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Does JRuby patch bytecode on the fly or for that matter is that even supported on JVMs officially or unofficially
hot patching would mean updating bytecode in some Classloader loaded class and telling JVM about this. The expectation would be that this causes an invalidation of the underlying native translations for that class and sends hotspot back to the interpreter for that code site
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hello, anyone alive? I'm having an issue on cygwin where jruby fails to detect native extensions of gems
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if I try to use jgem to pristine them, it says I have no write permissions (even if mintty is ran as admin and the permissions on GEM_HOME are 777)
any idea what that's about
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CodeWar: JRuby achieves that using the SwitchPoint class from the invokedynamic work
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so is really java_method useful in jruby ? I'm using it because it allows me to cache method object from the class but calling "invoke" does not returns me a proper ruby object
the normal invocation uses the same JavaMethod object but with invokeDirect
and has its return object usable
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another question "java_method" does not seem to work on Java 8 interface static methods. Any idea of a work around ?
temporalfox: you'll probably need to wait a couple of hours for answers to these, while the US wakes up
yes probably
probably here is not the best place
as it's not good for asking questions and getting answers later
I can't think of anywhere better
that kind of force me to work at night :-)
without a guaranteed rsponse
a list would be better
I can normally help with JRuby stuff on an EU time zone, but I don't know about Java interop I'm afraid
chrisseaton ok thanks for the info
I whish I could invoke invokeDirect on JavaMethod
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I could use a java static class as workaround for invoking this maybe
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Hi together, i have a question regarding jruby + RoR + IntelliJ Idea Ultimate. I have setup the priject successfully as a jruby on rails project. I would like to preocmpile the who.
jruby/master 7fb91e7 Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Fix reading of objects from frames as opposed to reading any value.
jruby/master 6da31a2 Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Start support for Marshal.
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kb-kt: look into Warbler...it can precompile and package up your app as a .war file
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SpaceToast: dunno if you got an answer... JRuby does not support C extensions in 1.7+. What library are you trying to use?
headius: thank you for your answer. i submitted a comment on jetbrains page, and started to create my own config file for the warbler gem.
temporalfox: I'm unclear what you're using java_method for. You shouldn't need to cache anything on your own. As for your question...if there are places where the method object differs unreasonably from regular dispatch, we can discuss ways to improve it
kb-kt: ok great
yorickpeterse: there are some autoconversions for a few types in JRuby's ext API, but not RubyArray
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headius ok hi
if you know it's a RubyArray you can just cast the IRubyObject
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so it works with java_method, not caching it though
headius when using java_method, the returned objects are not wrapped in proxies
Who: sure but be aware that it is highly dependent on #2015
yorickpeterse: I'm not sure how Rubinius handles the case of passing something other than specified type into a primitive, but opted not to magically attempt to cast it and fail
Who: The algo for detecting required kwargs just removes from the original hash and you will probably want to change how that is done
java_method allows to control dispatch
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Who: The other complicating factor is each recv_kwargs instr regenerates this hash
temporalfox: so java_method and java_send are both intended to be raw escape hatches, skipping all double-dispatch and conversion logic
headius that's what I need
Who: but you will learn quite a bit from the experience
because we generate wrapper from java code, we know how dispatch should be done
ok....and JavaMethod is giving you what type of objects back?
enebo: I also want help out with search_required implementation, both seem to excellent issues for me to learn more
headius invoke retursn a JavaObject
temporalfox: if you're doing integration this deeply you may want to consider writing a JRuby extension
headius invokeDirect retursn the correct object
temporalfox: ah...yes
headius I like having ruby source code because, rubyist can look at it
enebo: okay, I will focus on #2015 then. It should help me out with frozen hash issue as well
temporalfox: right, I understand that
headius even if it contains generated code, it gives a more readable thing
headius or native binding code
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Who: yeah the issue is we subtract/delete each reqd element from the original hash which is why frozen hashes don’t like it
yeah so I think you should open an issue...I remember wanting to fix java_method so it returned something that returns normal-looking Ruby objects or Java object wrappers rather than JavaObject, but never got around to it
headius so I hacked an invoke that returns like invokeDirect
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ok I get it now
Who: but it also bones 2015 because it mutates the orignial hash so after the call all the reqd elements are gone
headius as for java_send I had issues with static method interfaces in java 8
Who: so same underlying issue
headius I believe it is not possible to use it with such methods
temporalfox: I think there's an outstanding issue for that I haven't resolved
basically it just doesn't look for static methods on interfaces
headius one thing isthat it reutrns a module for java_class lookup
headius and this module does not provide a way to obtain a method
Who: An unknown to me is whether kwargs hashes are required to dup or not on the way in
yeah it should be returning the proxy class wrapper
this may be a breaking change if we fix it in 9k
if anyone's depending on the object being a java_object
er JavaObject
Who: if they do then the original strategy would work just by dup’ing on the way in and unfreezing the dup
enebo, headius: if I modify pom.rb I can just every change made by rake maven:dump_poms, right?
eregon: that's the idea, yes
headius so I should open an issue for JavaObject return object wrapping in GitHub ?
dbussink: what do rbx primitives do if you pass a value that's not the type specified in C++?
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eregon: I question the test_procss.rb
enebo: I just added that late last week
headius: ^ you remove it at some point
to mri.index
oh so it should be added
but that means it was not added yet?
I'm guessing mkristian added it to the additional runs his embedding profiles do
headius: so looks good, no?
oh I see it is getting added to some other profile
enebo: he duplicates mri.index in those builds
ok cool
eregon: yes looks good to me
cool, I'll push that, we have Truffle in Maven Central now
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[jruby] eregon pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/FmfA
jruby/master 7e3f984 Benoit Daloze: Use Maven Central to fetch Truffle jars.
jruby/master 3cdfc85 Benoit Daloze: Other changes done by rake maven:dump_poms.
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eregon: oh excellent
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enebo: cloning args (non-dup) worked I think
got rid of the exception
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any idea what is this: [WARNING] Failure to transfer rubygems:equalizer/maven-metadata.xml from https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of sonatype-nexus-snapshots has elapsed or updates are forced. Original error: Could not transfer metadata rubygems:equalizer/maven-metadata.xml from/to sonatype-nexus-snapshots (https://oss.sonatype.
I get lots of them while just trying to build
same here
and [WARNING] The POM for rubygems:jruby-ripper:gem:2.1.0.dev-20140815.170930-2 is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable debug logging for more details
which means the build takes forever :/
enebo: so I had to dup keyWodArguments before deleting them
to fix 2015 and frozen args issue
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eregon: I think the first one is because we have many maven repos and they are each checked for deps
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the rubygems deps come out of the torquebox proxy
the latter issue should be fixed
I use -pl flag to maven to reduce what I need to rebuild
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[jruby] chrisseaton pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/FmZC
jruby/master 667e30f Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Truffle::Debug.storage_class for Hash
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may have bitrotted a bit, but it's a clang-based struct/function FFI generator
headius: holy crap, that’s exactly what i’m looking for. google sucks finding anything ffi related (too many hits)
thank you!!
no problem...I'd love to get that into more peoples' hands and make it possible to generate on install
one of the great projects out there I just don't have cycles to support and promote
that is some neat stuff. love it!
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cremes: enebo has wanted to play with mmap for files in the past, but we've only ever done experiments
part of the issue of having no-copy string is that the mmap'ed memory has to remain alive as long as any of those strings are alive
not to mention string-based-on-mmap potentially seeing changes
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happy to chat more about it when you start looking into mmap though
headius: true. i’m sure there will be some complexity down the road that will require some tricks to make it work reliably. when i have something working i’ll ping you guys so you can look at it.
what's your goal with mmap btw?
initiially those strings will get copied to avoid the very issue you raise. longer term it would be great to make IO zero-copy
goal is to improve rbx IO perf
secondary goal is to simplify the IO class code. using mmap means no longer f’ing around with buffers since the OS does it for you.
well the OS has some buffers, yes
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part of the reason there's such extensive buffering in MRI is to avoid the cost of transcoding
sure, but i don’t have to worry about failed reads. treating the file as a block of memory greatly simplifies access and the OS hides the buffering.
well, it will be interesting to see if it helps :-) I have not noticed buffering being a perf issue for us, but obviously we do it differently
sure, jruby has a different approach. i got started on this because I looked at the IO ruby code and my eyes started to bleed. nasty! i think mmap will simplify a lot of it.
how do you mmap a file that's growing?
don’t know. i’ll figure that out when i get to it. :)
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cremes: replacing IO buffers by just using memory mapped files where OS takes care of flushing the buffer etc?
Who: partly
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there will still be some buffering logic in IO but it will be reserved for Sockets and those systems that don’t support mmap.
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hmm I wonder why mmap wasn’t used to start with, maybe there was a reason or something since maintaining buffers could be challenging
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[jruby] chrisseaton pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/Fmw3
jruby/master 658b588 Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Translate Rubinius to ::Rubinius in Rubinius kernel code....
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Who: no idea.
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on 32bit machines was there the address space available to mmap large files?
chrisseaton: that may be part of the reason. however, i don’t think the rbx project has any intention to support 32-bit systems anymore
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also, mmap does work on 32-bit boxes but there’s more trickery involved.
duping keywords failed some specs, so looking at them
This might be a noob question, but I thought I’d ask here. I am trying to use enebo’s jmx gem (https://github.com/enebo/jmx) to create custom MBeans for a Rail app I am writing. The example has a server variable that has default_domain and register_mbean methods on it. Does anyone know how I can set that up in my Rails app, and where I can find the server variable?
headius: Do we start jmx server by default for JIT stats?
enebo: not unles you pass --manage
that enables jmx server and turns on our metrics
well the metrics are always there, but not exported
manage works from JRUBY_OPTS right?
jumex: It may be a noob question but it has been so long since I fixed an issue in that gem some of my domain knowledge is gone
jumex: I think if you start JRuby with —manage we will make a server in JRuby runtime itself. Then we just need to grab a reference to it
hmmm perhaps not using that
—manage will enable JMX but you might want to make a server for just your stuff
enebo: it should
enebo: seems like rubyspec fails if we dup the keywords arg
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Who when do you dupe?
That missing colon makes reading that last message very confusing :-P
we just need Who working with What on an issue
Don’t forget When and where :D
enebo: yep
jumex: Depending on how you want to connect using JMX is more complicated and probably best figured out by reading a general JMX document but jmx_server_test does show a URL for a port-based connection
jumex: I know this gem still works because Java has not changed but my brain swapped some of this knowledge out :)
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[jruby] chrisseaton pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/FmFh
jruby/master 48de773 Chris Seaton: [Truffle] A bit more work on Marshal.
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enebo: strange thing is rubyspec doesn’t fail when I run MRI mspec on it
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Who: you mean MRI passes and we don’t right? Or do you mean something else?
with dup change
Who: yeah so dup might not be the right change perhaps. I guess you will know once you isolate what is wrong
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enebo: Thanks for the reply! I am going to try with the simple_server to start and see where it gets me.
jumex: great
I am running Rails with the following options, which should spin up the JMX server in any case: -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=8686 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false
[jruby] chrisseaton pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/FYLE
jruby/master 8ddcf61 Chris Seaton: [Truffle] String from a long code point.
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jumex: just saw that now. Yeah I thnk you should be able to use similar snippet to the test_server_test code and get it up. Be aware that this will get you going but you will probably need some security at some point if you want that in a prod env
jumex: but once you get your bean going you can figure out how to lock down the connection
enebo: Totally! We lock our stuff down from the network side, so that part I think I have underhand.
enebo: found the issue
between MRI and JRuby
all test fail when there is a keywordsRest arg is there
def foo(bar: 'baz', **k); puts bar, k end
opts = {:bar=>"something", :k=>2}
should give
Who: yeah
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Who: that was another reason for removinbg required kwargs
but it gives
{:bar=>"something", :k=>2}
on JRuby
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[jruby] chrisseaton pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/FY3I
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jruby/master dafa4cc Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Truffle#graal? #substate? and #version
Who: but it worked before your patch
Who: right?
yeah because we removed the arg
hence during recivekeywordrest things worked fine
Who: yeah it seems like kwarg.dup; <- save in runtime (Interpreter); all recv_kwargs instrs work on that single instance
Who: I am guessing each instr still extractsKwargsArg probably?
Who: yeah so that is the next part is massaging the interpreter (and likely the JIT but let’s not worry about that yet)
Who: probably for interpreter as interpretercontext( ic) if ic.receivesKeywordArguments and save that at top of interpret
err if that is true extractKwargs and save as a local
Who: Then pass it to the method which has the recv instrs for kwargs
Who: Then they will all be working on a single copy
makes sense, I was trying to dup at higher level to get it working now
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Who: yeah actually duping at higher level might solve it too
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Who: The only detail is that we can only extractKwargs once
enebo: just one last thing, only RubyFixNum can’t be duped?
Who: You should only need to dup the hash but yeah no immediate values can be dup’d in ruby
Who: fixnum, float (2.1+), boolean, nil are all immediate objects
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enebo: I tried duplicating args at interpreter level
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maybe I think it’s not the right level
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figuring out who calls interpret
MRI provides a function rb_block_call() that lets you call a method that uses yield from C. Does JRuby have something similar to this?
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enebo: checking for instanceof RubyHash at InterpretedIR level isn’t helping, can I do a check like arg hasMethod dup or something?
Who: The logic for doing this can be found in IRRuntimeHelpers.java:extractKwargsHash
Who: it is unfortunate that RubyHash is the storage facility for kwargs since we cannot directly tell whether it is just a hash or a kwargs holder
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Who: This is an icky bug. I fixed the block case with that snippet but in order to do this in a place which fixes both methods and blocks it should happen in a place where I don’t know how many required variables exist
InterpreterContext could record that so we can put this logic into interpreter
but in order to do that IRMethod and IRClosure need to know required arg count
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[jruby] headius reopened issue #2301: unable to get value of object's fields in RubyMine debugger http://git.io/ChLQvA
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Who: So I hope you at least learned to navigate around the code base better but this one might not be so simple for you to fix
heh, yeah its not a simple bug
also one thing I noticed InterpretedIRBlockBody, when I printed the args
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enebo: I made the example in the README for the jmx gem work. Also, update JMX.simple_server to be able to pass in the server and registry: https://github.com/enebo/jmx/pull/12
Aethenelle: yeah I think we'll just pull a number from the same place we bootstrap SecureRandom
assuming we've resolved all blocking-on-start-to-aqcuire-salt issues, it should be fine
jumex: cool. Thanks for the PR
Thanks for the gem!
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