json failures on 9.2 must just be old tests
well this is enough to repro the i18n issue anyway
thanks ahorek
I have updated the json tests to 2.5.1 and (bonus!) modified the mri:stdlib test run to actually run all of them... was only running a subset before
enebo: I think we should just switch the snapshot deploy to gha
I do not know why that deploy on 9.2 is still failing only on travis
same issue seems to be happening on master after latest merge
well after a short detour I can say there are no USB-C power delivery passthrough hubs supporting more than 2 USB-C ports, and that makes me very sad in 2021
guess I will get back to work
Freaky: are your json issues from freshbsd.org tooling?
I just saw your tweet about fast_find
I wonder if it would be possible to ship this as a replacement for the standard find
funny thing someone tweeted about wanting a better FS walking API for Ruby just the other day
headius[m]: yeah, only reproduced it in a FreshBSD environment so far
you manage to narrow it down any more?
I wouldn't recommend it, the benefit is limited unless you make explicit changes to take the File::Stat it passes
there should be an unknown branch where the filesystem hasn't provided the type
yeah too bad
Freaky: I saw on your twitter profile that you are a rustacean... you might be interested in the new JRuby native launcher, which enebo is rewriting in Rust
thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: "\xC3("', library/std/src/env.rs:775:51
ooo nice
that's a file called "\xc3\x28"
definitely something we need to consider
yeah, unreadable from JRuby irb too
the non-rust launcher output above, is that using the bash script or our C++ native launcher?
jruby.bash does the same thing
yeah that may be a limitation of passing through the Java command line
the <?> there tells me it is getting borked before we have a chance to do anything with it
but it doesn't panic!
we have no direct access to the command line from JVM so we can only receive the arguments via Java String
same issue as ENV with weird encodings
launcher could do some fancy magic to preserve the original bytes perhaps but we'd have to know how to interpret them on the other side
e.g. launcher could decode everything as ISO-8859-1 and then from JRuby we pretend they were just byte[] all along
a trick we use elsewhere
Yeah I have been thinking it will need to change to OsString but the last time I chatted about this I think we convinced ourselves it would work out as Java wants a valid charset
I can see that will cause some issue in needing to get things able to use PathBuf and stuff
That ripper issue above may be trivial or quite a bit of work...who knows
ahorek: oh this is a good one
it is a combination of an original real method, a refined method, and our Synchronized module that wraps methods with synchronization
we see that the sync wrapper is refined, but then it is not an instance of RefinedWrapper so we don't know how to get the original and it fails
this is tricky for sure
headius: I solved the windows orphan issue finally
aha what was it?
well so your mention of winmain/main got me to change rust to use "windows" as a config. That ended up sort of working in that it eliminated any orphans BUT it caused every jruby invocation to in its own console window
So it did make me realize invoking as console is the right hting to do
which is what rust did by defaut
On the other hand it made me realize something else was going on somewhere else
That led me to notice that through a very indirect path it will detect whether you are already running within a console and if not then run java with javaw
I added in similar logic and everything works the same now
So we can probably fix our remaining issues with getting console windows with this knowledge
jruby runner will run with console. jruby -S rails from within runner still runs console; the jruby exec within rails is runnning as windows so that process ends up creating a window
Or at least I believe that is exec causing the second Rails process
If so then I believe we are just doing it wrong there
As I mentioned last week I can actually still make JRuby orphan in windows with jruby -e 'jruby -e 'jruby -e gets''' (ignore this is not quite valid ruby).
I believe that orphaning is probably the same issue
In that case I think I was using system but I will check on windows box later
enebo[m]: windows_subsystem = "windows"?
Freaky: yeah that was what I did where I got lots o windows
that's what I use to get at a console from there
attaches to the current console if launched from one, can open its own if needed
Freaky: I believe in our case we are ok as it should always default to parent console
Freaky: the problem we hit was that JRuby itself is calling JRuby without having a console
in some code path(s)
So I think CreateProcess happens in one or more paths with windows instead of console
one code path we use internal Java APIs but in another via jnr-posix we actually directly call CreateProcess
I guess tryng to ask the parent for their console does not seem like it could hurt though. I am just wondering if it will make a difference
I guess I can see one difference. If you are in windows subsystem and it makes a console then anything create will also just stay in that window as well
I do not actually want any extra windows from jruby.exe itself though
ur5us has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
So headius I think we can get rid of the console windows popping up with an audit of which one ends up doing it
That has nothing to do with the launcher though
that would be nice
hmm this is tricky
so our special Synchronized module basically installs logic into RubyModule that wraps everything you look up with a synchronized DynamicMethod wrapper
however that hides what the original method type was and interferes with other logic that wraps method entries, like refinements
not to mention the synchronized entries may get reinserted back into the method table where they don't belong (they should only be wrapped for caching)
I might have a way
instead of wrapping with a DynamicMethod, we put the sync logic in the CacheEntry... and if you want to get a method from it you have to ask for original method or decorate method depending on what you are doing (metaprogramming vs invocation)
too many method table hacks stacking up