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<kares> hey all, another week another 9.2 release, jeej!
<kares> enebo: is on the roll - send him some release <3
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<enebo> kares: whoo whoo
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<headius> Good morning
<headius> kares: gotta do what ya gotta do
<headius> I'd like to see 9.2.6 before xmas with stdlib update too
subbu is now known as subbu|breakfast
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<lopex> headius:
<lopex> blew bad anchor
<lopex> section Understanding CCSIDs and Locales
<lopex> I have to proclaim AS/400 doesnt support unicode
<lopex> all ctype.h and stdlib.h functions operate on ebcdic
<lopex> iconv is flaky
<lopex> you hit a wall at every possible point
<lopex> headius: complains heard ?
<headius> "wide EBCIDC
<headius> er EBCDIC
<headius> I've never heard of that
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<lopex> yeah
<lopex> I can explain more in priv if you want to have a bad day
<headius> is this CCSID like a BOM?
<lopex> it's like an encoding
<lopex> for example utf8 is ccsid 1208
<lopex> so it's more like encoding + page
<lopex> for example eastern europe is 870
<lopex> in ebcdic
<lopex> headius: and now imagine you have to migrate 100 billion record database plus a number of batch programs written in c
<headius> yeah I was just wondering about the representation in memory
<lopex> you hit a wall even on sprinf
<lopex> atoi, atof, strod, strok etc
<headius> like COM DSTR includes length at str[-1 * sizeof(_wchar_t)]
<lopex> headius: there is a #pragma convert(ccsid)
<lopex> which switches interpretation of c literals
<headius> ah
subbu|breakfast is now known as subbu
<lopex> but that's no good news too
<lopex> since you cant mix sprinf("literal must be in ebcdic", char_that_is_utf)
<lopex> and when you convert literals for sprintf you get garbage
<lopex> ebcdid is too deep in the system at every level
<headius> NUMBERS
<lopex> numbers are always good
<lopex> headius: I will show you something on priv
<headius> ebcdic is one of those things that seems so bizarre now but it's easy to see why it made so much sense then
<headius> like BCD
<lopex> yep
<lopex> it's to make reading cards easy
<lopex> that's all
<lopex> in nibbles I suppose
<lopex> headius: one thing is
<headius> enebo: hey
<headius> so I have this backtrace thing working but need to make a decision about how to handle these 9+ features while we still support 8
<headius> I kinda started this process already with "modulator" that does module API stuff, but I'm wondering if that should be expanded into a java 9 compat library
<headius> it might even make a good home for the nio Buffer helper that's dealing with those binary incompat issues
<headius> I don't see many Java 9 to 8 backport libs
<headius> enebo must be at lunch
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:d0824b4 by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build is still failing. (
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<headius> kares: you know anything about master failing
<headius> last clean build was my merge of the binary compat tweaks yesterday
<headius> well I've got my backport9 lib rigged up
<headius> enebo: no objections? ok!
<headius> 😀
<lopex> he is hiding on purpose
<lopex> weird thing is onigmo was dormant for the whole year
<headius> wow
<headius> finally slowed doqwn
<lopex> onigmo ?
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<headius> yeah
<enebo> headius: sure on having a backport lib but is it yours or jruby's?
<enebo> headius: if yours some of us may eventually want to be contribs
<headius> well, I've written everything so I was making it mine
<headius> but I don't care who gets commit access
<headius> this will remove modulator
<enebo> headius: yeah that is fine...just saying
<headius> enebo: I'll push it and you can have a look. I have it working with stack walking, module crap, and buffer stuff
<enebo> ok
<headius> I also have a WIP varhandle wrapper I will merge into this later
<enebo> it is weird how little thought seemed to be put into 8->9 cross compat
<enebo> even that platform detect code just picking Module as a test. Seems Java should provide something...or perhaps even better capabilities api
<enebo> headius: but it all looks nice to me
<headius> yeah capabilities API would be good
<headius> they should add a major version enum that always contains next version
<enebo> yeah both are probably useful for reasons
<headius> so on 8 you could always do something like if JavaSpec.current() <
<enebo> but does this Java support Modules? Or in Java 11 is first jaotc I can trust
<headius> oh for sure
<enebo> both pretty reasonable progmatic questions
<headius> better coarse-grained capabilities would be nice
<enebo> Class.forName is pretty weak sauce but I guess it is not hard to know it is possible to check that way
<enebo> It will not tell you if there are new methods on the type so versioning maybe is reasonable
<enebo> unless we then need to use reflection to ask
<enebo> which again seems like weak sauce
<enebo> Those two tools probably is enough to make a framework for capabilities though
<headius> I used that because it's at least something concrete I know will never be on 8
<headius> and because we've had a bloody hell of a time trying to figure out spec version from java.specification.version
<enebo> oh yeah it makes sense I am just thinking more obliquely about what is missing from Java itself
<headius> this is also why the launcher changes I made look for the presence of jmods dir
<headius> yeah
<headius> it is unfortunate
<headius> we probably have over a dozen different mechanisms for detecting current JDK version sprinkled throughout JRuby
<headius> it's silly
<headius> all used for different capabilities
<enebo> and version checks may work good enough for Java based on how rigid it is but it still is one dimension away from whatever is checking on a version
<enebo> e.g. is (Java9()) vs if (supportsModules())
<enebo> but it is reasonable for Java in the sense things do not radically change a lot
<enebo> with 6 month releases perhaps that won't hold in the future htough
<lopex> isGoodEnough()
<lopex> or better, isStartWorthy()
<lopex> startup ?
<enebo> lopex: you drink beer on friday's right?
<lopex> yeah, mostly
<lopex> and today is the day
<headius> yeah I also did it this way because I want to support 9+, not just 9...and they keep changing the numbering scheme
<lopex> but not untill 10mp here
<lopex> *pm
<headius> so what I have is really more like a capability check
<headius> ok, I'm going to spin 1.0 of this and use it for the PR
<lopex> enebo: havent had time lately
<enebo> ok
<lopex> enebo: much less lately since I have problems getting asleep and take daily
<lopex> and dont want to mix that with alcohol
<lopex> enebo: and it even works as an antidepressant for me, probably because I can fall asleep more deeply
<kares> headius: open-timeout issue on CI ... restarted even older (green) builds and it happened
<kares> already tried fiddling with the problematic assert a bit - slightly better but not reliable
<headius> the one that failed in rubyspec seemed to be a mutex blocking issue though
<headius> there are three that failed in the one I looked at, so it wasn't just one random test
<headius> different suites
<headius> I did see something about the timeout
<headius> you lowered it again?
<headius> my bad should be rewritten to create a server and never accept connection
<kares> looking I see there suddenly more new style failures
<kares> weird
<kares> okay so 1 is the mutex thing, one net/http timeout (seen both from time-to-time)
<kares> the third I haven't seen much
<kares> JI suite failing with: Unknown error (SystemCallError) - uri:classloader:jruby/kernel.rb
<kares> fine locally ;(
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:3b933af by Thomas E. Enebo): The build was fixed. (
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<headius> z00t
<headius> kares: weird
<kares> did untag a lot of specs recently
<kares> so that would be the spec:ruby case
<kares> altough still a mutex should not fail mutex-ing
<headius> kares: only failure on most recent red master was the test/unit thread unsafe thing I patched around
<kares> recall eregon mentioned this one
<kares> that there's some new mutex specs failing and being tagged
<kares> if I recall right that was due not being interruptible
<headius> oh other than my fix for that failed three things
<headius> yeah those were suppose to have been tagged though
<headius> that has not been addressed
<headius> I wonder if a bad merge wiped out the tag or something
<headius> enebo: backport9 is released and the branch updated...just waiting for propagation to confirm CI is green and I'll merge that stack walking to master
<headius> it's functionally identical on 8 but on 9 it can limit depth if you use the two-arg form of Kernel#caller
<headius> sad story is nobody uses that form
<headius> ok, artifact should be propagated...gonna take lunch and let CI chew before I merge the stack walking stuff
<headius> hahaha
<headius> my sequel job always passes
<headius> if JRuby fails to build it uses the rvm jruby
<headius> rvm ruby rather
<lopex> no tags/excludes for String#split ?
<headius> apparently not?
<lopex> apparently
<lopex> the spaces are 2.6 already right ?
<lopex> *specs
* lopex opens a beer
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:7f35662 by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build is still failing. (
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<lopex> headius: shall we update to unicode 11 now or when 2.6 is released ?
<headius> 2.6 I suppose
<lopex> I hope it's only tables
<headius> specs on master are not 2.6...there's a branch
<headius> oh well
<lopex> yeah, I know
<headius> I mean specs are always current and have version masks
<lopex> if it's only tables then all data is set in stone
<lopex> wrt unicode 11
<headius> yeah I'd hope there's not much that could break
<lopex> I'll try mri's master
<lopex> do I need to build it first
<lopex> at least I always have ./configure --disable-install-doc --disable-install-rdoc in my history
<lopex> I hope that gperf format havent changed
<headius> hah
<lopex> I cant see any nonfragile method of doing that generation
<lopex> porting their erb c templates would be even worse I guess
<lopex> or not
<headius> how do they generate it?
<headius> kares: I'm concerned about that mutex failure, because I've never seen it before and it shipped in 9.2.5
<headius> need to figure out where the first occurrence was
<lopex> in general most of that is in
<headius> ok
<lopex> madnes
<lopex> they parse oficccial unicode data
<lopex> but it's too interwined with their c templates last time I looked
<lopex> I'd expect some intermediate data format like json or something
<lopex> then we could use their scripts
<lopex> eh
<lopex> headius: bad news
<lopex> we need to report grapheme clusters from mri
<lopex> good news is lots of code is gone
<lopex> soo...
<lopex> Onigmo is essentially dead now, unless it backports mris changes which is unlikely at this point
<lopex> char class changes too
<lopex> too many changes mris specific to be backported to onigmo
<lopex> actually, wait
<lopex> lots of changes comes from refactoring
<lopex> no, lots of \X code removed
<lopex> jeeze, this diff is so difficult to follow
<lopex> ah, some extracted
<lopex> ok
<lopex> all this stuff takes so little in java so we are mostly unaffected
<lopex> but code range change names worry me
<lopex> so much c memory management gymnastics
<lopex> almost funny
<lopex> so they seem to have removed three code ranges from \X
<headius> hah
<headius> yeah they will die on the cross of uniform representation
<headius> I don't envy them trying to audit the rat's nest of pointer references in memory
<lopex> headius: but just look how this looks in java
<lopex> there is repetition
<lopex> but not enough yet to make me worry
<lopex> at one point I thought to extract that
<lopex> but that year ago onigmo changes were so huge I didnt bother
<lopex> well, now when I see it the pedancy in me makes me do it
<lopex> anyways, there are hardcoded changes so we cant update to 11 now
<lopex> headius: same thing with that binary files
<lopex> headius: oh hey, has java bytecode format changed for iso Strings wrt constants ?
<lopex> headius: well, all that mri changes come from leaks anyways
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<headius> lopex: hmm good question, I'm not sure
<lopex> headius: it would be worth thing to optimize if class format changed
<lopex> *worthy
<lopex> this is kind of wirrying too
<lopex> *worrying
<lopex> and mri will not address those I think anyways
<lopex> the one I issued is fixed in joni
<lopex> and the perf ration is insane
<lopex> *ratio
<lopex> headius: the project is essentially dead
<lopex> otherwise is still going
<lopex> but it has diverged to such extent it's a diffferent project on its own
<lopex> headius: ^^
<lopex> oh so K.Kosako has abandoned it himself ?
<lopex> it's all bad news
<lopex> er
<lopex> wrong I misread k-takata user name
<lopex> headius:
<lopex> well, the question is how easy it will be for mri to switch to that oniguruma fork again
<headius> they do things so oddly
<headius> I'm not sure why they made onigmo to begin with if they were just going to make their own changes all the time
<lopex> there's total mis cooperativeness
<headius> wasn't onigmo basically supposed to be MRI's oniguruma?
<lopex> and cross merging is insane
<lopex> headius: nowadays ?
<lopex> now
<lopex> it diverged in insane ways
<lopex> it supports no callouts etc
<lopex> er, it does support callouts
<lopex> sorry
<lopex> so in a gist
<lopex> onigmo was an early fork of oniguruma and it was adopted and being traced by mri
<headius> ok so it wasn't done specifically for MRI
<headius> yeah the cooperation thing is weird
<lopex> and now, oniguruma was a separate fork that wasnt used by mri but has DIVERGED substantially
<headius> in the past I might have thought it was a language barrier issue but the maintainers of onigmo speak japanese too
<lopex> those two are now different projects even when you account only for the features
<lopex> no idead
<headius> yeah ok
<lopex> but that's what I can tell from keeping an eye on them for past year or so
<lopex> and that fact can make some troubles for us
<lopex> especially those cross merges from mri/onigmo
<lopex> those maddy the waters pretty well
<lopex> er, is cross merge actually a thing in english tech slang ?
<lopex> headius: those changes in mri are easy to update, like a day or so
<lopex> and then we can update to unicode 111
<lopex> 11
<lopex> but mri in it's instanity can switch back to oniguruma
<lopex> and then we have a problem
<lopex> like two months of work
<headius> cross merge works for me
<headius> as a phrase :-)
<lopex> yeah
<lopex> yeah, it's weird
<lopex> just invented that for that thing they do
<lopex> uncommon even in c comunity
<headius> I think the conservative approach is all we really have here...MRI is rather nutty about introducing minor changes into the regex and the vast majority of them are never seen by users
<headius> usually if someone reports some new feature we didn't add it's only a release away
<lopex> but there was a perdiod like from 4 to 1 years ago where mri and onigmo happily interchanged the code with each other
<headius> ugh my kingdom for fast-propagating maven artifacts
<lopex> and it was a time of introducing quite of a few features
<headius> this slows my dev process down more frequently than it should
<lopex> headius: at least no one touches transcoding
<headius> I suppose this is a side effect of us not wanting to have commits depend on snapshot dependencies
<headius> but that's the right choice too
<headius> lopex: hah yeah
<headius> I have not checked if that inner loop has changed since I ported it
<lopex> headius: and that thing you mentioned to me some time ago wrt that mac-utf8 failure
<headius> still amazed that it works as well as it does
<lopex> headius: I starred at the code for an hour
<headius> hahah yeah
<lopex> and havent come up with anything
<lopex> it's still broken
<headius> I had a ton of those moments while porting the transcoder loop
<lopex> headius: you remember that ?
<headius> stare at code for hours and then realize I had a - instead of a + in some character-width calculation
<headius> mac-utf8 failure, I don't quite remember
<lopex> headius: it's good until you have 1000 lines of those
<lopex> let me find that
<lopex> well, not in irc logs, my own files
<lopex> er, it will be easier to look at the tags
<lopex> headius: exclude :test_utf8_mac, "needs investigation
<lopex> this code is hard to follow in java
<lopex> how do they deal with it in c ?
<headius> looking
<headius> ahh yeah
<lopex> do you recall that ?
<headius> ouch
<lopex> I remember that because my efforts were futile
<headius> TestTranscode#test_utf8_mac:
<headius> Java::JavaLang::ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 458769
<lopex> yep
<headius> yeah I remember
<headius> I don't remember how far I got into it but I was stumped pretty early
<lopex> I traced everything from jruby core to the guts of transcodings
<lopex> so same here
<lopex> and it's not signedness it appears
<lopex> or well
<headius> I wonder if there's some sonatype repo we could point at that is the first stop for maven artifacts on the way out
<headius> like something that's ready within 5min of pushing the release button
<lopex> like max 5min ?
<lopex> I'm confused
<lopex> third beer finished (all very light like 4%)
<lopex> I guess I dont even like stronger beers now
<lopex> one and a halfe month ago I was "forced" to go to the party where all the folks wanted to go offf
<lopex> at one point we drunk 80% whatver that was
<lopex> and it was good indeed
<lopex> I'm too skinny for that mount of alcohol
<lopex> even though it ened up fine
<lopex> *ended
<lopex> headius: still confused about that sonatype thing ?
<lopex> and no enebo now ?
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