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<byteit101[m]> headius: I have done some cleanup. I still have some todo's scattered around, if you'd like to take a look
<byteit101[m]> (todo's are mostly questions)
<byteit101[m]> I also have 2 tests that i know fail (super on interface defaults), anf I also don't understand the winsows failure
<headius[m]> I will have a look in the morning, thanks!
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<headius[m]> howdy howdy
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<headius[m]> enebo: your PR is reviewed
<headius[m]> enebo: for some reason I can't see your merge when I pull 9.2
<enebo[m]> yeah me neither...hmm
<headius[m]> enebo: PR was closed instead of merged I think
<enebo[m]> reopened...trying again
<enebo[m]> yeah I think I somehow hit close
<enebo[m]> I decided to look at this ripper bug since it is broken and I have no idea how that @:op appears
<headius[m]> yeah I am shifting back to 9.2.15 issues
<headius[m]> we could do a pass updating maven deps also
<enebo[m]> are they out of date?
<enebo[m]> Or I should say what will we get
<headius[m]> maybe not
<headius[m]> but there have been some fixes in jnr I could spin
<headius[m]> enebo: I am going to look at that IO test that failed to see if it might actually be a bug
<enebo[m]> headius: yeah with travis I never know
<headius[m]> it loses 100 writes like a thread didn't complete... might just be a bad test
<enebo[m]> headius: It looks like perhaps snakeyaml was updated?
<headius[m]> oh yeah!
<headius[m]> that release we have been waiting for to fix an exception
<headius[m]> so that needs a psych gem update, I will coordinate with tenderlove
<headius[m]> hmm this seems to be a regression
<headius[m]> I will sort this out also
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (jruby-9.2:1f7d3ba by Thomas E. Enebo): The build was broken. https://travis-ci.com/jruby/jruby/builds/218020903 [167 min 30 sec]
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<enebo[m]> lol
<enebo[m]> zip file IO closed
<enebo[m]> headius: that is fixed on master right?
<enebo[m]> or mitigated
<headius[m]> it is worked around on master I believe
<headius[m]> yeah
<headius[m]> I thought it should be fixed on 9.2 though too
<enebo[m]> just spending a couple of minutes triaging kw splatting issue involving blocks
<headius[m]> ahhh right
<headius[m]> the fix is on 9.2 but opt-in because it changes classloader closing
<enebo[m]> We will not be landing a fix for this today :) But I will see what jumps out. I believe this will come out to blockbody arg munging and not be a kwargs thing at all
<headius[m]> ok
<enebo[m]> ah yeah I already forgot
<enebo[m]> I can see if I switch from block.call to an fcall it works fine and the prep for the splats are identical setting up the site
<enebo[m]> So we are passing the same thing so .call is very likely doing something
<enebo[m]> which as we know is a disaster to debug
<enebo[m]> It has gotten a lot better though over time so perhaps it will just be obvious. Too scary for a release this week though
<enebo[m]> HAHAHAH
<enebo[m]> If I change from .call to just a raw yield it works fine
<headius[m]> enebo: I think that Dir.each is basically done
<headius[m]> I am just verifying that fixes I already merged resolve all reported cases
<headius[m]> and ran into something I regressed while fixing it
<enebo[m]> ok cool. that was the weird encoded files stuff
<headius[m]> yeah
<headius[m]> the fix was to just make all of those methods use the same logic for getitng encoding kwarg
<headius[m]> but then I botched part of that, fixing now
<headius[m]> and adding specs since this case is apparently not tested anywhere
<headius[m]> oh heck
<headius[m]> enebo: I just pulled and got those damn graal tags back again
<enebo[m]> hmm from my PR somehow?
<enebo[m]> like foreign repo merge gets all the tags again
<headius[m]> could be
<headius[m]> tags are like a social disease
<enebo[m]> It is pretty funny to see all the ping-ponging we do to calcuate arity value for a block call
<enebo[m]> It may even happen more than once
<headius[m]> I would not be surprised at all
<headius[m]> so want to get fixed arity paths plumbed through there better
<enebo[m]> ok we prune is there is a single arityValue of 1 but no restkwargs
<enebo[m]> this is obviously wrong
<enebo[m]> we have arity of 1 and one kwarg
<enebo[m]> no kwrest
<enebo[m]> I suspect this logic should be !kwargs_at_all
<enebo[m]> if this conditional is matched then we strip off the first argument
<enebo[m]> err only use the first one
<enebo[m]> as I said I am not comfortable committing today on this for .15 reegardless of how obvious it seems but this may end up being fairly obvious
<enebo[m]> ok it passes. Trying to see if test suites run locally
<enebo[m]> s/rest/has/ == ship it!
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (jruby-9.2:9f51cbd by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build is still failing. https://travis-ci.com/jruby/jruby/builds/218025872 [167 min 0 sec]
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<enebo[m]> I am trying to understand what would break. This will have call (not callDirect which skips this massaging) when any kwargs are present not strip them off of call. So I guess if I passed in kwargs to a block which does not declare any I think we wuold see two arguments and not one
<enebo[m]> oh wait no...signature is for the block
<enebo[m]> so we are stripping incoming block args for all blocks which say they use kwargs but there is a single positional argument before the kwargs
<enebo[m]> stripping incoming kwarg args
<headius[m]> reading up
<headius[m]> ok
<headius[m]> sounds like you are still finding the path
<enebo[m]> proc { |b:| p a, b }.call(:a, {b: :b})
<enebo[m]> No I think I have it outright. this will get listed as arityValue 1 and has no restkwargs
<enebo[m]> so we go "whelp...let's just pass args[0] in
<enebo[m]> but this is arityValue of 1 and is haskwargs
<enebo[m]> because of that we cannot just use the first value we have to pass the whole thing in
<enebo[m]> This is somewhat counter intuitive though if you look at the code
<enebo[m]> procs allow you to pass as much garbage as you want
<enebo[m]> but last value is where kwargs exist
<enebo[m]> but it looks weird but I believe I totally understand this
<enebo[m]> args[1] or args[length-1] will always have the valid kwargs in this case so in the presence of kwargs we have to pass the whole thing in
<enebo[m]> Or I suppose only pass the last argument
<headius[m]> 9.2 fail is the deploy still being broken
<headius[m]> though sometimes it works
<headius[m]> thanks Travis
<enebo[m]> oh heh ok well that will be something to figure out so we can actually release
<enebo[m]> whoa what the hell bug was I looking at
<enebo[m]> ah 6540
<enebo[m]> weirdly there seems to be 2 block kwarg bugs and 2 ripper bugs. I was accessing the wrong one each time I flip between browser tabs
<headius[m]> dir thing is retargeted back to .15 and closed
<headius[m]> oh wow
<headius[m]> I think I just figured out the yield stack overflow
<headius[m]> it is funny
<headius[m]> sad but funny
<headius[m]> enebo: fix pushed for yield overflow... not sure if it is practical to write a test for this
<headius[m]> have a look and I will review your PR
<headius[m]> I don't have a repro to prove this is the fix, but I'm pretty darn sure
<enebo[m]> hahah yeah this looks totally needed
<headius[m]> silly mistake... usually when I disable a call site due to rebinding I bind it to a failed path that stops doing this logic at all
<headius[m]> but this case did not
<enebo[m]> I think you could easily repro this if you just hit a site MAX_INT + 1
<headius[m]> I will do it the better way on master and short circuit to the slow path
<enebo[m]> there is similar logic in constants too
<enebo[m]> Have you looked at other unbinding sites?
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (jruby-9.2:603968b by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build was fixed. https://travis-ci.com/jruby/jruby/builds/218028793 [171 min 11 sec]
<headius[m]> checking them now
<headius[m]> constants don't fail it appears... if the constant is reassigned we will rebind fully
<headius[m]> the threshold is usually for chaining PIC like
<enebo[m]> My PR I think explains the logic of at a minimum why that code is broken as it is written
<headius[m]> yeah it makes sense to me
<enebo[m]> So while I said we shouldn't even if it is obvious I want to talk through it
<enebo[m]> This was clearly nuking kwargs data from calls
<enebo[m]> but only if arityValue is 1
<headius[m]> yeah so your modification only drops kwargs if the method is arity 1 and has no kwargs
<enebo[m]> ok so literally if we have requiredKwargs article value is 1
<enebo[m]> arity
<enebo[m]> article must be some weird muscle memory
<enebo[m]> so if arity is 1 and there are kwargs then there can be no other args
<headius[m]> where before it dropped if arity=1 but no rest kwargs
<headius[m]> which basically lost kwargs then
<enebo[m]> we do not substract values
<enebo[m]> yeah
<enebo[m]> so |**a| more or less
<enebo[m]> hmm well maybe not that specific signature
<enebo[m]> I guess the breakage from a change like this would be that we want to ignore kwargs if there is another argument
<enebo[m]> I think the answe to that is no but the only confusion is looking at arityValue() in Signature
<enebo[m]> we have an in param of kwargs and of requiredKwargs
<enebo[m]> we use the later for articleValue
<enebo[m]> hahaha my mind
<headius[m]> yeah it seems like the right fix
<enebo[m]> I am just double leery
<headius[m]> so it would drop kwargs if you had {|a, b:| and we lose b
<headius[m]> or {|b:| is it?
<enebo[m]> well |b:| would be arity 1 because it is a single required kwarg
<enebo[m]> any required and arityValue gets 1 right off the bat
<enebo[m]> and we do not subtract them
<headius[m]> ok
<enebo[m]> the presence of optional kwargs or restkwargs will be negative value UNLESS required kwargs exist
<headius[m]> are there no specs for this case?
<enebo[m]> so those are not in play at all
<headius[m]> just wondering whether we can fill in some blanks to make you feel better about this
<enebo[m]> good question. I guess I will see if anything is tagged
<enebo[m]> I mostly wanted to get the fix out to look at but I will see if I can find something
<enebo[m]> Seems like they should exist so if they don't I will make a commit adding something
<headius[m]> re site rebinding... invocation is the other place we failover and it has very different more complex logic because it is tracking target types
<headius[m]> so it only increments for new types anyway
<enebo[m]> so endless singletons could do it
<headius[m]> it uses a more structured site tracker... I will do something similar for yields on master to make this less prone to bugs
<headius[m]> endless singletons would quickly fill up the max polymorphism count and then it just fails forever
<enebo[m]> ah ok so it is protected in two ways?
<headius[m]> it also tracks complete clears, which are from the cached type being changed after
<headius[m]> yeah two ways: unique types and total flushes
<headius[m]> 6 total types are allowed to chain, or 1000 complete flushes before it stops attempting to fast path
<headius[m]> configurable, which is another thing to be added to the yield logic (hardcoded to two blocks right now)
<enebo[m]> ok no tests or specs I can see
<enebo[m]> funny to see how many tests we run whenever I run MRI test suite
<enebo[m]> we have 14 tags in proc but only fail 5 now
<headius[m]> yield fix is in
<headius[m]> I will file an issue for master to improve this logic
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (jruby-9.2:0de0175 by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build was fixed. https://travis-ci.com/jruby/jruby/builds/218030555 [172 min 11 sec]
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<headius[m]> ok, deploy worked that time 🙄
<headius[m]> ok I am on the psych item now
<enebo[m]> headius: jruby --dev -e 'proc {|x:| p x}.call(2, x: 1)'
<enebo[m]> Try with -X+C
<headius[m]> enebo: the bundler issue is not a JRuby thing... it is fixed in bundler 2.2.0
<headius[m]> so master will need to update default bundler but that should come with kares rubygems update PR
<enebo[m]> yeah that is just that a new RG will come out and we will update in a later release
<headius[m]> I don
<enebo[m]> but anyone can update it once it comes out
<headius[m]> don't think that 9.2.15 is really affect since it does not ship bundler by default
<headius[m]> yes
<enebo[m]> ok
<headius[m]> so only open item left is psych update and I have pinged tenderlove about it
<headius[m]> I confirmed the 1.28 release of snakeyaml fixes the error
<enebo[m]> and possibly whatever may not allow uploading to sonatype
<enebo[m]> You see above that JIT is broken for that call above
<enebo[m]> same error
<enebo[m]> I am guessing maybe we have a helper doing something similar?
<headius[m]> I would hope so
<enebo[m]> Bypassing proc.call though?
<headius[m]> hmm
<enebo[m]> fwiw it fails for === and yield
<enebo[m]> although I guess that is not all that surprising since it was broken up until this afternoon already
<headius[m]> there is no special logic to unwrap the proc and skip call if that is what you mean
<enebo[m]> well it is just odd that this is not working when compiled. Perhaps we do not splat or something?
<headius[m]> hmm
<enebo[m]> I should maybe debug into this and make sure args is the same and it is going through same path
<enebo[m]> but this is probably a good example why just rolling with this is partially dangerous
<headius[m]> ok if it is optimized we can callDirect in IRBlockBody which does not use your method
<headius[m]> so it is using something else
<enebo[m]> yeah callDirect will bypass
<enebo[m]> although with that said this code is not doing anything with the fix
<enebo[m]> The fix is to not carve up args array
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<headius[m]> wat
<headius[m]> enebo: I would expect this to be broken in full as well
<enebo[m]> stepping through this now
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<headius[m]> IRRuntimeHelpers.prepareSingleBlockArgs
<headius[m]> it is doing this in response to PrepareSingleBlockArgInstr
<enebo[m]> yeah JIT will invokeExact with two args which is what after the above fix will happen in interp
<headius[m]> added for full
<enebo[m]> so something further on
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<enebo[m]> args = new IRubyObject[] { args[0] };
<enebo[m]> LOL
<headius[m]> so full is either compiling this wrong or this logic is wrong
<enebo[m]> yeah so that is the issue
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<enebo[m]> this is just blindly chopping off all additional args
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<enebo[m]> so prepareSingleBlockArgs should not be called with kwargs
<enebo[m]> or another helper could be made to just pass in last argument if it is kwargs
<headius[m]> sure
<enebo[m]> well so ACP is doing this
<enebo[m]> I guess -X-C with threshold 0 is not running ACP
<enebo[m]> I think sig.isFixed() should be sig.isFixed() && !sig.hasKwargs() with a later improvement to make it opted for kwarg only dispatch
<enebo[m]> err actually artityValue == 1 && !kwargs
<headius[m]> hmmm threshold 0 triggering full should do it
<headius[m]> unless jit handles this instruction differently than full
<enebo[m]> only if ACP is a default pass
<headius[m]> ahh full doesn't ACP does it
<enebo[m]> I suspect we do not do it now
<headius[m]> we have talked about doing that
<enebo[m]> I think early on we did but it is a problem for another day
<enebo[m]> I will add a fix to ACP and add to this since it is the exact same fix
<headius[m]> we haven't because it doesn't help perf and may hurt due to more instructions in pre/post
<headius[m]> yeah ok
<enebo[m]> ultimately this combo of 1 + kwargs should probably be on signature as a named thing
<headius[m]> yeah that would make sense
<enebo[m]> I pushed that change
<enebo[m]> to my branch fix_call_kwargs
<enebo[m]> which I guess is a PR now
<enebo[m]> So in block.call we do this logic to truncate but then we also do this logic if we run ACP
<enebo[m]> The main reason I guess we have this duality is the invokeExact/callDirect path
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<enebo[m]> This almost makes me wonder if we can callDirect as its own subtype of body and eliminate asking per .call on RubyProc normally
<enebo[m]> At one level it does not matter because of ACP and JIT
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<CGML2> fovufFoIm48RT9EtVCQbQT2PNEgyHPT4bQVUKWcPKEg3ptOmysu90A4GNssNTtnEM0qzinhDmNGT3YFIfYTud1qnrNoaJtaUqvyUC2uQ2xNRE2vyXeEgWIVq
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<enebo[m]> At another it is just extra work in the case of none hot path code
<headius[m]> fun day on freenode apparently
<enebo[m]> CGML2 stands for what :)
<headius[m]> yeah I am wondering
<enebo[m]> compact geographical markup language seems most likely
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<headius[m]> enebo: tenderlove may not be able to get a psych release out until after so don't let that issue hold us up
<headius[m]> users can just upgrade psych over the default one so it is not a big deal (and this was just a one-off report of a very minor behavioral difference anyway)
<enebo[m]> ok yeah it is not a huge issue
<enebo[m]> I mean it would always be great if we can get it all in but we have a solution which will make it in
<enebo[m]> just not this week
<headius[m]> yeah and really snakeyaml just came out yesterday so it is just poor timing
<headius[m]> the issue is still marked for but you can retarget whenever you decide to close the door
<enebo[m]> move it to .16
<headius[m]> ok
<enebo[m]> I will likely merge the block kwargs thing in the morning
<enebo[m]> I will maybe wake up and realize something but right now I cannot think of what would break
<headius[m]> yeah me neither
<enebo[m]> It pretty much has to be arity 1 AND accept kwargs
<enebo[m]> So basically that is what it fixes by not doing it
<headius[m]> yeah
<headius[m]> and it simply doesn't work without this
<headius[m]> so it is net positive there
<headius[m]> we need to unify this logic in the 3.0 work
<enebo[m]> yeah if there was a way to have kwargs AND another arg which somehow was still 1 then I would be worried
<enebo[m]> but the req kwargs is the 1
<headius[m]> it will likely be simpler and less ambiguous and we can look at plumbing kwargs through a fast path then
<enebo[m]> and if it is optional kwtgs or kwrest the arity value is negative
<enebo[m]> If we had another type for this we could get rid of this processing as well
<enebo[m]> It would just be detected as essentially direct and just pass in args[0] thought something directly
<enebo[m]> IRDirectBlockBody :)
<enebo[m]> something
<headius[m]> any issues with optional kwargs?
<headius[m]> |b:1|
<enebo[m]> well there could be but not from this since optional kwargs would be -2 for that I think
<headius[m]> that would be arity 0 or -1 I guess
<headius[m]> yeah
<headius[m]> |a, b:1| would be negative arity also I guess
<enebo[m]> Today's investigation does tell me we can probably make direct invoke another type to kill some checks AND we can probably cache arityValue assuming we actually need it without that second time
<enebo[m]> 1 for a and *-1 - 1 for b
<enebo[m]> hmm for b:1 is -1 and a, b:1 is -2?
<enebo[m]> regardless opt args make it all negative
<headius[m]> yeah so I can't think of a way to have arity 1 with kwargs other than what you have
<enebo[m]> yeah it is what I think too but I am more keen right after I wake up and I may realize something else
<enebo[m]> I will at least re-review it
<headius[m]> ok
<headius[m]> I guess we are all set otherwise
<enebo[m]> So I am done for today. In the morning I will plan on figuring out why deploys fail if they fail for me locally
<headius[m]> oh you will verify tomorrow... should I do a JNR pass and update everything?
<headius[m]> I have some work time left today
<enebo[m]> I don't think so unless there is something significant which we will benefit and not create a significant risk
<headius[m]> hmmm
<enebo[m]> At least if we want to do something where there is a chance we should get out of the habit of not doing it so close to release
<headius[m]> these do not have the Java 9 fixes
<headius[m]> the ones we currently ship
<headius[m]> so they are like 6 months behind
<enebo[m]> I don't even remember what those are
<headius[m]> module names mostly
<enebo[m]> oh so people on 9+ with full module support can work
<headius[m]> yeah
<enebo[m]> I mean at one level that would be nice but only if there are not like 5 other fixes changing sockets or whatnot
<headius[m]> there were some issues with modules and the native jffi stub not loading in some restricted envs
<headius[m]> I will try to review changes since these
<headius[m]> will push a PR in any case and we can merge before or after
<enebo[m]> ok
<enebo[m]> We could also consider a .16 in a few weeks too
<headius[m]> we always do 😀
<enebo[m]> but I guess figure out how risky they are
<headius[m]> ok maybe most of these actually are current
<headius[m]> enebo: ok nevermind, I guess they are all up to date
<headius[m]> there are some fixes since then that have not been released in JNR projects yet though
<enebo[m]> cool
<headius[m]> I will do a jnr release spin this evening and a PR for 15 to use those versions
<headius[m]> but it is a much smaller increment now
<headius[m]> enebo: actually scratch that too... someone pinged me this week about helping out with some JNR issues so I will work with them to figure out a release target
<headius[m]> so there is nothing critical for .15