kares: I Think that Mutex failure is a bad spec
did you have some other evidence that there's something broken with Mutex?
The spec tries to test for blocking by checking for a thread status of "sleep", but there's a race because we have to set sleep briefly before attempting to lock the lock
so once in a while it will see the sleep status even though locking the lock doesn't block
looks like the logic for checking blocking is not new but this particular spec was modified recently to use it
oops, actually it looks like eregon added this about a week after thanksgiving
so that would be the week before before 9.2.5
I will tweak lock to try before setting sleep and blocking
there will stil lbe a status race but an unlocked lock should never look like it's blocking
updated mutex issue...I think we're fine
I also checked other lock impls and I'm pretty sure that core race is unavoidable
even JVM has a race between setting the waiting status when acquiring a lock