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<travis-ci> kares/jruby-openssl (master:c862feb by Karol Bucek): The build has errored. (
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (jruby-openssl-0.10.3:08e6436 by kares): The build passed. [174 min 24 sec]
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<kares[m]> enebo: pushed jossl, haven't merged the update on master as I noticed you already had a staging repo at sonatype's
<kares[m]> here's the PR: feel free to merge or post-pone.
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<headius[m]> Pretty sure nothing has been pushed out...ran into that Rails sassc issue on Windows toward the end of the day and had to confirm
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<enebo[m]> kares: headius I can gem install it with current bits and see if I see any issues and if not respin
<enebo[m]> kares: did it eliminate any issues with add-opens? I thought there was still something happening
<enebo[m]> I may be remembering an older issue
<enebo[m]> ```
<enebo[m]> WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
<enebo[m]> WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.jruby.ext.openssl.SecurityHelper
<enebo[m]> WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.jruby.ext.openssl.SecurityHelper (file:/home/enebo/work/release/release/jruby- to constructor,,java.lang.String)
<enebo[m]> Or do we just need to add this as a default?
<enebo[m]> in our .jruby.opts
<enebo[m]> We also still have this one:
<enebo[m]> 2020-02-18T09:14:58.954-06:00 [main] WARN FilenoUtil : Native subprocess control requires open access to
<enebo[m]> Pass '--add-opens java.base/' or '=org.jruby.core' to enable.
<enebo[m]> This is in core though
<headius[m]> the problem is that we don't have a module for the jruby-openssl module
<headius[m]> er for the jruby-openssl jar
<enebo[m]> oh so we need to make a module for it
<headius[m]> we can add-opens to the unnamed module but it's a blunt instrument
<enebo[m]> well these are the only two warnings I see running through a rails session
<enebo[m]> blunt may be ok til we get surgical
<headius[m]> the one you found is easy enough to add
<headius[m]> bin/.jruby.module_opts
<headius[m]> what did you run to get that
<enebo[m]> the or the SecutriryHelper one
<headius[m]> is already there
<headius[m]> the SecurityHelper one is in jossl
<enebo[m]> hmmm shows that warning
<enebo[m]> doing a bundle install (although as a subproc)
<enebo[m]> do we not prop add-opens?
<kares[m]> haven't looked into that ... even having module-info (which is half-baked) won't resolve the issue
<kares[m]> unless ext jars are added to the module path ...
<headius[m]> it should be getting picked up by every launch
<headius[m]> kares: we can add an automatic-module-name to the manifest
<headius[m]> that's how JRuby does it currently
<headius[m]> yeah I'm not sure about the module/class path when loading the ext
<headius[m]> what is it doing that's invasive? Maybe we don't need to
<headius[m]> enebo: I see the jossl warning but not the other one when bundling
<enebo[m]> try running with runner
<enebo[m]> The reduced case would be however system invokes
<headius[m]> JAVA_OPTS='--add-opens java.base/ --add-opens java.base/'
<headius[m]> silences the jossl warnings
<headius[m]> there was a second one
<enebo[m]> ```ActionView::Template::Error (Bad file descriptor - /home/enebo/work/release/release/jruby- ./bin/webpack):
<enebo[m]> ```
<enebo[m]> do I block quote?
<enebo[m]> I did ``` but it looks like nothing is there
<headius[m]> shift enter to not send immediately
<enebo[m]> ActionView::Template::Error (Bad file descriptor - /home/enebo/work/release/release/jruby- ./bin/webpack):
<enebo[m]> mine was one line but regardless one line
<enebo[m]> This is Java 13
<enebo[m]> ActionView::Template::Error (Bad file descriptor - /home/enebo/work/release/release/jruby- ./bin/webpack):
<headius[m]> didn't we have someone get errors on Java 13 in Cape Town?
<headius[m]> I think maybe something is locked down that prevents us getting real file descriptor
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<enebo[m]> So on Java 13 I was able to completely generate the app and run rails s but this is what I get one first page request
<headius[m]> jeez, it spawns webpack during a request?
<enebo[m]> but fwiw I was doing timings of Rails with java 9+ in the past year
<headius[m]> yeah it seems to be something new
<enebo[m]> well only until it is compiled
<enebo[m]> this is dev mode
<enebo[m]> ah perhaps that is why I did not see it
<headius[m]> ahh ok
<headius[m]> I am reluctant to open up java security packages to all unnamed
<headius[m]> it's no worse than on java 8 really but still
<enebo[m]> ah I know what is up...I ran the Rails apps with Java 8 and then tried later with 13 so stuff like webpacker had already did its stuff
<enebo[m]> so I am ok with keeping the warning until 9.3 so long as we make a module for jruby-openssl and solve it next release
<enebo[m]> I mean we have had it for years now. a month or two won't kill us
<enebo[m]> but we definitely get confusion from these warnings so we need to get rid of these known ones
<headius[m]> might be able to add the add-opens now and get a jossl release out later this week with module in place, but if we need to do something different loading the jar it won't help
<headius[m]> I'm trying to start up server to see the other warning
<headius[m]> right, there's open issues about it but I haven't had a chance to run through common tasks and look for them
<headius[m]> still no warning starting server... will look at your script
<enebo[m]> yeah I think we will always have a support issue for this generically
<headius[m]> oh I'm on 11
<headius[m]> ok so this is different on 13
<headius[m]> I suspect it fails to get file descriptor which we interpret as a module problem and print that info
<headius[m]> but it's not a module error, something has moved
<enebo[m]> ok so LTS we are ok but 13 will warn
<enebo[m]> That I am not seeing :)
<headius[m]> might be a quick fix
<headius[m]> once I can repro
<enebo[m]> I do actually have that warning way up in my history though
<headius[m]> aha
<enebo[m]> it was before when running rails c + serialization on 13...I see the bouncy castle thing but not running the 'runner' script
<headius[m]> you are using launcher
<headius[m]> launcher does not have smarts to load .jruby.module_opts or the others
<headius[m]> if you put those flags from .jruby.module_opts in JAVA_OPTS it will probably work
<enebo[m]> /home/enebo/work/release/release/jruby- Bourne-Again shell script, ASCII text executable
<headius[m]> hmm
<enebo[m]> ah I bet I know
<headius[m]> ok I guess not but I can't repro
<enebo[m]> jruby dist may not be bundling those files
<headius[m]> with jossl warnings fixed I do not see any more warnings
<enebo[m]> jruby.module_opts is not in the bin dist
<headius[m]> oops my bad
<enebo[m]> I will check -src too
<headius[m]> all the dotfiles in there should be added
<enebo[m]> not for source either
<enebo[m]> So summary of things: 1) missing dot files 2) possible change to work around lack of jossl module 3) bin/webpacker having descriptor error on 13
<headius[m]> I will get a complete list of jossl module warnings and open an issue
<enebo[m]> so we do some unpack and re-tar for jruby-bin (don't know about src) perhaps that is the issue
<rwilliams[m]> How is viewed in the opensource world?
<headius[m]> rwilliams: I'm not familiar with it
<rwilliams[m]> As far as acceptance and usage
<rwilliams[m]> It's great
<headius[m]> looks nice
<headius[m]> enebo: could be?
<enebo[m]> yeah I am starting to look
<rwilliams[m]> I found it when I worked on docker-sync
<rwilliams[m]> It has GitHub hooks and you can set different tags, etc
<enebo[m]> <exclude>**/.*</exclude>
<headius[m]> enebo: heh
<enebo[m]> includes override excludes right?
<enebo[m]> so explicit includes should put those files in
<enebo[m]> I sort of wish we just used rake for all this :)
<headius[m]> maybe .dev_mode.java_opts should be moved to .jruby.dev_mode.java_opts and you can explicitly add .jruby*
<enebo[m]> I see includes for nailgun in here :)
<headius[m]> haha
<headius[m]> nice
<headius[m]> kares: thank you for the release and work btw!
<headius[m]> I'm going to look at the one that's actually in jossl
<headius[m]> the BC ones will have to come from a BC fix
<enebo[m]> actually that rule is not the issue they are in bin/
<kares[m]> sorry .. matrix messing with me
<enebo[m]> Love it
<kares[m]> wish I had more time ... the most important stuff in new release is support for TLS ciphers available since Java 8+
<enebo[m]> I guess I will add an includes for bin/.jruby*
<headius[m]> yeah that's great to have out there finally
<headius[m]> enebo: see above about .dev_mode.java_opts
<headius[m]> it's not too late to rename it
<enebo[m]> ah this is first release isn't it
<headius[m]> no
<kares[m]> btw. if we were properly loading module path style ... than the latest bc warnings woudn't be there (they declare opens)
<headius[m]> so if it wasn't in there then nobody's been getting the benefit of those files in 9.2.9
<headius[m]> --dev probably doesn't do anything in 9.2.9 with bash script
<enebo[m]> I really don't have much of an opinion on this naming
<headius[m]> seems like if we handled BC through SPI correctly we wouldn't need the invasive access in jossl
<headius[m]> kares: aha
<headius[m]> so when we load those jars they need to be loaded as module path
<headius[m]> assuming their opens will be honored
<headius[m]> jossl does not shade BC anymore does it?
<kares[m]> no does not - it does jar-dependencies load of the jars
<kares[m]> and falls back on its packed ones
<headius[m]> it only seems to do this invasive access on java 9
<headius[m]> 9+
<headius[m]> kares: ok so if we fix how the jars are loaded in JRuby then may be ok
<kares[m]> BC through SPI not sure ... we had issues installing the provider
<headius[m]> I do not remember the lineage of this code
<kares[m]> we now avoid the provider being installe globally -> which I think is much better
<headius[m]> do you know why this code only runs on 9+?
<kares[m]> heh, I should now ... but looks weird
<headius[m]> the newInstance reflective stuff appears to go through reflection to create a new CertificateFactory for BC, but if there's an SPI for BC it should be possible to create it by name
<kares[m]> by name will only work if the provider is installed
<kares[m]> which in our case is not the case ... that is why there's the mess with going through reflection
<headius[m]> installed how
<headius[m]> this appears to be using SPI
<kares[m]> at least that had been the case when it was introduced ... pbly ! Java 7
<kares[m]> * at least that had been the case when it was introduced ... pbly ~ Java 7
<headius[m]> which should work if it's on classpath
<headius[m]> hmmm BC seems to be multi-release jar to hide module-info
<headius[m]> I know for a fact that is problematic
<headius[m]> BC does have a CertificateFactory SPI
<kares[m]> right so we eventually call the SPI ctor with the provider ... reflectively as those aren't accessible
<enebo[m]> not to throw a wrench in all this and I know there are issues but which Java has a proper date impl?
<headius[m]> 8
<enebo[m]> so we are only using joda now because of java exts
<kares[m]> (since the provider isn't installed and we still want to prefer BC stuff over JDK impls)
<enebo[m]> and we exposed it somewhat in Time/Date
<kares[m]> yeah exts ... AR-JDBC uses it heavily
<enebo[m]> It is not really germane to today's discussion but we should maybe switch up and deprecate for 9.3 if we can
<kares[m]> they say Java 8 are drop in replacements for joda but the APIs or slightly different in the details
<kares[m]> enough so that its not that of a simple transition ...
<kares[m]> 👍️
<headius[m]> something like that
<enebo[m]> sorry this is a distraction to the conversation but I just figured we should be thinking about killing joda as soon as we can
<kares[m]> on deprecating ... if we have a replacement in place ;)
<headius[m]> main reason we had not is because we have public APIs that expose joda DateTime
<enebo[m]> kares: yeah :)
<headius[m]> but we could create that lazily to continue supporting them
<headius[m]> we just wouldn't be able to stop shipping joda for a bit
<headius[m]> I'm on board with switching for 9.3 and deprecating the public APIs
<enebo[m]> yeah what I said above was when a deprecation would start not when it would actually be removed
<kares[m]> headius: we would just keep on failing and taking the exception path
<kares[m]> in most cases ... unless we install BC which is problematic in embed envs
<kares[m]> (believe we had leaks from it back in the day)
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<headius[m]> I don't believe so
<headius[m]> SPI is not related to security provider registration
<headius[m]> we are going straight into the same constructor that SPI should be finding and calling
<headius[m]> SPI is basically doing "safely" what we are doing manually
<kares[m]> really? its been a while for me ... so I am happy to be proven wrong here
<kares[m]> was pretty sure passing the provider name only works if its installed ...
<headius[m]> nah if you look at the SPI stuff it just looks on classpath for that named class and loads and instantiates it
<headius[m]> it's a really elaborate way to do Class.forName().getConstructor().invoke
<headius[m]> I made an SPI provided for ISO-8859-11 some time ago and it just has to be on classpath
<kares[m]> okay will check out the crypto package internals
<headius[m]> start at Java's CertificateFactory.getInstance
<headius[m]> I believe if we pass in the type string we already have plus the BC provider name it will work
<headius[m]> but we still need to get the jars on module path...I will look at that quickly
<headius[m]> I assume jar-deps just requires the jar
<headius[m]> module loading will take some research, there's a many-bladed API here that looks complicated
<headius[m]> mf = ModuleFinder.of(path); cfg = Configuration.resolve(mf, ...); ModuleLayer.defineModulesWithOneLoader(cfg, ...)
<headius[m]> this all seems must-have for 9.3
<headius[m]> enebo: back yet
<enebo[m]> I am here
<headius[m]> I think we should still ignore the jossl warnings and do it right for 9.3
<enebo[m]> yeah that is fine by me
<headius[m]> we can publish the add-opens for people who want to opt-in, and they can just add to bin/.jruby.module_opts and be done wit hit
<enebo[m]> we have had them the entire time...waiting a little while longer will not make the problem worse
<headius[m]> testing SPI tweak
<headius[m]> I can't do the module thing until I understand this api better and how it would fit into JRubyClassLoader
<headius[m]> and we'll have to shim this stuff on Java 8
<enebo[m]> I am verifying the include statements ship those files
<headius[m]> unless 9.3 will be 9+ only :-D
<headius[m]> wouldn't it be nice to pin to 11
<headius[m]> very hard to do modules properly with only Java 8 APIs
<enebo[m]> I still feel there are a lot of 8 holdouts but it is tough to know
<headius[m]> there are
<headius[m]> I'd guess it's still around 50% in some quarters
<headius[m]> kares: I have a working patch
<headius[m]> you want to review it or should I just commit?
<headius[m]> this fixes the invasive access we were doing... I'm not sure now why it used reflection at all because the SPI path seemed to work easily
<headius[m]> kares: change that to provider
<headius[m]> we already have provider in hand
<headius[m]> I did not realize there's a getInstance that takes Provider
<headius[m]> eliminates the exception handling too
<headius[m]> we should probably get the provider via SPI also but it doesn't warn so meh
<kares[m]> oh right, are all those accessible to us
<kares[m]> thought those were protected methods
<headius[m]> compiles on 8 fine and works on 13 for me
<kares[m]> cool
<kares[m]> let's have it than
<headius[m]> probably can spin a new jossl quickly?
<kares[m]> won't have much time to work on jossl so feel free to take it over ;)
<kares[m]> * won't have much time to work on jossl now so feel free to take it over ;)
<headius[m]> enebo: you haven't released while we were talking have you? :-D
<kares[m]> * won't have much time to work on jossl now so feel free to take it over ;)
<headius[m]> kares: I'll push this change and release a new gem then
<headius[m]> mvn package and push the resulting gem is good enough?
<kares[m]> yeah go for it ... there's a
<headius[m]> other than pulling into jruby of course
<kares[m]> we push to sonatype ;)
<headius[m]> oh yeah that too
<headius[m]> I'll read building
<kares[m]> as well ... which seems outdated
<kares[m]> pushing a gem should be enough ... not sure if we need the mvn release
<kares[m]> think is predates mavengem
<headius[m]> hmm yeah
<headius[m]> "(advised) ... take the rest of the day off!"
<headius[m]> nice
<headius[m]> wish I could
<kares[m]> METOO
<enebo[m]> heh
<enebo[m]> to the released stmt
<headius[m]> spinning the release will take more time than fixing this
<kares[m]> yy
<enebo[m]> it sure does
<headius[m]> kares: I get two test failures in mvn package locally
<headius[m]> should I worry? :-D
<kares[m]> do you on Java 8 ?
<headius[m]> actually 2 f 2 e
<headius[m]> adoptopenjdk 8 yes
<kares[m]> pbly not it uses runit and its been a struggle ... CI does not run tests this way
<kares[m]> `rake test` ?
<headius[m]> runit wow
<headius[m]> mvn package
<headius[m]> did not even get to run rake test point
<headius[m]> I will skipTests and check rake test
<kares[m]> do that, runit is not reliable
<headius[m]> ok
<headius[m]> FIXME
<kares[m]> there's a lot of those
<kares[m]> also jruby dropped the openssl suite but we do not have it at the gem repo
<headius[m]> ah
<headius[m]> TODO
<kares[m]> so I just run MRI OpenSSL tests manually today before release ...
<headius[m]> can't find test/unit?
<kares[m]> `bundle install` ed?
<headius[m]> I did
<headius[m]> mvn package -DskipTests ; bundle install ; rake test
<headius[m]> I pushed fix
<headius[m]> not sure why I can't rake test
<kares[m]> that's what CI does
<headius[m]> added to Gemfile and it works
<enebo[m]> -src includes the dot files but -bin still does not
<headius[m]> same 2F2E
<headius[m]> kares: if I promise to do the next one maybe you can release 0.10.4 pretty please? 🍦
<headius[m]> everything built but this seems an environment difference on my system
<kares[m]> let me test it ... I can push than
<headius[m]> what JDK8 do you use?
<kares[m]> will we actually need the mvn release?
<kares[m]> or just push a gem?
<headius[m]> I do not know
<headius[m]> checking jruby deps
<kares[m]> its only to be used by JRuby's build ...
<kares[m]> I am on Java 8 Oracle I think
<kares[m]> but I wanted to setup AdoptOpenJDK
<headius[m]> I don't think I see any reference to the jossl maven artifact
<headius[m]> only the gem
<headius[m]> enebo: maybe it's time to switch to gradle 🦄
<enebo[m]> heh this jruby-dist code is tough to understand
<enebo[m]> somehow there is a bin dir under target and it is missing the files
<headius[m]> hmm
<kares[m]> headius: looking at the patch, should we not update the other paths to avoid the reflection?
<headius[m]> we can but I did not test any changes there
<kares[m]> the other getInstance stuff does the same ... e.g. KeyFactory etc
<headius[m]> this one warns because java.base is a module
<headius[m]> the others might warn once BC is loaded as a module
<headius[m]> they do not now
<kares[m]> it will still blow right the first time we try using that path?
<headius[m]> I used --illegal-access=debug and only saw this one come up
<kares[m]> so just leave it as is .... for now
<headius[m]> and the two inside BC
<headius[m]> yeah when we fix module on JRuby side we will re-audit warnings
<kares[m]> did you try like gem install or anything similar?
<headius[m]> gem install never seems to pick up the new jossl jar for me but I did copy it into JRuby directly and test it
<headius[m]> the one warning we trigger was gone
<kares[m]> okay, fine with me tests pass
<headius[m]> ship it
<kares[m]> so I'll get into releasing ... in a few
<headius[m]> thank you ❤️
<kares[m]> 0.10.4 on rubygems
<kares[m]> will update the JRuby PR
<headius[m]> awesome
<headius[m]> enebo: ok to merge?
<kares[m]> should be good - but let CI run a bit maybe
<headius[m]> yeah will wait
<enebo[m]> yeah if it passes I am cool with this
<enebo[m]> someone help me figure out why I am not getting dot files into jruby-dist/target/jruby.home/bin
<headius[m]> I'm someone
<headius[m]> show me what you have
<headius[m]> clearly this is the problem to begin with but you have patched around it?
<headius[m]> <exclude>**/.*</exclude>
<headius[m]> ugh
<enebo[m]> hah
<headius[m]> gist please if you can't get backticks working here
<headius[m]> otherwise it's interpreted as markdown
<headius[m]> type backquote backquote backquote shift+enter
<headius[m]> then paste
<headius[m]> then shift + enter, backquote backquote backquote to close it
<headius[m]> riot should be smarter
<enebo[m]> ah I think I did not do ending ``` before
<headius[m]> it shold end it for you but maybe not
<headius[m]> I think the ordering is a problem here
<headius[m]> includes are first and then excludes
<enebo[m]> This is not the issue
<enebo[m]> It fixed -src anyways
<headius[m]> and mvn what
<headius[m]> -Pdist?
<enebo[m]> Or I should say I do not think it is ordering...I think what is wrong has to do with how we get bin/ files into jruby-dist at all
<headius[m]> maybe
<enebo[m]> I am doing a full reelease via: mvn clean deploy -Psonatype-oss-release -Prelease
<headius[m]> so -Prelease
<enebo[m]> sure
<enebo[m]> It is happening from release no doubt
<headius[m]> you shouldn't need sonatype stuff just to test the artifcats
<headius[m]> or deploy
<enebo[m]> yeah
<enebo[m]> I do know thaty
<headius[m]> ok
<enebo[m]> but I thought I fixed it and you asked me what I did
<headius[m]> I'm trying a naive additional includes section expecting it will choke
<enebo[m]> after the excludes?
<headius[m]> yeah
<headius[m]> probably is not kosher schema
<enebo[m]> well this definitely added them to -src dist file
<headius[m]> they were not there before?
<enebo[m]> no
<headius[m]> so they weren't in either bin or src
<enebo[m]> correct
<headius[m]> ok
<enebo[m]> but definitely try it...I mean tbh I don't really grok how this all works
<headius[m]> me neither
<headius[m]> yeah didn't like that
<headius[m]> but didn't error until after generating src so src is doing something different
<enebo[m]> yeah looks like git archive
<headius[m]> well that shouldn't have been broken before then
<enebo[m]> yeah I am confused about this for sure
<headius[m]> yeah src dist doesn't appear to use any of those maven bits for assembling it
<headius[m]> moving includes below excludes to test my theory
<enebo[m]> I will try removing the exclude asa test
<enebo[m]> I still don't know how the bin dir ends up in target
<headius[m]> well it's using that fileset to assemble the dist archive
<enebo[m]> I sort of feel like these includes override excludes but that we do not have the files we want in that bin dir
<enebo[m]> from the home dir?
<headius[m]> <directory>${project.parent.parent.basedir}</directory>
<enebo[m]> so project base
<headius[m]> so the assembly plugin called from pom.rb uses common.xml to gank all the files out of project base
<enebo[m]> ok well then that exclude likely is the issue so my experiment should show lots of crap
<headius[m]> well the exclude are weird
<headius[m]> the second one is redundant
<headius[m]> **/target makes sense I guess
<headius[m]> the others... meh
<headius[m]> gah, didn't work
<enebo[m]> so one weird thing....
<enebo[m]> I notice a .jrubydir was there before we even started messing with this file
<enebo[m]> Which would imply that exclude of */. somehow did not apply to that
<headius[m]> I'm removing the . exclude entirely now
<enebo[m]> That is what I did
<enebo[m]> Do not notice a difference
<enebo[m]> please confirm though
<headius[m]> yeah slow build
<headius[m]> how can attach sources take this long
<headius[m]> heh this doesn't even filter out the right stuff in bin
<headius[m]> it picks up local stuff like rake-compiler
<headius[m]> need to just kill the pack200 stuff
<headius[m]> pipe dream that it will ever be useful and the world is a different place now
<enebo[m]> well it was not even what I wanted
<enebo[m]> I just wanted our .tar.gz and .zip to be smaller overall not include a new format
<headius[m]> removing exclude worked
<headius[m]> so I don't know what ordering happens here
<enebo[m]> you see those dot files in target or the resulting file has those files?
<headius[m]> resulting file has them
<headius[m]> I don't know if you'll see them in target or not
<enebo[m]> heh
<headius[m]> so it did work
<enebo[m]> yeah no excludes...but I really do not get what jruby.home/bin is even for then?
<headius[m]> jruby.home/bin?
<enebo[m]> target/META-INF/jruby.home/bin/
<headius[m]> that goes in the jar itself
<enebo[m]> which jar?
<headius[m]> jruby.jar
<headius[m]> or jruby-complete.jar maybe
<enebo[m]> so the jruby.jar included in jruby-bin
<headius[m]> no
<headius[m]> er well maybe
<headius[m]> I'll check
<headius[m]> does not appear to be in the jruby.jar in the dist but probably goes in complete jar
<headius[m]> I'm not sure
<headius[m]> in any case that's not the contents of the dist archive
<enebo[m]> ok
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (jruby-openssl-0.10.3:e7c1c07 by kares): The build was broken. [177 min 20 sec]
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<headius[m]> META-INF etc
<enebo[m]> I need to eat I am not thinking too clearly
<headius[m]> the assembly plugin is what puts together the tarball and I don't think it copies anything into target first
<enebo[m]> but we know at this point in time that generic exclude is causing us issues
<headius[m]> yeah just kill the dotfile line
<headius[m]> there's nothing else in here that's a problem
<enebo[m]> This is horrifically opaque
<enebo[m]> but will we get something weird from removing it?
<headius[m]> I showed you everything in mine above
<headius[m]> just the three from bin/ and some gems' have .travis.yml etc
<enebo[m]> you looked for all dot files in the resulting file?
<headius[m]> yes
<enebo[m]> ah I see it
<enebo[m]> so we could add excludes for .travis.yml and .ruby-version
<headius[m]> we could but no reason
<enebo[m]> It is not fool proof but would make this release clean
<headius[m]> gem contents shouldn't be fiddle with imgo
<headius[m]> in my great opinion
<enebo[m]> true
<enebo[m]> I agree with that
<enebo[m]> only negative outcome happens in 2 years when there ends up being a .npm directory somehow
<headius[m]> .git
<headius[m]> maybe exclude that one :-)
<enebo[m]> ``` <exclude>.git</exclude>
<enebo[m]> ```
<enebo[m]> ```
<enebo[m]> <exclude>.git</exclude>
<enebo[m]> ```
<headius[m]> yay
<enebo[m]> ok well I will respin after lunch
<headius[m]> ship it
<enebo[m]> we still potentially have one final issue with rails on 13
<headius[m]> do we?
<enebo[m]> the invalid descriptor running webpacker
<headius[m]> I thought that was because of the missing dotfile
<headius[m]> EBADF because it can't get a real fileno
<headius[m]> ok that is just a theory
<enebo[m]> well I will see I guess
<enebo[m]> but I have to eat
<headius[m]> jossl PR is green, only failure is that damn Inflater is closed thing
<headius[m]> I'll merge
<headius[m]> and a suspicious failure in concurrent-ruby that looks unreliable
<headius[m]> I suppose I should eat too
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<headius[m]> jossl 0.10.4 is merged, thank you again kares
<headius[m]> I am pivoting back to AOT work
<kares[m]> yay!
<lopex> numbers..
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<rwilliams[m]> headius: Would it be worth exploring uploading the wiki to and seeing with it looks like?
<rwilliams[m]> It supports both markdown and sphinx
<rwilliams[m]> enebo: Is there a way to do two @'s
<enebo[m]> rwilliams do you think more people will contribute if our wiki is somewhere else? What is the motivation?
<rwilliams[m]> I just seems like a really nice system
<enebo[m]> I think you can just add them as a list and both will be pinged but it will not show it in the UI
<rwilliams[m]> And you could have versioned docs for releases
<rwilliams[m]> instead of a living wiki
<rwilliams[m]> The latency for sending messages has been bad the last few days
<headius[m]> yeah I'm not sure what's up with that
<headius[m]> matrix growing pains
<enebo[m]> yeah I guess we have ancient stuff which just has not been removed here and there on the wiki. Having more versions seems like a second problem to having people update and keep things temporally current
<rwilliams[m]> Yeah like when i explored speeding up jruby start times
<enebo[m]> @headius @rwilliams you both get pinged?
<headius[m]> yes
<rwilliams[m]> none of the methods were actually maintained and nailgun had literally been removed
<rwilliams[m]> lol
<enebo[m]> headius: you were first so I am assuming you noticed
<rwilliams[m]> Yes
<rwilliams[m]> I was typing but i got pinged
<headius[m]> I'm not sure if the syntax @ does anything in riot/matrix
<headius[m]> name + tab works enebo rwilliams
<enebo[m]> rwilliams: headius heh
<rwilliams[m]> oh that's nice
<rwilliams[m]> I've been using @ and it picks up the wrong names a lot
<enebo[m]> It may not work as well across irc bridge perhaps but that is nice to know
<enebo[m]> or does it?
<rwilliams[m]> It'd be a big project redoing the wiki but ideally moving it to sphinx or something and it could be automated and versioned with the code
<rwilliams[m]> the sphinx part is not required but it seems really nice
<rwilliams[m]> And then folks could just to PR's against a docs repo or something?
<enebo[m]> rwilliams: here is a question does sphinx import from a git repo?
<rwilliams[m]> In my project I have a docs folder with rst files
<rwilliams[m]> and there are hooks for readthedocs that will update on relase, tags, etc
<headius[m]> publishing javadoc would make sense as a first go
<enebo[m]> headius: nio warning is gone but I still see it for jruby-openssl
<rwilliams[m]> But i'm not sure I understand the question completely
<headius[m]> but I usually use for that
<headius[m]> enebo: see what exactly
<enebo[m]> rwilliams: my question was how it works with publishing versions
<rwilliams[m]> This latency is killing me
<rwilliams[m]> You can have a master/tags/ etc
<rwilliams[m]> versions of the docs
<enebo[m]> rwilliams: I am mostly wondering about how it organizes its repo because gihub wikis are already git repos
<rwilliams[m]> that mirror the rep
<rwilliams[m]> repo
<enebo[m]> so if sphynx works against tags etc it is just periodically pushing/cloning to that site
* rwilliams[m] uploaded an image: image.png (306KB) < >
<rwilliams[m]> gotcha
<rwilliams[m]> I could trying importing the wiki
<rwilliams[m]> directly
<rwilliams[m]> I yearn for discord right now. It's taking like 10 seconds to post a message
<enebo[m]> Personlly I feel the barrier to entry is so low right now for our existing wiki that it is lack of interest in people doing documentation
<enebo[m]> (myself included to some degree)
<enebo[m]> If it was just kept up to date and formatted nicely once I would be happy much less keeping track of versions
<rwilliams[m]> Gotcha
<rwilliams[m]> Like i said my personal experience with the current wiki was a bit of a nightmare
<rwilliams[m]> I wasted a lot of time
<enebo[m]> I can make a pledge that I will try and revise some pages but I may or may not be crossing my fingers as I hit the return key on this sensence.
<enebo[m]> but I think we do need to do a pass and update/delete soon
<headius[m]> for sure
<enebo[m]> headius: so we definitely seem to have less of those warnings overall
<enebo[m]> nio is gone because the dot files are in place
<headius[m]> enebo: ah the change I made got rid of one warning but not the other
<headius[m]> I don't know what the other one is about
<enebo[m]> hahah crud
<enebo[m]> 13 works BUT I realized I just did openJ9 13
<headius[m]> sweet
<enebo[m]> I will need to run again with hotspot to make sure that descriptor error is gone
<lopex> enebo[m]: amazing
<rwilliams[m]> Can the wiki be forked or would i need to clone it and push to my repo?
<headius[m]> it isn't exposed as a normal github repo
<rwilliams[m]> is the repo
<headius[m]> or it wasn't last time I tried
<enebo[m]> rwilliams: yeah that should be it
<enebo[m]> I clone when I decide to do large edits just to not have to use the web interface
<rwilliams[m]> Do you all mind if I clone it and push it to readthedocs just to see what it looks like?
<enebo[m]> rwilliams: I don't have any issues with harm in playing
<headius[m]> sure
<rwilliams[m]> Cool
<rwilliams[m]> It wont be anytime soon
<rwilliams[m]> But in the next few weeks probably
<rwilliams[m]> I still want to get theine nailed as my main jrubyish project
<enebo[m]> rwilliams: I mean if we do get docs in shape and it can create some "book" or sorts then we could set up a job periodically generate one
<rwilliams[m]> Yeah
<enebo[m]> but for me it is mostly about us getting people to get the docs in shape enough for people to want to read them
<rwilliams[m]> How would having a docs folder in the main jruby repo be?
<rwilliams[m]> If the readthedocs thing works out
<rwilliams[m]> Wow the latency is so inconsistent
<enebo[m]> I have seen some nearly empty books for projects and the empty sections and so forth left a somewhat negative impression on me
<enebo[m]> we used to have one
<enebo[m]> we opted for online docs
<headius[m]> I would like to have something in docs/ again
<headius[m]> but if it doesn't get updates it's more a problem than a solution
<headius[m]> maybe docs can just be a wiki submodule :-)
<enebo[m]> headius: that was led us to remove it
<enebo[m]> to me it always circles back to the same base problem
<rwilliams[m]> Yeah someone needs to do it :P
<enebo[m]> we need steve klabnick to get really into jruby
<headius[m]> ooo native image build proceeded past the troublesome bit
<headius[m]> not sure this is picking up properties though so my approach to add graalvm property may not work
<headius[m]> I had to make the graalvm check a static final true to stop it walking into unsupported code
<enebo[m]> holy crap the webpack output can look scary
<enebo[m]> in other news looks like hotspot jsk13 is working
<enebo[m]> JSK
<lopex> webpack sucks
<enebo[m]> lopex: there there
<lopex> java gc mentioned there
<lopex> I wonder
<lopex> about that lru gc shortcomings
<enebo[m]> lopex: no idea but whether Java works or not lots of large services exist in GC envs. Not criticizing them but I wonder what made them special
<lopex> yeah, I agreee
<enebo[m]> lopex: (I did not read the article yet)
<lopex> but nowbody can explain how exactly whatever can be the case
<lopex> it's all theories
<rwilliams[m]> enebo: headius Is there a way to make an off topic channel for JRuby? Or does that defeat the IRC esque approach?
<lopex> enebo[m]: not that interesting at all
<enebo[m]> good news everyone...s3 upload works for me on my new laptop
<headius[m]> take the rest of the day off
<enebo[m]> lopex: classic wrong architecture leads to greener pasture (if I had to make a blind guess)
<headius[m]> btw can we merge 9.3 stuff after release is out?
<headius[m]> if there's an 11 it can go off a 9.2 branch
<enebo[m]> lopex: in nearly 100% of those scenarios new tech leads taking over
<headius[m]> native image build made it to a C linker error, so I assume I'm past the hard part
<enebo[m]> headius: merge master into irscope removal and merge that first
<headius[m]> error is a bug that's fixed in 20.0 ... released less than an hour ago
<headius[m]> enebo: yeah cool
<lopex> enebo[m]: but otoh, gcs will always have some "pauses"
<enebo[m]> headius: but I have not pushed so give me a hour or so
<headius[m]> once this builds I'll pivot
<lopex> enebo[m]: unless ppl discover new wonderland typesystem
<enebo[m]> but the first merge of master into removal branch will have some "interesting" merging
<headius[m]> at the very least we'll have a repeatable native image build of debug.parser mode JRuby
<enebo[m]> I just recall trying that tired on the train to brussels and it did not immediately work
<enebo[m]> I would not say I was too fresh when I attempted it though
<headius[m]> I think I can get the ruby bits to load if I tweak resource requirements in native build, and then we'll have at least non-RubyGems booting
<headius[m]> RG requires json
<headius[m]> things are happening!
<headius[m]> I merged into removal branch fairly recently and it wasn't bad, but maybe that was before big work
<enebo[m]> well if it was after brussels then no
<enebo[m]> I do recall I wanted to originally just cp a few commits to master at that time but then I abandoned that idea and merged the other direction
<headius[m]> well shucks, another linker error
<headius[m]> gonna have to use stale numbers if latest graalvm native fails to link properly
<enebo[m]> I made this joke before but was is sonatype a bank? That timeout is pretty fast
<headius[m]> haha
<headius[m]> yeah
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:0d9ba67 by Thomas E. Enebo): The build was broken. [104 min 25 sec]
<enebo[m]> HAHAH
<rwilliams[m]> enebo: headius Docs are done!
<headius[m]> whenever you laugh in caps I imagine you maniacally throwing your head back and rolling your eyes
<rwilliams[m]> It's perfect
<rwilliams[m]> Dones't need any changes at all
<headius[m]> not bad
<rwilliams[m]> Ha
<rwilliams[m]> none of the links work at all, but it has the page titles, lmao
<enebo[m]> yeah well at least it shows the title of every doc
<headius[m]> hah ok so file format needs work
<enebo[m]> headius: explain to me that build
<headius[m]> oh lovely
<headius[m]> --no-rdoc
<headius[m]> I guess we need to remove it a few more places
<enebo[m]> Is this because it is a release and we pick up the latest release and we have the old option?
<enebo[m]> it worked right up to the version change commit itself
<lopex> no-rdoc is gone now ?
<enebo[m]> lopex: it hardly knew us
<lopex> but seriously
<rwilliams[m]> is there a differece between md .wiki .mediawiki, are they all markdown?
<enebo[m]> rwilliams: markdown is a pretty overloaded term
<rwilliams[m]> good point
<enebo[m]> they are all markdown but the same variant? maybe
<rwilliams[m]> I wonder if i can batch convert them to rst
<headius[m]> md are markdown, .wiki and .mediawiki are mediawiki format
<headius[m]> we converted a bunch to markdown but the ones that remain are big I think
<headius[m]> what is rst?
<headius[m]> we've settled on markdown for everything so that's unlikely to change, but it might convert simply enough
<rwilliams[m]> It's for Sphinx I believe
<headius[m]> enebo: I don't know why it is happening now but I do see a few references to --no-rdoc
<rwilliams[m]> It's very nice to use
<enebo[m]> I see tons in gem installs
<enebo[m]> I know github markdown has stuff other markdowns do not so I am not sure how much we can talk about compat
<rwilliams[m]> Gotcha
<enebo[m]> we should be doing really simple common stuff on our pages though
<enebo[m]> The distinction probably does not matter
<enebo[m]> most elaborate thing I can think of is table support which is also I think common
<headius[m]> try changing the one in rakelib/gem_installers.rake to --no-document
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<headius[m]> the others don't seem to be in live code
<headius[m]> except some in MRI tests...which may be fixed on MRI 2.5 head
<headius[m]> oh I bet I know why it worked differently
<headius[m]> when you change version to something without -SNAPSHOT it does some dependency stuff differently
<headius[m]> it = mkristian build stuff
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<rwilliams[m]> enebo: headius This looks interesting
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<enebo[m]> headius: yeah that was what I was speculating on
<headius[m]> need to know where that --no-rdoc is coming from if this doesn't fix it
<enebo[m]> headius: but that is also weird when you consider we see a jruby 1.7.19 message during the build
<headius[m]> yeah something still has a very old JRuby dep
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (graalvm_native_compile:64fe446 by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build was broken. [62 min 26 sec]
<rwilliams[m]> Anyways i'll play around with it some and re-link when the docs are n't super broken
<headius[m]> ok
<enebo[m]> I got kristian to use a stable release for the build because he used to use jruby.jar from the build and that would really suck when developing
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<enebo[m]> Anything people wanted highlighted as fixed for 9.2.10?
<enebo[m]> headius: ping on IM
<headius[m]> just saw it, messages were delayed until I went into app
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:f8d6233 by Thomas E. Enebo): The build was fixed. [176 min 3 sec]
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<enebo[m]> I wish that text would be green
<headius[m]> ha
<headius[m]> so demanding
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby ( by Thomas E. Enebo): The build failed. [107 min 26 sec]
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<enebo[m]> oh travis
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<headius[m]> enebo: yeah there's merge issues
<headius[m]> they're mostly in your stuff so I'm afraid to touch that
<headius[m]> hmm yeah it's all in IR side of things
<headius[m]> ok folks... onward to 9.3 👍
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