I saw that but I thought I saw another one that looked like a real failure
maybe it was just all fetching issues
And the build is failing now because of the psych move, it looks.
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ok cool
oh perhaps chrisseaton restarted the findbugs failures
I don't even see them anymore
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I pinged mkristian on gitter
Has any thought been given to the Java class proxy deadlocks (https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/1621)? Is the current loading mechnanism going to stay quite the same in the 9k?
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I never saw this issue :-\ That definitely should be fixed in both 1.7 and 9k
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I looked a bit into it and did not find a few lines -fix as at least one way to fix this would be to order the locks in some way and release them (and restart) if you're unable to lock more
I'm looking into that as a short-term fix
yeah, just one lock would solve this too but I am assuming that multiple locks are there for a purpose :)
well, not really
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the locks were just naively there to protect the individual JavaClass instances
a single lock will serialize proxy class creation, but we may be able to eliminate the lock altogether if we can get the proxy creation to be more atomic
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eonwe: are you "cky" or "jmiettinen" from the bug?
Yeah, the latter one
-Yeah. I was about to write Yeah, atomic creation would side-step the issue
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I'm testing this fix now
I believe the biggest fault this prevents is two threads getting different proxy classes for some Java class
so another fix would be to only atomically update the proxy class and just let all threads have at it
if they end up double-loading, only one will win anyway
chrisseaton: a concern about your JavaSupport interface change
I don't think we can do it as an interface because existing code that uses JavaSupport from Java would have to recompile
invokevirtual != invokeinterface
tcrawley-away is now known as tcrawley
would a pure-abstract superclass work ok?
The new world order is that closures will lazy like methods are now with regards to building from AST
enebo: oh nice
all other scopes will immiedaitely build and make ic
so instrList will disappear and no longer be racing
so uncalled closures never even get to IR?
that is how methods work right now too
methods are a bigger payoff
It is weird to think lazy prevents races too :)
oh I'm sure, I remember your table of defined versus called methods
so tldr for #1621 is that Java proxy creation has a lock per proxy, so it's easy to deadlock it with circular class references
easy fix is a single lock but that obviously serializes all proxy creation
which may or may not be a concern
So there is some forms of code where there are tons of blocks but in my opinion this won’t save much since most blocks in those scenarios always get called
chrisseaton maybe internal ones ... how would you expect native extension to work across 1.7 and 9K?
* extensions
kares_: well I wouldn't - it's a major version number change - but I understand it's an inconvenience
chrisseaton :) it's more than that
kares_: one problem is I'm not sure we have a public API and an internal one - it's all just classes in org.jruby isn't it?
chrisseaton: small breakage, yes...changing all calls to JavaSupport from virtual to interface is not small
we also need to consider exts that need to work across both impls, and this change makes that impossible
both impls = both versions
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chrisseaton: we have never formally defined external API, unfortunately
chrisseaton I think there are ones that native extensions use - it's no where formalized but JavaSupport is one such thing
API got big fast and it's unclear what subset ext authors need/use
sorta like MRI :-)
we would like to use enebo's annotation to mark up the APIs we consider really and truly public, but that's obviously hard to prioritize versus bugs
ok, well I'm happy with an abstract class anyway so no problem
it's not ideal, but it is what it is
chrisseaton if you change an API looking at JRuby-OpenSSL / AR-JDBC is a good feedback whether it's "public" API
other option would be adding a NEW interface and a NEW method to Ruby and leaving JavaSupport exactly the same
perhaps nirvdrum knows of a java static code analyzer to generate a report on a code base of which org.jruby methods are being consumed?
I have wanted something like this to run across all native exts to see what people are using and to at least make public blessed methods for things which should be internal
(and I don’t know why I singled out nirvdrum :) )
new topic... I was thinking of creating a feature request in MRI for a Kernel#binding_of_caller method - it could be used to simplify the APIs of at least ERB and pry. Was going to run it by this room before submitting in case I'm embarrassing myself. Thoughts?
chrisseaton: So every single call we make will need to be able to spill locals just in case?
headius, enebo: It might be good to adopt a versioned API approach. In 9k the classes could just be simple delegates of the old ones (or vice versa). But if you did that moving forward, you could support a moving window of n versions and extensions could target multiple versions of the API, rather than trying to target a single API across multiple versions.
nirvdrum: indeed, that would be very nice
enebo: you'd use it as an inlining hint - if A calls B that calls binding_of_caller, you should line A into B into b_of_c
it would mean all methods that don't inline anything yet would have to fully deoptimize
headius: in the interpreter you're using heap frames aren't you?
yes, but we don't do our own inlining anywhere right now
we just emit to JVM bytecode and invokedynamic inlines
oh right so it would depend on new IR phases - I guess you're going to work on those at some point anyway though
so we would *have to* be able to inline at IR level or every method in the system would have to deopt
we have the capability to inline but there is so much work before we can realistically inline
enebo: I'm not sure about reporting, but ProGuard is able to tell what calls are being made. It's often used to extra bytecode to reduce overall binary size (popular on Android, I believe).
I guess Rubinius can do it as they can natively read and write the stack of course
ok I won't suggest this if it can't be done in JRuby yet
chrisseaton: and they don't optimize anything
nirvdrum: hmmm I believe you mentioned this once before
JRuby (and JRuby+Truffle) are the only implementations that even *can* eliminate frames
chrisseaton: It may be possible in the future to re-entertain this but I really would like it to be a language feature and not an API
the concern is that adding this feature basically means every impl will have to support lazy frame reification or inlined frame deopt, or never be able to optimize frames away
Rubinius supports it in some capacity, don't they?
Every time I write ERB with .result(binding) I think this should be done for me
chrisseaton: Or at least if we can do and you do request it we say things like it cannot be aliased
and binding.pry could become simply pry
explicit is better than implicit
I know we're not in python though :-)
I think there is a small class of tooling which would be greatly simplified by this but it requires a level of sphistication that we are not at yet to pull it off so it would punish all other cases to support it
chrisseaton: for what it's worth, I think Binding.of_caller is a terrible idea anyway, since it breaks even further the encapsulation of local state
I don't like anything that grants visibility into local variable state without explicit opt-in
headius: It does seem like this level of reflectivity goes against a programmers idea of safety
headius: but admittedly it seems like from a tooling perspective to be valuable. JVM at least forces the JVM into a mode for this sort of thing
I hate Proc#binding for the same reason
we need *less* magic/implicit access to local state, not more
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In my head I keep thinking this could also be used as an exploit to grab a method storing clear text password as a local
(1..50).map {|i| Binding.of_caller(i).eval 'password' rescue nil} # dig through call stack looking for "password" local vars
in an open type system like Ruby it may be pretty easy if you get code injection just to put a “reader” method one level above in the inheritance change
but perhaps that is just paranoia
seems like a big potential vector though
anyway, end of rant :-)
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headius: I think a —debug sort of support for the idea would be fine though
headius: then tools like pry/irb could just enable it
Simplifying erb OTOH seems icky. Erb should probably be compiling their templates down to something not needing this
We already have Truffle::Primitive.binding_of_caller and we use it internally - I guess I'll just leave it there
chrisseaton: yeah, there's more than just optimization reasons I don't like the feature generally
chrisseaton: internally it is probably really useful for debugging
enebo: we use it for #puts to set $_ in the caller
fwiw, we could support --debug and Binding.of_caller by setting JIT to deopt everything too
chrisseaton: ah neat
chrisseaton: ahh yes, and that's exactly why this is feature creep
more and more stuff that requires implicit access to callers' bindings
bad pattern going forward
$_ and $~ are the suck methods
err not really gvar lvars
svars for suck vars
but this was to copy Perl from way back when
and never intended to actually be globals
too bad Matz did not make a special sigil for this type of var
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If too many of these features get removed Truffle won't have a competitive advantage! (kidding)
I knew it!
From a legacy standpoint I understand how they came to be but as an implementor I don’t have to like them :P
enebo: the worse/worst part of $_ and $~ is that they can be implicitly written *and* read
so you have to be able to support their access even if they're never directly accessed
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headius: yep
headius: although if you are pervasively inlining like Truffle they just do their trick and make a local one call frame up
err well wait not neccesarily inlining
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[jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to jruby-1_7: http://git.io/xe3T
jruby/jruby-1_7 1ad3c67 Charles Oliver Nutter: Use a single global lock for proxy creation to avoid deadlocks....
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chrisseaton: I'd like to hear how the python impl is dealing with python's even-more-invasive frame access
I assume it should work fine but there's probably some interesting cases
chrisseaton: So if you don’t inline you binding of call internally and add special lvar but then when you do inline you can reliminate it as a real variable and make it a temp or something like that?
all our frames are real heap objects, it's just we escape analyse them most of the time, so you have as many heap objects in your compiled code as you do inlined methods, and you can read and write any of their fields
chrisseaton: When you mentioned binding_of_call impl specifically you just said inline the method calling it but that made me think you also use that strategy for things like puts?
if a frame genuinely escapes (gets written to a global variable for example) we put it back on the heap
enebo: we inline puts by default, but it would still work if you didn't - it would just deoptimise the first time, and then the next time a method calls puts it would heap allocate in the first place - adaptively
I guess in my previous statements the other major difference is explicit lvars vs implicit created lvar from side-effect of calling a metho
and our calls are the same for #send and normal calls, so it doesn't matter if you use metaprogramming
enebo: if it doesn't exist lexically then the first time you set $_ will cause deopt, from then on we remember we needed it last time when we create new frames
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chrisseaton: so essentially pretend it is lexical after that point
chrisseaton: it would be interesting to see what the cost of those heap frames looks like in a polymorphic case that can't inline
chrisseaton: yeah that is a nice trick
headius: we should experiment, but I don't think it would be more expensive than the heap frames you already have in some cases - they're not catastrophic are they?
our frames are pre-allocated and populated as needed
headius: they could also alloc that way though
they could, and if JVM escape analysis was worth anything that would be the right thing to do
they would just end up with a lot less frames more likely
I like the idea we can rewrite callsite method if we encounter a scope which hits $_ or $~
Worst case is a.puts is polymorphic we just have this extra var laying around
you have like an object pool of frames?
chrisseaton: yes
they only allocate lazily if they are captured into a binding
re-allocate lazily
so there's not point relying on EA as you're only doing it if you think they're going to escape anyway
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well, yes, but if we could rely on EA the current pooled version would make every frame escape
we also have to pay the cost to clear each frame on the way out, which wouldn't happen it they just EA'd away
since we cannot easily replace the current method we are executing in I think this would be tough
I should be clear about something too... frame here == method-level frame, not closure state
closure local var store is still allocated for every entry
$_ and $~ are method-level so they can live in the pooled frames
you do have an inlining phase or some other special treatment for attr_accessors don't you?
attr_accessors are native, but why would they need special treatment anyway?
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for inlining we plan on it but inlining is not really fully working atm
attr_* and Enumerable
by special treatment I mean things like making it native
the indy binding logic does bind attr accesses directly through
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it would even if they were implemented in ruby
headius: but we still want to inline them as Ruby impls eventually to get rid of prologue/return instrs
headius: perhaps hotspot does it already
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headius: but we should be able to inline to @foo in the calling method
I guess we still need a cheap guard for it to be effective though
they should inline with indy now though
and they don't have side effects
at hotspot level though
as opposed to in IR where we can potentially do passes on that and make other higher level opts
That is really hand wavy
on 1.7, pure-ruby attr reader is 50% slower than native attr_reader
but conceivably if we had 4 read references to @foo we could only do one get_field and everything else would end up just being a stack read
that 50% could probably be eliminated
once we inlined stuffs
kares_: looking at 2014 now
but I am not super bullish and I am not sure how far we can take that
since profiling from our last attempt was a pretty noticeable overhead
enebo: concurrency's a concern there, obviously
yeah definitely. perhaps too much a concern to do
but if it is literally four reads in a method body there is a lack of determinancy
so we can pretend they cannot be different so long as no calls are between them which could create some sort of synchronization
anyways it was mostly just trying to point out that inlining ar IR level may provide a different level of optimizations than having hotspot do it
for sure
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kares_: I'm not sure I understand *why* there's a race here
headius the issue is eraly on it sometimes matched Enum.valueOf instead of the valueOf method from the enum sub-class
right, but what causes that to race?
multiple threads?
but I mean what data is one thread seeing the other doesn't
well proxy class should be locked for duration of creation and remain the same after that
but there are some structures built up to support overloaded methods, maybe that's not safe
headius heh not sure - maybe I was looking at the wrong place
yeah we need to go deeper
script in that bug fails for me almost every time
same here - with a few changes I've made that "improved" the code - it's now harder at my end - but still happens 1 in 3-5 runs
enebo: I think I need to work on JavaClass/proxy init stuff
try to fix both #1621 and #2014 correctly
headius: great
I am wandering in the desert but this will be worth it
headius: The second part of this will be a JITContext to match InterpreterContext
headius: That will same some memory as a bonus
yeah, I'll toss it out when I'm done jitting
headius: well or not…that is yet to be determined although we can for now
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headius: The decision there is whether to record what passes happened in JITContext and fall back to very primitive but sa/feconservative IC or to allow JIT context to fall back to its own safe spot
The concept of deopt is not really realized now as it was originally envisioned
but that is blue sky compared to .0
oh sure
other than hard fail-over
like too many bytecodes
if we wanted to incrementally optimize it would be worth keeping around
headius: yeah
You guys should write up the IR for DSL (Dynamic Language Symposium) deadline in June
chrisseaton: Wandering in the desert: Changing Java static optimizing compiler to a Ruby runtime
they're always interested in more than just JS and Python, which is usually what they get
Hat’s off to subbu most of what he originally wrote is useful and just needed tweaking but we have run into so many things due to the mismatch between the two languages
I think our biggest problem is that this really is a compiler arch and is not well-suited to interpretation
which is I think ok since we plan on speed through JIT’ing largely (Android people plug your ears)
you could always emit from IR your own fairly low level bytecode and interpret that
chrisseaton: believe me we have spent many hours talking about that
or maybe write a Java bytecode interpreter in C and use JNI...
chrisseaton: My main believe is if we can emit back to a simple tree ala AST we can get good perf but that hurts startup
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Hi all!
With trees you have chronic call overhead though
chrisseaton: simulating ipc machine with load/stores is a pretty big penalty for us
chrisseaton: yeah
chrisseaton: Sort of picking our poison a bit
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[jruby] mkristian pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/xerw
jruby/master fffd2b6 Christian Meier: let travis be green - maybe a regression due to the new psych default gem or something else
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donV: hello!
headius: Hi! How are you doing?
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chrisseaton: re you call overhead you are correct but we noticed that callsites more often than not ended up being monomorphic so AST performed ok with hot code since those little callNodes would inline into each other
AST interp methods were not very big
headius ... so there's 2 StaticMethodInvoker-s created which seems wrong, one used only early on ends up with java.lang.Enum while the other does the correct thing
the do get the same proxy-class (host) ... but end up matching different methods in findCallableArityOne
donV: working on simplifying JI proxy binding
kares_: ok very interesting
enebo, chrisseaton headius ya .. i guess i originally thought even the ipc with loads/stores would be cheaper than ast call overheads .. but looks like i was wrong on that one.
I'm working my way up from JavaClass to simplify the creation process
subbu: Also the passes you ended up making ended up being more and more conservative so that chipped away as well
donV you may wonder why it doesn't see the new version automatically - the answer is that in buildbot, which we use for our CI, you need to define your tasks before you've see the repo contents
chrisseaton: yeah, would be nice to automate it, but versions don’t change THAT often…
headius: think it would work if the super (proxy) classes were also locked while constructing the proxy class ... otherwise it's all about a method being picked up by the call site (from super while sub-class is not fully ready) https://gist.github.com/kares/c16b6a584a80689d7f08
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is that the right way to go ... if so I can probably nail it down (with some aditional cleanup) ?
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... also for testing it's simpler to use an enum that does not have internal classes such as javax.lang.model.SourceVersion
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realized that there's logic right now to return empty, unpopulated proxy class in some cases like recursively binding the same class
that could result in a call site seeing an uninitialized proxy, perhaps
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[jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to jruby-1_7: http://git.io/xvql
jruby/jruby-1_7 e53e2cb Charles Oliver Nutter: Clean up imports.
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How can I run a single spec? For example spec/ruby/core/symbol/shared/length.rb ?
bjfish2: jruby spec/mspec/bin/mspec run ...
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headius: actually had some cleanup of those that improved installer's performance
oh yeah? that's great
proxy binding is one of the slower parts of boot right now
I guess you do not want to take my mega cleanup in :)
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... but I have test in case you do !
perhaps I should have taken it in before refactoring, but we could/should try to use it
yep - noticed it's slow ... that is why I started the cleanup as well before reaching into the main bug (fixed some along the line)
test case would be great
where's the improved version?
headius: should I just should in a PR for review?
yeah do that
I will make the changes you've made in my refactor
and then we can go form there
kares_: I've always wanted to get rid of the two-step binding process (installer as intermediate step) but have not ifgured out a good way
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[jruby] kares opened pull request #2624: java support cleanup and improvements (jruby-1_7...test-java-support-improvements11) http://git.io/xvGg
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[jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to test-refactor-ji: http://git.io/xv7k
jruby/test-refactor-ji 725df3f Charles Oliver Nutter: Move more binding logic into initializers.
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kares_: just about caught up again
headius: heh - I almost thought twice I found it
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[jruby] bjfish opened pull request #2625: Adding Examples of Running a Single Spec (master...patch-1) http://git.io/xfI2
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all Initializer state and logic now lives outside JavaClass
including the post-initialize "setup" stuff
seen that ... looks certainly more readable
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[jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to test-refactor-ji: http://git.io/xftO
jruby/test-refactor-ji be31344 Charles Oliver Nutter: Pull all initialize logic up and out into initializer classes.
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kares_: there
bbrowning_away is now known as bbrowning
ah there's more :)
yes...we shouldn't have to look at JavaClass at all to work on binding logic
this was part of a grand vision to eliminate JavaClass and just add its functionality to java.lang.Class
I recall you guys having that discussion in Potsdam ... also the refactoring of JavaField
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headius: ah you were right --- just realized (while looking at your changes) to try out valueOf - that seems to work (no longer able to hit #2014) ... it's an alias uber-f*ck
ahhh interesting
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I wonder if the unfinishedProxy stuff is still needed
originally that was added (by someone not me) to allow the second phase of binding (setup*) to happen lazily
lazily didn't help all that much later on and I made it eager
and there were other reasons
headius think it is ... failing for now if it's not set
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but have not looked deeper why
I'm thinking we could just use proxyModule and proxyClass though
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that's some crazy code ... esp. under concurrency - you'll see :)
yeah I know
my head did not wrap around it ... not that I tried that hard
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do you have some other cases to exercise this under concurrency?
2 tests are there - I think they exercise package resolution under concurrency
otherwise not
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also it's not the value_of alias thing ... it's just much rarer to hit at mines ;(
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kares_: I think with latest round of changes I can make a single atomic reference for proxy class and eliminate the lock
concurrent threads trying to boot a proxy might double up work but worst case that work gets thrown away
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found a goto: label ... in the installer code - that code must be old :)
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hah nice
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I'm trying to get JavaClass completely out of this process
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headius: most of the VMs currently supported are easily created with qemu and debootstrap. I should have a blog post together soonish.
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If I get extra crazy, I may reimplement debootstrap in Ruby so it can be used on osx as well maybe even go so far as to make something vaguely vagrant-y
sounds great :-)
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[jruby] bjfish opened pull request #2626: [Truffle] Passing through encoding information from SymbolNode (master...truffle_symbols_encoding) http://git.io/xUEq
JRubyGithub has left #jruby [#jruby]
triple_b has quit [Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]