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i'm dealing with this error: load error: psych -- java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.yaml.snakeyaml.error.Mark.<init>(Ljava/lang/String;III[II)V
it seems like the app has a version of snakeyaml on the classpath that doesn't jive with psych
does anyone know what version of snakeyaml is required by the psych in JRuby
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after looking again, i think this app may not have snakeyaml on the classpath at all. where does psych get it's snakeyaml from?
codefinger: it's in the lib/ruby/stdlib dir
i see the snakeyaml-1.23 in the jruby-stdlib jar, but for whatever reason it's not ending up on the classpath when running a warbler WAR in tomcat (it was working before upgrading to
classpath usually doesn't work with nested jars; we use our own classloader to load them
in a Ruby-style deployment the jars are loose on the filesystem
yea, but this worked before
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