we settled the static int part of this
new/initialize I think is also settled?
Is the current class I put it in ok? I felt like it was out of place in that class, but wasn't sure a good place to keep the @ivar names
(I pushed ThreadLocal changes to the PR)
yes I think that is fine
it won't be a visible change if we decide to refactor it to a util class somewhere but anywhere we put it is pretty synthetic
And I should just set the Ivars like that, or is there some helper class already?
that seems fine
ok last one I marked to discuss
> Are any of the mixin exclusions needed to be ported?
I feel like I should remember what this was about
Enumerable, etc mixins. Do I need to worry about excluding generating each, etc? (for :all methods)
or, on the flip side, generating .next? (just though of that side now)
so right now it sees all methods up hierarchy and will generate a Java endpoint for them
and you are wondering if it should be filtering things from mixins
I guess it would be surprising if it did not generate them, no?
like user might have a mixin of common behavior they expect to see generated
mabye this relates to your question about searching only this class for methods
used on old JavaProxyClass line 681
ok looking
I have to wrap up shortly
aha yes
well for this set of modules perhaps we should restore the exclusion
Enumerable is debateable but the other three would be very weird to see generated
mostly because users aren't typically opting into them... they are already there
Enumerable you opt into so that is why it is debateable to me
Ok, can do
Also, I don't see a response on AbstractIRMethod/Subclasses
Oh, right, ok, nvm
it seems sorta arbitrary that Enumerable was put in this exclude list
Enumerable but not Comparable?
Cool, I'll work on that hopefully this weekend so a more full code review can happen next week
Are there eclipse style format files?
I did not add to that last one because you said enebo answered that we can refactor later
Yes, I saw that, hence the nvm
ok cool]
we used to have eclipse .project but probably long gone
if you want to add something back that would be fine, it just won't be maintained by those of us using idea
whatever makes it easier for you to manage
I think RJGit leaks
it uses AutoCloseable classes but doesn't seem to make any effort to close()
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