruby] enebo pushed 14 new commits to master:
jruby/master ec23759 Chris Heald: Fixes for #test_bad_initialize_copy - ensure that frozen objects are not copyable. Fix a type check bug in RubyMatchData#initialize_copy
jruby/master 2264090 Chris Heald: Numeric types, booleans, and nil should be frozen
jruby/master d5266a1 Chris Heald: True#object_id is now 20, Nil#object_id is now 8
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[jruby] mkristian created gh-2017 (+1 new commit):
jruby/gh-2017 5b3c45b Christian Meier: allow both "jar:file:./my.jar!/" and "jar:file:./my.jar!" as LOAD_PATH entries...
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mkristian: btw I think the jruby-complete not loading win32/registry has something to do with loading a jar from within a jar
mkristian: I have not looked yet but I just mention it in case you have insight
enebo: mkristian: someone was on last night looking for a jruby mvn/gradle/gem dependency solution... refresh my memory, was there one in the works?
enebo, I think native libs are just in general do not work well with jruby-complete - I guess win32/registry is native - no ?
mkristian: it requires a jar with jni yeah but it used to work fine on windows..I wrote it
also, I'm having issues running mri tests outside of rake... the usual way isn't picking up the excludes
enebo, could have a look at - it is just one line and dfr|work is not online.
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mkristian: Will substring work if last char is ‘!'
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mkristian: looks like you might get NPE
rtyler mentioned jruby-gradle-plugin last night... thanks
the status of the jruby-gradle-plugin is that it works rather well, we're using it actively for building JRuby storm topologies and fat executable jars at $WORKPLACE
enebo, but substring only happens if entryPath path has more then 2 chars.
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sorry - I commited the wrong
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[jcodings] enebo pushed 1 new commit to master:
jcodings/master 716d201 Thomas E. Enebo: Bump for releaase
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[jcodings] enebo pushed 1 new commit to master:
jcodings/master 1293de7 Thomas E. Enebo: For next dev version
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thanks I'll hop in there before causing sailors to blush should it be needed...
mkristian: that looks good to me
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anyone know if minitest-excludes is still actively developed? seems like it's failing outside of mvn -P rake due to a superclass mismatch in 5.x
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[jruby] mkristian merged gh-2017 into jruby-1_7:
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Aethenelle: zenspider wrote it so I think it is
Aethenelle: although perhaps we are out of date and using something out of sync
Aethenelle: I think minitest was removed from MRI for 2.2
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nope... most recent release was 2013...
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[jruby] eregon pushed 3 new commits to master:
jruby/master 540fd31 Benoit Daloze: Revert "[Truffle] Raise NameError in #method_missing if it came from a VCall."...
jruby/master 0583cad Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] method_missing raises a NoMethodError which inherits from NameError.
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it got moved to the test dir... but last release was 9/26/14 ...
maybe they just pulled it from stdlib? there's no testing library in there as far as I can see...
MRI has its own test/unit based on a fixed (< 5) version of minitest
minitest 5 was too incompatible so no one wanted to maintain that layer anymore
that test-unit also has things like parallel testing
how are we running 4.7.5 from the rake tests in mvn when running it from the shell gets you the default 5.4.2?
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Aethenelle, on master the minitest version installed by mvn is 5.0.7 - but mvn should just pick whatever is installed in lib/ruby/gems/shared
mvn's picking up 4.7.5 with minitest-excludes
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looks like mri's version includes the excludes code...
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mkristian: I tried updating bytelist and jcodings to new rleased versions and running rmvn and it generated an error
[ERROR] 'dependencies.dependency.version' for rubygems:test-unit:gem must be a valid version but is '${test-unit.version}'.
There is another one for ${power_assert.version}
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probably a slightly shorter version of this but...
jruby/master 440ec13 Thomas E. Enebo: Update for 1.0.12 of jcodings and bytelist
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does jruby handle keyword args yet?
i think 9k does
yeah, kwargs are 100% impled on master
Aethenelle: minitest should be coming in as a default gem still for MRI that not the case?
headius: lemme check...
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How do I handle them? I'm implementing the new Numeric#step behavior, which can take (num, num), (hash), or (limit=nil, step=1)
The first two cases are easy, I'm just not sure if there's anything special I need to do for the kwargs case
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Wait, nevermind. I think.
Yeah I need coffee.
(thanks, IRC, for being my rubber duck)
Antiarc: there's ArgsUtil.getOptionsArg or something like that...we can't do rb_scan_args because it requires pointer magic and returns multiple values
so yeah, it's kinda piecemeal
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Antiarc: I pushed a fix for readpartial was doing a select without any way to interrupt
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the tests were triyng to do timeouts
Cool, thanks
interesting failures in test:mri
we're almost there...two signal failures and I'm guessing a permutation that's supposed to bail out early
yeah but that links to another bug where it looks like they ship them as bundled gems and install when you install ruby
headius, Aethenelle hmm, so rvm should cherry pick directories from source too? ... I did not look into source installation of jruby in a long time, most users use the binary
mpapis: this is for MRI
JRuby 9k's build automatically installs all bundled gems right now
mpapis: we've been thinking out loud a bit here.. only thing that might be off in rvm is tset-unit2 and minitest5 aren't being installed as default gems
I'm trying to figure out where they install them, if they install them
test/lib in the ruby source tree is a modified minitest 4.7.5
I only see logic to download them for the tarball
headius: that'd explain why the usual make install didn't pick them up... looks like they're still trying to figure some of this out...
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ah if there is an extra action to perform after "make install" - it's not done
seems to be in rbinstall.rb
unclear though, that's some tough code
maybe the gems should be added to default gems installed by rvm?
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okay, having peered into the decorator and populator stuff, I'm going to take a very big step back and let someone else handle that :P
mpapis: I think that'd be equivalent at this point...
mpapis: yeah I'm confused
signs point toward test/unit and minitest being installed as bundled/default gems
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there we are... line 716
mpapis: just add them to the default gems installed by rvm
Antiarc: Another chunk of kwargs code can be found in IRRuntimeHelpers.checkArity (and helper methods below it). There is a lot of arity-specific rules to kwargs which probably apply for JRubyMethod bindings as well
enebo: Yeah, I saw those. I'm gonna need more experience on this before I feel comfortable cracking into that code, though :)
Antiarc: And it would appear we may process kwargs hash twice looking at this…I don’t remember doing that :)
Antiarc: to be fair this is not well thought out either. This was mostly just adding logic until it worked each time we found another case in MRI test suite failing
Fair enough
Antiarc: I would really like to redesign Arity to encompass all of this validation stuff
Yeah, that felt like the right place for it, but it's so entwined with stuff right now that I'm pretty sure I'd break everything if I looked at it for too long
yeah Arity is ancient crazy sauce
It should be a fairly consistent set of checks, though, especially now that 2.1 has required keywords
So numeric arity checks and optional/required keyword checks should fall under a pretty similar umbrella
It came from how MRI encoded Arity about 1.8.4 and when arity was representable as a single int value
AHAHA…for each time of kwarg recv instr we re-create the kwarg hash
Pretty funny since we are still like 2+x faster than MRI for kwargs
JVM is pretty amazing
Antiarc: yeah the populator/invoker stuff is pretty grew organically as we needed better ways to bind methods
I have a mode where it can completely skip invokers and just use method handles, but have been reluctant to make that default because it won't ever work on Android
if we could get rid of, we'd have a massive load of classes removed from the jar
I've considered making non-indy invokers just go back to reflection
enebo: what do you think of that?
using handles for invokers would be probably the lightest use of indy imaginable because they'd almost all be single direct handles
lazily allocated
headius: yeah I guess I would be interested in seeing worst-case of that
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headius: I was just making coffee and I realized that staticScope should also be Arity
what do you mean?
but it is a little weird since it is all lvars not just parameters
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mpapis, Aethenelle: I would have thought make install did everything it's supposed to...if it doesn't and those gems are supports to get installed, that seems like a bug
buit if we marked lvars which are kwargs or are regular parms we could pre-calc all the proper arity stuffs in that class snice all those params are there
I modified our default gems for 2.2 compat to install the same ones
headius: If you look at those two tickets, it seems like they're still figuring out some of that stuff... I think make install doesn't do it anymore from source so they can do offline dev...
Aethenelle: maybe one of you could try to file an issue for clarification or a post to ruby-core asking about this? I'm underwater with stuff to finish before preview
it does *sound* like they intend for 2.2 to have test/unit and minitest default gems
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they do, the only thing up in the air is how
[jruby] headius pushed 3 new commits to master:
jruby/master c846e3d Charles Oliver Nutter: List of preinstalled gems increased to 12 for 2.2 compat.
jruby/master ad66f55 Charles Oliver Nutter: Disable color in CI for remaining test/unit suites.
jruby/master 78ea469 Charles Oliver Nutter: Object#remove_instance_variable is no longer private.
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eregon: ahh, good call
I will fix
headius: wondering also what you would think of having per-line exclusion in MRI tests. Maybe it just does not work but it could be nice if an assertion checks its file/line and is just not erroring if excluded
that way if a single assertion is failing in the middle of 100 then the other 99 assertions are still tested
eregon: the problem is that many subsequent tests depend on earlier ones passing for state they need
there may be many cases that would work
yeah, of course, in some cases that would be problematic
it's also pretty hacky to get the assert line number because many asserts call through multiple levels before actually perfoming a test
indeed, you're right, assertion helpers should probably do sth special about it
I guess we'd have to have logic that changes all top-level asserts to skip if excluded
better to break up large test methods I suppose
yeah if they are some noticable differences it's a much superior approach
but I recall for say, time specs, just one line in the middle of dozen and they are related, in that they test strftime for instance
bundle fails reliably with a gem that is like this: gem 'foo', git: 'some_remote_path'
and in that case one method per assertion is just hard to maintain
works when you take that out. best I can do on that
as a first pass I want to get crasher tests separated to their own methods, like that test_permutation I mention
yeah, sounds good :)
for this stuff (exclusion/small test methods), RubySpec is kind of nice :)
tenderlove: DL is going away finally?
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headius: yes, it's gone in trunk
hot damn, deleting makes me happy
now if we could get ffi as a default gem and get help maintaining it...I'll be satisfied :-)
or just pull fiddle out?
more gems more gems
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[jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to master:
jruby/master 026e87b Charles Oliver Nutter: DL has been removed for 2.2.
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headius: if chrisseaton's interpreted cext stuff works out, that stuff will get a crapton easier...
you could potentially replace jffi with mri/ffi
Aethenelle: maaaaybe...but better would be a generalized truffle FFI
I think they're working on that too
If it means i don't have to think about jffi, I'll be happy either way...
reminds me...
how's that JSR going?
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you can use the C extension stuff just to do the final call to compiled code if you want - and basically write the stub as inline C - perhaps through some other automated layer
you'll get still get the native calls optimised by Graal
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Aethenelle: I haven't had any time to work on it
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John Rose and others are continuing forward, but we need to do license/contrib auditing for jffi, jnr-ffi, jnr-x86asm and jnr-constants so wmeissner can commit it to OpenJDK
that has been on my plate for about a month and I have not had cycles
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chrisseaton: yeah, very intrigued with the possibility of using truffle/C plus normal JRuby
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since there's still a pretty long tail for truffle/Ruby compat
Antiarc: It is possible we no longer need this test too (have not looked) but this was caused from the merge this morning from your 18 unexcluded tests PR
remove_instance_variable isn't in private_instance_methods anymore - it's a public method per an MRI feature change
So we need to update the test
Antiarc: ok. Just letting you know
I'll fix that shortly, thanks
Antiarc: np. and thank you for all your fixes :)
Glad to be contributing! :)
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headius: i found it... InterprededIRMethod:116 and WrapperMethod:90 are stripping the wrappermethod during the call...
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prety sure i can hack together a fix on the way home...
Antiarc: I just fixed that
enebo: ^
Cool, thanks
that test doesn't pass in MRI, it's deleted
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headius: cool
Aethenelle: ah-ha!
so they just need to do the right thing
yup, I'm going to hack in a stub function for the current calls and make the current one take one more arg...
not the prettiest but it'll work...
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So MRI doesn't allow step with a size of 0 when calling it without kwargs
but it does when calling with kwargs
Actually, I can fix this
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headius: speaking of debuggers (from the rbx channel) what do you use when developing JRuby?
I use good old-fashioned printf debugging all the way down
intellij's remote debugger here. Works nicely.
chrisseaton: really? No IDE?
jc00ke: I use an IDE to code I just don't step through code in it - I find a simple trace of where I am in the program is all I ever need, and stepping actually seems to make that quite hard
Antiarc: How'd you get it set up? I wasn't able to get it working, and my buddy knew Eclipse better, so we switched over to that.
chrisseaton: cool, yeah, I just took that approach with my current work project.
Basically just the default, that 192... is my dev machine
(I run a Windows desktop but actually develop on a Linux machine via ssh/samba)
Then I just invoke jruby with the given flag there: -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005
Start a jruby process and debug with that configuration, it attaches and I can set breakpoints, inspect stuff, jump around in the stack trace, all the goodies
dang, quite the setup
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[jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to master:
jruby/master b7379c8 Charles Oliver Nutter: Finally remove Rubicon test suite. Fare thee well!