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<headius[m]> let's see if travis is less cranky today
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<lopex> intermittent success
<headius[m]> better than no success at all?
<lopex> better!
<headius[m]> well I pushed stuff to 9.2 and master, we shall see
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (jruby-9.2:5908618 by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build is still failing. https://travis-ci.com/jruby/jruby/builds/215822311 [170 min 56 sec]
<headius[m]> wot an actual failure
<ahorek[m]> https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/6547 I can reproduce it in a rails console, even on master, but not separatelly...
<headius[m]> yeah I am trying to figure out when this refinement gets activated
<headius[m]> clearly this is not booting everything it needs to
<headius[m]> I also find it pretty gross that people are relying on a hash method added by the i18n gem
<headius[m]> yeah works fine
<headius[m]> $ jruby -ri18n -ri18n/core_ext/hash -e 'using I18n::HashRefinements; p Concurrent::Hash.new.deep_merge!({})'
<headius[m]> {}
<headius[m]> checking 9.2
<ahorek[m]> try my example
<headius[m]> 9.2 works fine with mine
<headius[m]> that does repro
<ahorek[m]> without require 'i18n/core_ext/hash' it works fine
<headius[m]> 🤔
<ahorek[m]> i'll try 9.2
<headius[m]> 9.2 breaks with your script
<headius[m]> hmmm
<headius[m]> AS defines this as a normal method right?
<headius[m]> not as a refined method
<headius[m]> it should not work at toplevel as a refinement
<headius[m]> unless you using it
<ahorek[m]> a combination of redefinition + refinements
<headius[m]> yeah
<headius[m]> seems like the i18n refinement is messing up the already-defined method somehow
<headius[m]> perhaps we fall into refinement searching and then don't properly proceed to the normal search for this case
<ahorek[m]> 👍️
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:082b1e8 by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build was fixed. https://travis-ci.com/jruby/jruby/builds/215822645 [215 min 30 sec]
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<headius[m]> interesting
<headius[m]> json failures on 9.2 must just be old tests
<headius[m]> well this is enough to repro the i18n issue anyway
<headius[m]> thanks ahorek
<headius[m]> I have updated the json tests to 2.5.1 and (bonus!) modified the mri:stdlib test run to actually run all of them... was only running a subset before
<headius[m]> enebo: this might be a trivial fix, along with the other ripper issue that ahorek filed: https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/6548
<headius[m]> if you want a break from Win32 😀
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (jruby-9.2:b3eefa2 by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build is still failing. https://travis-ci.com/jruby/jruby/builds/215831195 [169 min 10 sec]
<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:56a3bc8 by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build was broken. https://travis-ci.com/jruby/jruby/builds/215831237 [204 min 41 sec]
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<headius[m]> hmm
<headius[m]> enebo: I think we should just switch the snapshot deploy to gha
<headius[m]> I do not know why that deploy on 9.2 is still failing only on travis
<headius[m]> same issue seems to be happening on master after latest merge
<headius[m]> well after a short detour I can say there are no USB-C power delivery passthrough hubs supporting more than 2 USB-C ports, and that makes me very sad in 2021
<headius[m]> guess I will get back to work
<headius[m]> Freaky: are your json issues from freshbsd.org tooling?
<headius[m]> I just saw your tweet about fast_find
<headius[m]> I wonder if it would be possible to ship this as a replacement for the standard find
<headius[m]> funny thing someone tweeted about wanting a better FS walking API for Ruby just the other day
<Freaky> headius[m]: yeah, only reproduced it in a FreshBSD environment so far
<headius[m]> you manage to narrow it down any more?
<Freaky> I wouldn't recommend it, the benefit is limited unless you make explicit changes to take the File::Stat it passes
<Freaky> nah, been doing other things
<Freaky> https://github.com/Freaky/flash_find another one I wrote
<headius[m]> nice
<Freaky> it worked out slower and I wasn't happy with how complex it was, but it had a nice API
<headius[m]> I wonder how these compare to the JDK APIs for doing the same: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/io/walk.html
<headius[m]> have thought these would be useful to wrap with a nice Ruby interface
<headius[m]> let the JDK do the hard part
<Freaky> Ruby doesn't really expose a good API for this because you have to stat each file just to know if you're looking at a directory
<headius[m]> yeah stat is a perf killer for sure
<Freaky> most filesystems include that in the dirent, if Ruby had a way to see that Find would be a lot more efficient
<headius[m]> I am not sure how the JDK API is implemented internally
<headius[m]> it may take advantage of that
<Freaky> I'm less interested in that for my particular use because I need the stat anyway, I'm looking at mtimes
<Freaky> but in the general case it would be a nice thing to have
<Freaky> this Java walker interface looks like it uses stat
<Freaky> there should be an unknown branch where the filesystem hasn't provided the type
<headius[m]> yeah too bad
<headius[m]> Freaky: I saw on your twitter profile that you are a rustacean... you might be interested in the new JRuby native launcher, which enebo is rewriting in Rust
<Freaky> yes, I saw that :)
<Freaky> uses too many strings ;)
<headius[m]> hahah
<headius[m]> I'm sure enebo would appreciate any improvements
<Freaky> since String is UTF-8 only, you'll have arguments that can't be passed into JRuby if they go through Vec<String>
<headius[m]> ah I see what you mean
<Freaky> hence OsString
<Freaky> which is sadly quite fiddly
<headius[m]> that might not be a regression since we were just using std::string before
<headius[m]> but improving that would be good
<headius[m]> bleeding edge is fun
<Freaky> I don't think std::string has the same restriction
<headius[m]> so Rust string is transcoding to utf-8 if the host system uses something different?
<headius[m]> it may be moot since we have to pass these through into JVM, which will normalize to UTF-16 anyway
<Freaky> depends how you're doing it, but in this case I believe it'll panic
<Freaky> impl Iterator for Args {
<Freaky> type Item = String;
<Freaky> fn next(&mut self) -> Option<String> {
<Freaky> self.inner.next().map(|s| s.into_string().unwrap())
<Freaky> }
<headius[m]> we need to get some tests set up for this on a host system with unusual encodings
<Freaky> Java's UCS-2 or somesuch iirc? similar to Windows
<headius[m]> it was UCS-2 but was enhanced to support UTF-16 surrogates
<headius[m]> char APIs have to actively look for surrogates to work right though
<Freaky> mm
<Freaky> ❯ ruby -e 'puts ARGF.read' $'\303'\(
<Freaky> bork
<Freaky> switch to JRuby:
<Freaky> ruby -e 'puts ARGF.read' $'\303'\(
<Freaky> Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - �(
<headius[m]> we have this issue in other places, like ENV entries that Java always transcodes
<Freaky> target/release/jruby -e 'puts ARGF.read' $'\303'\(
<Freaky> thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: "\xC3("', library/std/src/env.rs:775:51
<headius[m]> ooo nice
<Freaky> that's a file called "\xc3\x28"
<headius[m]> definitely something we need to consider
<Freaky> yeah, unreadable from JRuby irb too
<headius[m]> the non-rust launcher output above, is that using the bash script or our C++ native launcher?
<Freaky> native
<Freaky> jruby.bash does the same thing
<headius[m]> yeah that may be a limitation of passing through the Java command line
<headius[m]> the <?> there tells me it is getting borked before we have a chance to do anything with it
<headius[m]> but it doesn't panic!
<headius[m]> we have no direct access to the command line from JVM so we can only receive the arguments via Java String
<headius[m]> same issue as ENV with weird encodings
<enebo[m]> Howdy
<headius[m]> launcher could do some fancy magic to preserve the original bytes perhaps but we'd have to know how to interpret them on the other side
<headius[m]> e.g. launcher could decode everything as ISO-8859-1 and then from JRuby we pretend they were just byte[] all along
<headius[m]> a trick we use elsewhere
<enebo[m]> Yeah I have been thinking it will need to change to OsString but the last time I chatted about this I think we convinced ourselves it would work out as Java wants a valid charset
<enebo[m]> I can see that will cause some issue in needing to get things able to use PathBuf and stuff
<enebo[m]> That ripper issue above may be trivial or quite a bit of work...who knows
<headius[m]> ahorek: oh this is a good one
<headius[m]> it is a combination of an original real method, a refined method, and our Synchronized module that wraps methods with synchronization
<headius[m]> we see that the sync wrapper is refined, but then it is not an instance of RefinedWrapper so we don't know how to get the original and it fails
<headius[m]> this is tricky for sure
<enebo[m]> headius: I solved the windows orphan issue finally
<headius[m]> aha what was it?
<enebo[m]> well so your mention of winmain/main got me to change rust to use "windows" as a config. That ended up sort of working in that it eliminated any orphans BUT it caused every jruby invocation to in its own console window
<enebo[m]> So it did make me realize invoking as console is the right hting to do
<enebo[m]> which is what rust did by defaut
<enebo[m]> On the other hand it made me realize something else was going on somewhere else
<enebo[m]> That led me to notice that through a very indirect path it will detect whether you are already running within a console and if not then run java with javaw
<enebo[m]> I added in similar logic and everything works the same now
<enebo[m]> So we can probably fix our remaining issues with getting console windows with this knowledge
<enebo[m]> jruby runner will run with console. jruby -S rails from within runner still runs console; the jruby exec within rails is runnning as windows so that process ends up creating a window
<enebo[m]> Or at least I believe that is exec causing the second Rails process
<enebo[m]> If so then I believe we are just doing it wrong there
<enebo[m]> As I mentioned last week I can actually still make JRuby orphan in windows with jruby -e 'jruby -e 'jruby -e gets''' (ignore this is not quite valid ruby).
<enebo[m]> I believe that orphaning is probably the same issue
<enebo[m]> In that case I think I was using system but I will check on windows box later
<Freaky> enebo[m]: windows_subsystem = "windows"?
<enebo[m]> Freaky: yeah that was what I did where I got lots o windows
<enebo[m]> but no orphaned processes
<Freaky> that's what I use to get at a console from there
<Freaky> attaches to the current console if launched from one, can open its own if needed
<enebo[m]> Freaky: I believe in our case we are ok as it should always default to parent console
<enebo[m]> Freaky: the problem we hit was that JRuby itself is calling JRuby without having a console
<enebo[m]> in some code path(s)
<enebo[m]> So I think CreateProcess happens in one or more paths with windows instead of console
<enebo[m]> one code path we use internal Java APIs but in another via jnr-posix we actually directly call CreateProcess
<enebo[m]> I guess tryng to ask the parent for their console does not seem like it could hurt though. I am just wondering if it will make a difference
<enebo[m]> I guess I can see one difference. If you are in windows subsystem and it makes a console then anything create will also just stay in that window as well
<enebo[m]> I do not actually want any extra windows from jruby.exe itself though
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<enebo[m]> So headius I think we can get rid of the console windows popping up with an audit of which one ends up doing it
<enebo[m]> That has nothing to do with the launcher though
<headius[m]> that would be nice
<headius[m]> hmm this is tricky
<headius[m]> so our special Synchronized module basically installs logic into RubyModule that wraps everything you look up with a synchronized DynamicMethod wrapper
<headius[m]> however that hides what the original method type was and interferes with other logic that wraps method entries, like refinements
<headius[m]> not to mention the synchronized entries may get reinserted back into the method table where they don't belong (they should only be wrapped for caching)
<headius[m]> hmmm
<headius[m]> I might have a way
<headius[m]> instead of wrapping with a DynamicMethod, we put the sync logic in the CacheEntry... and if you want to get a method from it you have to ask for original method or decorate method depending on what you are doing (metaprogramming vs invocation)
<headius[m]> too many method table hacks stacking up
<headius[m]> enebo: see my comments under https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/6547
<headius[m]> that Synchronized module we half-baked over a decade ago has finally caused a bug