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<lopex> anyone on mac with mri built locally ?
<xardion> lopex: what mri version?
<xardion> I have a couple locally installed through ruby_install/chruby
<xardion> older OS X though, still on Yosemite.
<lopex> xardion: actually the version doesnt matter
<lopex> xardion: just the result of objdump -h enc/unicode.o | grep data
<lopex> I see .rdata and .rodata
<lopex> 124 .rodata 00058560 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 00002d20 2**5 - this is what I want, the 00002d20 is the offset I'm interested in
<xardion> where is enc/unicode.o located?
<lopex> in ruby dir build
<lopex> so $BUILD_DIR/enc/unicode.o
<lopex> havenwood: huh
<xardion> Oh, since I used ruby_install I don't think it keeps the build cache when it's done
<havenwood> xardion: It should be in ~/src
<lopex> xardion: yeah, and it needs to be not stripped too
<lopex> havenwood: thx
<havenwood> lopex: np
<havenwood> xardion: or if you used sudo in /usr/local/src
<xardion> lopex: oh, there it is
<lopex> xardion: yeah, whatever build dir
<lopex> or should I have said source
<xardion> gimme a sec, gotta install binutils
<xardion> hmmmm so I don't have an enc/unicode.o
<xardion> I have one in the base src dir
<lopex> maybe it cleans after install
<xardion> Possibly, though there's alot of other .o files hanging around in there
<lopex> nm is the same on mac as on linux ?
<xardion> dunno bout that
<xardion> nm is part of xcode on mac
<xardion> gnm is the GNU toolchain version
<lopex> oh, so there might be gnu version of objdump ?
<xardion> there is
<xardion> gobjdump
<lopex> cool, can you post an output from that ?
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