only two reported issues so far and one was known and the other is vague :)
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Woo hoo.
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congrats on indeed!
headius: i’ll do some JRuby9pre1 testing on Windows to put the WIN32OLE stuff through its paces. I’ll file bugs if I find any. Give me a week.
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enebo, does 9k keep 1.8 support or no?
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dfr|work: it's 2.2 only
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kares, cool, thanks for verifying. :)
* dfr|work
wishes he didn't have to get all of his company upgraded to latest joda_time to use 1.9+ jruby :(
dfr|work: class-loader magic can probably help ...
kares, huh?
kares, as in have half of the company use one version and half the other? :)
dfr|work: have jruby use it's own while java stuff any it wishes ...
kares, we have a company policy to have only one version of a dependency at the same time, at least for extended amount of duration
and tbh, I agree with that policy, it's just when you need something new the work needed to upgrade the whole codebase is a bit tricky
and joda_time is pretty central to a lot of projects.
dfr|work: well than your wish can not come true :) !
kares, :D
either way, excited about 9k. Maybe that'll force me to upgrade joda time after all :)
but in jruby it's an impl detail ... thus I would try to isolate it (if possible) to not impact what I'm using when it's a dependency
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dfr|work: pretty sure master is on same joda as 1.7, so at least that doesn't change
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headius, yes, but 1.8 doesn't make calls to joda_time 2.3 method calls ;)
[and I'm talking about the 1.8 ruby stdlib]
oh I see
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[jruby] eregon pushed 8 new commits to master: http://git.io/3AroDw
jruby/master 4cf525a Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] Make a clearer load order....
jruby/master 0b5c39f Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] Add other aliases of hash#key? and remove shim.
jruby/master 4a0e292 Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] Import Numeric#eql? from Rubinius.
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I was planning on dropping Nokogiri 1.6.6 today, and want to support JRuby 9000, since it's likely the last 1.6 release ... but we have some broken tests related to #to_s behavior that we have been working around in "interesting" ways.
That's the only thing that's broken, and it's probably our fault.
oh, you say only thing there...that's amazing :-)
this is the sort of thing I expected to see
because 9k is 2.2 only we got rid of most of the bifurcation of methods
Right, I assumed that our version-specific workaround would need to be worked-around. I just don't know enough to move quickly on it.
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right ok
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yeah fun one
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when we de-bifurcated the methods, some of them were modified to be like yours, with the real body in the 1.8 versions, and the old 1.9 versions calling the 1.8 versions
flavorjones: simple fix: copy body from to_s to to_s19
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is the 1_9 version getting bound?
OK, let me try it right now
oh I bet it isn't getting bound so it's just hitting your to_s19 because it overrides
because exception does bind it
yeah we should have fixed more of these split methods to always use the non "19" version as the master
it was a hard migration to make since we knew we were making methods taht used to do 1.8 behavior do 1.9
OK, so still getting infinite recursion:
Not sure what it's all about, but boilerpipe is a jar I use. Anyhow, I'm going to set up a totally pristine env and replicate it from the ground up later today
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Antiarc: are you using nokogiri too?
I have it in place because one of my deps requires it, but I'm not actively using it
I use jsoup rather than nokogiri
but yes, it has been required in this codepath
if it's getting loaded then we're probably loading its copy of xerces
and then other code is seeing a different version via a different classloader
Oh, okay. Interesting. Why would that break between 1.7. and 9k?
because 9k changed the classloader precedence in ways that worried me
I think we're going to have to revert that
I had other issues with joda-time
file an issue with whatever you have please
it's probably a similar issue
But I worked around them by monkeypatching jbundler to never load a not-jruby joda-time
Will do
Gonna see if I can come up with a simple repro case. I can't reproduce the issue in irb, oddly.
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So there's something not quite obvious happening
it's going to be squirrelly because it will depend on order those classes are accessed
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Okay, that gives me a good starting point
I should be able to come up with an approximation to repro it then
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Have to do Real Work this morning but I'll get a repro case ticketed ASAP
excellent, thanks
asarih: what should folks specify for 9k preview on travis? same as rvm with "jruby-"?
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mpapis: jruby- and jruby-9000 both still install master head...is there a reason for that?
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several people are asking for something they can specify that's just "9k latest release"
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Oh, also - is there something special I need to do to make jruby consoles work properly with readline (or equivalent)? Console behavior is quirky for me - ie, if I ctrl-c to break a line, the console doesn't go to the next line until I press return, and then it's indented
is that new behavior?
readline has barely changed between 1.7 and 9k
IO has changed drastically
It's slightly regressed from 1.7 in a few minor ways, but no, the behavior's there in 1.7 too
I just never bothered to ask
I did run into an IO change yesterday, but I assumed it was just me using socket timeouts incorrectly. I'll throw the exception up here anyhow - sec
our readline is hackariffic
we're using jline and it has never been 100%
probably same fix for both 1.7 and master, whatever it is
MRI by comparisonm
I realize that's a really awful way to make a bug report
Just not sure how to else describe it, heh
yeah, I guess I've seen this too and never bothered to investigate
Antiarc: I've recorded screencasts for bugs before :-)
sometimes you need to see it live
Anyhow, it's a minor thing, but I'll bet fixing it would improve the experience of people coming from MRI :)
yeah I agree
are there any new 9k specific tunings in jrubyrc that I should be aware of?
http://i.imgur.com/Hs25VyM.png - there's 1.7. So there was a change in 9k where it is executing the interrupted line when you hit return that wasn't there in 1.7
Which sounds potentially nasty
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huh, interesting
I just started running 9k in local tests and benchmarks and noticed some deviation (in performance) from 1.7.18 and figure it would be worth it to exhaust tweaking properties before I really dig in.
that could boil down to differences in irb between 1.9.3 and 2.2
mje113__: maybe, maybe not...there's a lot of one-off optimizations in 1.7 we haven't done yet for 9k
no specific tunings, no...if you're seeing lower perf it's something for us to improve
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best way to help would be to narrow down to specific things that are slower, if possible
headius: ok, how would it be best to report it? this specific benchmark is heavily regex dependent so that was the first thing I was going to look at
mje113__: if you can give us a reproducible case, that's the way to start
reduced as much as possible
otherwise open a bug showing the perf difference and we'll work with you to profile on your end
--profile may help, and there's JVM-level profiling we can try too
mje113__: If you have the option, attach with jvisualvm and use the CPU sampler
If you can exercise the slow code over and over it should pop to the top of the sampling results pretty quickly
headius: great, I'll get to work on that. Antiarc: good idea, I'll try that as well
If it's a remote process you can attach via jmx, though it's a little hairy to set up. Happy to help with it if that's the case.
thanks, though I can reproduce locally
(remote attaching to prod instances and profiling them is easily one of my favorite features of jruby)
mje113__: you could try passing -Xcompile.invokedynamic=true too
I'm looking at the non-indy JIT and realizing I never cache literal regexp instances
bunch of little things like that yet to be added to JIT
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Hi all!
wow, with invokedynamic on things are really all over the map. A lot improved but one in particular got crushed. That's only benching a few methods so should be easy to track down
donV: In regards to the size of complete the largest addition is maven stuff
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I hate that Callable.call throws exception
donV: mkristian is working towards reducing that size ~20MB of stuff atm
mje113__: very interesting!
enebo, hmm - jruby-complete has no maven stuff ? some for the jruby-jars gem
some = same
mje113__: indy does have a longer warmup tail
enebo: I think there is something more serious going on
mkristian: yeah that is what I am talking about
mkristian: I think exploded it is about 20M ignoring dep gems you pull in
enebo mkristian : it is 46M
compressed it's probably 20M too
because it's 20M plus of .gem + jars
I think there are some extra copies of core in there.
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donV: I am saying mvn support stuff is 20M of the 46M
oh, but in complete it should only be 10M, unless the cached .gem is in there too
donV: crack it open and have a look
headius: yeah--I run about 100k iterations before entering a Benchmark.ips block--which also does it's own warmup. but that still doesn't explain what I'm seeing
enebo, donV you are talking about jruby-dist ? or jruby-jars ? or jruby-complete ?
mje113__: that should be good
mkristian: well they are all larger but let me see which one I was looking at
mkristian: jruby-complete-
mje113__: -J-XX:+PrintGCDetails will show you if it's chewing through memory too fast
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mkristian: but this time around I also added -Pext
headius: yeah, there's a few full GCs in there--both for indy and non... and just to clarify, as I started bencing 9k vs. 1.7.18, I'm not focusing on the difference in 9k between indy and non.
since we wanted readline resolved
mkristian: and I think that might explain it
yes, I am afraid one of those profiles did mess up things again - like we had in jruby-1.7.x once
mje113__: yeah GC shouldn't be signficantly different if we're doing things right in 9k...if they are different, 9k is culprit
mkristian: I think headius added a dep to readline against 1.7 and maybe that pulled it in?
then we can look at allocation traces etc
I'm also going to get some caching into the non-indy JIT so we can at least exclude that
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enebo: that dep was already there...I tried to make to make it depend on 9k but that messed with the build
as an external repo it would be fine
mkristian: ok so the issue of reducing ruby-maven tooling has nothing to do with jruby-complete since I cannot find it in there
possible. anyways I need to cleanup truffle and readline. what about ripper ? does ripper go back into the main tree.
as long as it doesn't pull in pre1 jar for pre2 complete :-)
headius: so for this one specific bench it's about 1k ips with invoke dynamic ON, and over 7k ips with it OFF
mkristian: up to enebo
headius: ok so you reverted that back to how it was but since we never did -Pext in a dist it added it to jruby-complete
mkristian: I think it should go back into tree
mje113__: nice...sounds like something's not caching on indy side, probably rebinding a call site over and over
enebo, I looked into the tar-ball issue we discussed yesterday a bit.
mje113__: this is good stuff...maybe we should start by opening a general "mje113 performance findings" bug
we can link specific issues as we isolate them
heh, can do... going into back to back meetings in a bit so might be until tomorrow before I can make enough progress to open something
no problem...we'll be here
I will try to patch up the non-indy JIT a bit for you
It might be nice to open them as independent issues (or we should upon realization of perf issues) so next release can show it has been fixed
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headius: it's something with URI (stdlib)
but I'll get you more details in a bit
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enebo, jruby-complete- has nicely embedded jruby-1.7.11 and its dependencies ;)
mkristian: sweet
mje113__: excellent...I'll have a commit adding more caching in a moment
same for jruby-stdlib and of course those dist archives since they just use each after to build them
mkristian: This may be related to that classpath bug I was discussing a bit ago, but I'm using jbundler to manage the stanford-core-nlp libs, which specify joda-time 2.1 as a dependency. This causes jruby 9k to barf itself because it ships its own copy of joda-time. It seems like jbundler could use a facility to warn to or ignore when you try to load a jar that'll conflict with jruby's core jars. Does that sound sane?
donV: can you start again? are you saying that the gem I'm hosting is corrupt or something else?
I fixed it in my app by monkeypatching JBundler::ClasspathFile#require_classpath to never load joda-time, but that is a super nasty hack
mkristian: this is the issues I mentioned in gitter
I'm worried we need to undo the classloader change...we keep getting reports about it
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chrisseaton: it appears our complete jar is including more than it should...probably not specific to your builds
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Antiarc, so your using jbundler to load the jars or does it go via warbler ?
Even specifying joda-time-2.5 as an explicit dep in the jarfile, I get conflicts, presumably because it's just two copies of the jar, and jruby's reflection fails when it hits the jbundler version
(2.5 being the version that jruby bundles)
chrisseaton: Sorry, I’ve got to go, but enebo and mkristian can fill you in, I think.
donV: they think it's a general problem, not related to my builds, so I'll see if they can fix it first
I love my Snowflake, she is freakin' crazy!
whoops.. sorry :)
Antiarc, hmm - I see.
chrisseaton: donV is concerned about size but we found a much bigger size problem than anything truffle related
you can exclude those joda-time jars from standford-core-nlp
headius, what version of rvm does install the master version?
mkristian: How? I didn't see anything documented to that effect
mpapis: rvm install jruby-9000 or jruby- both appear to pull HEAD and build
mkristian: I'll see if I can produce a full gemfile/jarfile/bootstrap case in a bit, but the net effect is that jruby ends up reflecting on the second copy of joda-time and everything goes sideways
headius, trying now
headius, is 9k released?
<headius> is out
ah, they need to use full string, when do you plan the full release?
mkristian: Awesome, thanks. Is that documented somewhere, and if not, can I recommend that it be done? :)
I still think that some kind of warning-on-conflict mechanism would be useful, because the error jruby gives is non-intuitive, and other folks will get stuck on it
Antiarc, not sure it this is documented, but I know it is tested and just fixed a bug here last week
mpapis: The final release date is not known yet
Antiarc, jbundler can check on dependencies coming from jruby itself - to some extend
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Antiarc, more difficult is the xerces which comes from parent app-server container or so
mpapis: but you have aliases for jruby-1.7 that install latest release
mkristian: I'm running into another issue where boilerpipe depends on xerces:xercesImpl, which conflicts with the shipped stuff
can we make 9000 or 9 or whatever do that?
I just hate to ask people to add pre1 to travis and have to change it again later
something as simple as during jbundle install, "Warning: foo:bar (a dependency of baz:bin) conflicts with Jruby's bundled foo:bar. Here's how to exclude it from your Jarfile"
headius: does this line make any sense to you?: Users.mike.$_dot_rvm.gems.jruby_minus_head.gems.rack_minus_test_minus_0_dot_6_dot_3.lib.rack.test.__script__()
Antiarc, yes during jbundle install and the jruby dependencies. xerces is more difficult.
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headius, I will check what I can do, for sure 9... can be mapped to jruby- - but then travis might need redeploy for full release
enebo, ^
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mpapis: yeah probably
no worries
jruby-head is ok for folks to use right now
ok then, will add 9k.pre1 in few and push release soon
mpapis: thanks buddy!
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in test/mri/excludes there seems to be a bunch of excluded tests that no longer fail as far as I can tell. I think I could do some cleanup in case it's considered worth it.
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lumeet: yeah PRs would be great
enebo: ok, you can expect me to submit one this week.
lumeet: great. I did notice some that were working yesterday but did not try and figure out the working ones because we were releasing
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headius, was pounding on these classloader issues. the Xerces/SAXParser seems to be common with other frameworks. when all jars are loaded via jbundler and jar-dependenices then such "exclusions" are possible.
what about to reversing the classloader hierarchy on demand ? and keeping the old behaviour
on demand I mean via property/option
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[jruby] Who828 opened pull request #2492: Implemented support for keyword and keywordrest proc /lambda parameters (master...2489_fix) http://git.io/elhnIg
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oops lost mkristian
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headius: Should be jruby- for on-demand installation. I haven't tested it.
asarih: ok, figured
a few folks have used that already and it works
Might make sense to have some alias, say jruby-9000 to point to the latest version.
That will require new build env.
asarih: yeah mpapis is on it I think
mpapis: looks like jruby-9 does master HEAD right now...so I may recommend that to people as the alias to use
when we get all the bits out there to alias it to 9k latest release it will just work
mpapis: oh nevermind, it tries to use that as a branch name
er, well, git refid nae
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[jruby] headius pushed 4 new commits to master: http://git.io/wL1tGw
jruby/master c4a55ac Charles Oliver Nutter: Improvements to sleep and executeTask....
jruby/master b1731ad Charles Oliver Nutter: Eliminate dependency between to_s/to_s19 and prefer the former....
jruby/master 1c09a50 Charles Oliver Nutter: Share field-based literal caching logic and cache Float and Fixnum
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mje113__: ^^ that push has more literal caching
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I think my 55s benchmark is spending 25s calling that method
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question for the devs: is the 1.7.x line of development dead, now that jruby-9k is getting ready to ship?
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[jruby] headius closed pull request #2492: Implemented support for keyword and keywordrest proc /lambda parameters (master...2489_fix) http://git.io/elhnIg
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and... changing self::DEFAULT_PORT to just DEFAULT_PORT removes that bottleneck
I'll try to isolate that in a simple bench and open an issue
jeff__: I can't speak authoritatively, but my observation has been that 1.7 still gets relevant bugfixes and security patches, though that may change once 9k is officially gold
Most of the forward effort is on 9k though
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[jruby] eregon pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/tPU6yA
jruby/master f5544c3 Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] Fix copyright years.
jruby/master ac0d512 Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] Generalize a bit truffle paths.
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Antiarc: thanks. I'm specifically hoping that there will be a 1.7x release that includes jruby-openssl 0.9.6
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I wonder what would happen if I just take the latest 1_7 branch and update the pom.xml and pom.rb and build. I may try that.
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jeff__, that will work. but do a mvn clean package after this
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So yeah, definitely something with regexps being slow
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Interesting that CachingCallSite.getClass() is eating so much time though
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Antiarc: whoops
Antiarc: In a comment I made a week or two I removed some weird cast and I just realize that it was intentionally there to work around hotspot not opting getClass
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Antiarc: I know you can build our source so let me commit that back in and see if it fixes the issue
If you'll point me at the commit I can revert it and re-test
jruby/master cbd3d7b Thomas E. Enebo: Re-add a 'special' cast
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building now
It probably would be worth inlining that in place of getClass everywhere since it does not use inheritance anymore anyways but I guess then the IDE would report like 12 unneeded casts :)
Sampling profile is at least a lot different now
org.jruby.RubyModule.searchWithCache() is top of the stack now
Now org.jruby.RubyModule.fetchConstant()
mje113__: Try with that latest commit if you can, I'm curious what that'll do for you
Probably fixes the invokedynamic issue too
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That didn't substantially change the runtime of 100k iterations for me
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java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$MH.1429880200.linkToCallSite() is dominating with invokedynamic on
which I guess makes sense, heh
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Antiarc: I will as soon as I have a chance (on a train now)
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So, running with --dev, 33% of the program's runtime is java.lang.Thread.interrupted(). That seems...unusual.
Which is because RubyRegexp.matcherSearch executes a SearchMatchTask via thread.executeBlockingTask
Is that expected?
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it does kind of make sense - matching is an operation that could take a long time - maybe MRI sees it as almost like running a C extension, so marks the thread as running a blocking operation
What I'm wondering is if this is an inherent problem in regexp performance which is being masked by the JIT somehow
since Thread.interrupted is going to be a native call that isn't going to be eligible for jit, but if it's this slow I'd expect that issue to show up even with jit on
no eligible for JIR?
Native implementations are beyond the scope of JIT, aren't they?
(Perhaps my assumptions are simply wrong)
no they're usually better for JIT because they can be replaced with a snippet of code without a call boundary
I am still quite the newb WRT JVM internals :)
Ahhh. Okay.
the JIT knows what they do, so it's not a black box and all the JIT logic can take into account what it actually does
Basically, that's URI::Generic accepting query=, fragment=, etc. It performs gsub! on them with a regexp, which fires off that matcherSearch which invokes executeBlockingTask when spends most of its time checking for interrupts
chrisseaton: so there's a small issue merging this right now
headius: yeah?
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test suites run fine with the split module, but since it doesn't go in jruby.jar it isn't available at jruby command line without additional flags
we can merge it and fix it on master or I can push back to branch and work with mkristian to improve that first