jruby (2.5.0) 2018-05-24 81156a8 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 25.181-b13 on 1.8.0_181-b13 +jit [linux-x86_64]
nirvdrum: yeah, that's master
I just recently tracked down an encoding bug we inherited from Rubinius that only presented itself when printing error messages from failing MRI tests.
And since it failed while printing the message, I could never tell which test actually failed.
That was annoying to track down.
yeah, those are the worst
nirvdrum: but that approx thing, we'll need it at some point soon
so for example
"\u{1F48C}".bytes -> [240, 159, 146, 140]
if you'll feed enclen(enc, p, 2) to that
Sorry. You'll have to refresh my memory.
our default impl will return -3
What's this change all about?
which means there's two bytes missing
MRI 2.4.4 yields `nil` for that expression.
yes, that's irreevant
That's fine. But I'm lost on what changed in MRI. Is there a new feature? Or was it just a bug before?
nirvdrum: the approx thing makes onigmo immune to broken chars
so let;s start with c here, char *p = {240, 159, 146, 140} // disregard signedness here for now
this is that "\u{1F48C}"
Isn't it already "immune"? It just returns the first byte in a broken MBC.
MRI really just needs to stop allowing broken strings. It's crazy.
nirvdrum: it's onigmo thing
and mri uses that as well, in places
subbu|lunch is now known as subbu
so for our length if we pass enc.length(p, 0, 2)
but since they use approx they move forward
and we ooib
Case folding is only done for downcasing, right?
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Okay. Getting my head back into this.
er, I know why end - p is 2
because of /\=\?/
which is two chars in the regexp
I'm still trying to build a version of MRI where I can see that.
so, if there's constant parts in regexp then onigmo will create that fast skip thing and will try to find that without entering interpreter loop
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nirvdrum: so in essence it will try to compare first two bytes of "\u{1F48C}" with "=?"
and length for that will definitely be a correct one
*will not
why do I skip "not" at times
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I'll run joni with optimization flag off
yeah, the opcode is immune
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nirvdrum: it would be easier with onigmo alone