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<rg_3[m]> headius: Aren't we all? 😁 Not sure of the context around that tho. Btw I opened an issue:
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<enebo[m]> I think this is TracePoint uses c_return and set_trace_func uses c-return
<enebo[m]> Up until we did not emit any of these and they all were - which was also wrong once we started emitting. This is inconsistent enough to make me think not many people use these methods
<headius[m]> That would make some sense
<headius[m]> In the original set of events only c-call and c-return were formatted that way, but those are difficult to make into symbols
<xardion[m]> * Dunno if anyone else has had this problem with, but when I try to run the rspec command through it, I get this error: ```Gem::GemNotFoundException: can't find gem rspec-core (>= 0.a) with executable rspec find_spec_for_exe at uri:classloader:/META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/stdlib/rubygems.rb:284 activate_bin_path at uri:classloader:/META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/stdlib/rubygems.rb:303 <main> at
<xardion[m]> uri:classloader:/bin/rspec:23```
<xardion[m]> * Dunno if anyone else has had this problem with, but when I try to run the rspec command through it, I get this error:`Gem::GemNotFoundException: can't find gem rspec-core (>= 0.a) with executable rspec find_spec_for_exe at uri:classloader:/META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/stdlib/rubygems.rb:284 activate_bin_path at uri:classloader:/META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/stdlib/rubygems.rb:303 <main> at
<xardion[m]> uri:classloader:/bin/rspec:23`
<xardion[m]> Doesn't happen with
<xardion[m]> Should probably add that I'm using the jruby-gradle plugin to make an artifact jar that includes jruby, all my gems, and all the Java jars I'm using.
<xardion[m]> It seems to be specific to something that the rspec command is doing, other Ruby and gem installed commands work normally, like rake, rdoc, erb, ri, irb, puma, etc.
<xardion[m]> effectively running them all with `jruby -S <command>`
<headius[m]> This is likely the gems in jars issue fixed already for 9.2.11
<headius[m]> Can you try one of those builds?
<xardion[m]> That's what I was guessing, figured I'd bring it up
<xardion[m]> Not sure if I have a good way to do that
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<xardion[m]> figured it out
<xardion[m]> Hmmm, well, it didn't fail, but it also didn't read any of my arguments
<xardion[m]> oh, there we go. Was a memory issue.
<xardion[m]> headius: looks fixed
<headius[m]> Ok great news 👍
<headius[m]> I feel bad about that one... We just didn't think it would affect many people but it turns out tons of JRuby users are running from within jar files all the time
<headius[m]> It was an easy fix in the end 🤦‍♂️
<xardion[m]> HEH no prob. Yeah, there's a lot of deployment options for running jRuby like that
<xardion[m]> some folks deploy their entire app in a jar
<xardion[m]> I just do an artifact jar
<xardion[m]> All the Ruby files and scripts sit on the filesystem.
<cshupp[m]> Question for you guys...
<cshupp[m]> I am trying to get simple cov to work with jruby.
<cshupp[m]> It outputs this:
<cshupp[m]> Coverage may be inaccurate; set the "--debug" command line option, or do JRUBY_OPTS="--debug" or set the "debug.fullTrace=true" option in your .jrubyrc
<cshupp[m]> putting --debug in JRUBY_OPTS does not work
<cshupp[m]> creating the .jrubyrc file in rails root with 'debug.fullTrace=true' does seem to work
<xardion[m]> yeah, that is specific to how you might be running jRuby
<xardion[m]> I do it with --debug
<cshupp[m]> My intuition would be I could get the equivalent via:
<xardion[m]> I run jRuby from a jar file using the `java` command directly
<cshupp[m]> java -Ddebug.fullTrace=true -jar %JRUBY_JAR% -S rake
<cshupp[m]> but that doesn't work
<cshupp[m]> What is the one liner via java?
<xardion[m]> so --debug goes after the -S rake
<xardion[m]> errr no, BEFORE the -S rake
<xardion[m]> since it's a ruby arg
<cshupp[m]> OK I will try that when this build finishes
<cshupp[m]> thanks!
<xardion[m]> so like: `java ... -C <pwd> --debug -S <command> <args>`
<xardion[m]> * so like: `java ... -jar <jarfile> -C <pwd> --debug -S <command> <args>`
<xardion[m]> I always add the -C because of my gems in the jar
<xardion[m]> but my Ruby files live outside of it. You might not need it
<xardion[m]> speaking of, I should probably update my coverage files
<cshupp[m]> java -jar %JRUBY_JAR% --debug -S rake
<cshupp[m]> That does work
<xardion[m]> 👍️
<cshupp[m]> Trying this now in my maven build
<cshupp[m]> Doesn't work in maven
<cshupp[m]> Not sure how to get it before the -S
<xardion[m]> it's a ruby argument, not a JVM argument
<cshupp[m]> So the jruby-exec maven plugin is building a java -jar command up
<cshupp[m]> I can't find the hook to get it before the '-S'
<xardion[m]> yeah, I don't use maven directly
<xardion[m]> so I dunno what you need to do there
<cshupp[m]> but after the -jar
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