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<chewitt> gavlee: it would also be good to know which wireless chipset is in the box?
<gavlee> I am on it :)
<gavlee> will post info as soon as i can get it. the meson-sm1-sei610 don't work with any network from what I can see, I tried ssh into the box with the ethernet plugged in but no interface. am about to try getting the dts you sent into it and trying that
<gavlee> hm, that reminds me to order usb adapter...
<chewitt> hmm.. no ethernet
<chewitt> try the x96-air dtb that I created
<chewitt> this is where the uart cable is handy
<chewitt> the other SM1 dtb to try are VIM3L and C4
<gavlee> yeah i have one but it's got a serial port on the end don't really want to cut it :)
<chewitt> you'll also prob. find there are no soldered pins on the board
<gavlee> haven't even looked inside it yet to be honest
<gavlee> adapter useful for other boards I have anyway
<chewitt> if there's no wifi working it might have a realtek chip, which prob. won't be supported
<gavlee> ok not fussed about wifi more the ethernet works
<chewitt> I use wifi a lot during dev as it reduced the rats nest of cables needed
<gavlee> I didn't know where the dtb was and couldn't see, have cloned your tree anyway because I guess I will need it :D
<chewitt> arch/arm64/boot/dts/amlogic/
<gavlee> rats are multiplying on my desk atm
<gavlee> still cloning.... going to make a drink
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<chewitt> has a revised x96-air dtb based on the sei610 but with external phy ethernet, so might work
<gavlee> trying the other dtb, VIM3L didn't work
<gavlee> boots but then monitor says cable disconnected
<gavlee> without the boot log can't know what's going on :/
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<chewitt> the sei610 uses internal phy (rmii) ethernet, so if that doesn't work it prob. means the box is using external (rgmii)
<gavlee> i'm glad the libreelec images are light because my connection is poor, will try again. thanks
<chewitt> should be able to drop another 10MB from them soon, we're close to having working foss graphics (instead of mali blobs)
<gavlee> sweet
<chewitt> already done with older boards, but bifrost (as in your box) still needs blobs
<gavlee> my rockchip tablet is mali I think but only got as far as booting the kernel, makes me want too look at it again
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<chewitt> should be supported with lima/panfrost by now then
<gavlee> sorry am I being thick which dtb am I supposed to be using in the uEnv.ini? from the first partition dtb/ right?
<chewitt> use meson-g12a-x96-max.dtb
<chewitt> path should be /dtb/meson-g12a-x96-max.dtb
<chewitt> btw, if ethernet still doesn't come up
<chewitt> remove "quiet" from the boot params in uEnv.ini
<chewitt> then record a video of boot using a phone with slow-mo options
<chewitt> removing quiet will dump output on-screen
<gavlee> i didn't even look at that to think about it totally forgot
<chewitt> and slow-mo mode allows the video to be slowed down so you can see what scrolls past
<chewitt> I only remembered when looking at a uEnv.ini just now
<chewitt> you can also add "textmode" to boot params and it will boot to a local console (no Kodi)
<gavlee> yes i've done that in the past with phone :)
<chewitt> connect a USB keyboard, and as long as the usb bits of device-tree work, you can poke around
<chewitt> I should have remembered that earlier .. but it's 7am here and I'm still only half-awake
<gavlee> sorry 4am here too
<gavlee> gonna keep trying, really appreciate all your help
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<gavlee> i boot meson-g12a-x96-max.dtb, filesystem resized. got into kodi welcome screen, the colours are blue, clicknetwork config and it got a link local adress then kodi seemed to crash. I wasn't aware i was supposed to try the meson-g12a-x96-max.dtb before i was trying the meson-sm1-sei610, and that's where the networking didn't appear..
<gavlee> will keep trying with the different dtb and let you know how it goes
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<gavlee> yeah textmode is what I was looking for , didin't even think to do something like init=/bin/bash either
<gavlee> case just fell apart off the sd card reader haha
<chewitt> quality stuff
<chewitt> if you still have the previous image, try that x96max-air dtb too, it was based on C4
<chewitt> blue colours are fixed with in the root of the SD card
<chewitt> (or should be fixed)
<gavlee> ah right you did mention that but it's a lot to take in at the mo.. have got a dmesg sorry it took so long
<chewitt> so ethernet fails (as expected) and there's no probing for broadcom sdio wireless, so it's probably a realtek chip
<chewitt> bluetooth does probe but fails, probably for the same reasons
<chewitt> it would be good to see dmesg from the x96-air dtb using the most recent image
<chewitt> also worth doing "lsusb" to make sure it's not using internally connected usb ethernet, I've seen that being done recently
<gavlee> x96-air? i'm confused sorry i didn't see air in there that's why i asked.. getting the wrong file :S
<gavlee> the max one?
<chewitt> hmmm..
<chewitt> ahh, I'm a muppet
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<chewitt> typo in the Makefile so the dtb wasn't built
<chewitt> so it's not in the image you downloaded
<chewitt> urgh..
<chewitt> sec
<gavlee> i did wonder lol
<gavlee> not that you're a muppet, that something was missing :)
<gavlee> i was looking in there like ???
<chewitt> I'm a muppet because it's maybe the 4th or 5th time I did the same mistake in recent months :)
<chewitt> copy/paste dts name .. don't change .dts to .dtb .. so kernel skips compiling it
<gavlee> I can't talk the amount of typos I make
<chewitt> now I need to fix the mistakes in the dts that prevent compile
<chewitt> this time it has the x96-air dtb inside :)
<gavlee> my goodness that was fast
<chewitt> fast box, fast connection
<chewitt> and a lucky guess at the (only one) compile issue
<gavlee> now me wait hour to download it !!!
<chewitt> ouch
<chewitt> which part of the UK? are you in?
<chewitt> ^ that's the dtb, place in the current dtb folder and change uEnv.ini
<chewitt> kernel versions are the same so no need to grab the entire image
<gavlee> new dmesg
<gavlee> london
<gavlee> was going to upgrade home connection last year but never happened ..
<gavlee> looks better let me put the blue screen fix on there and take textmode off..
<chewitt> looks like ethernet came up
<chewitt> and I guessed correctly about BT, although this needs firmware
<gavlee> yes :)
<gavlee> how about you?
<gavlee> it must be right early now? :o
<chewitt> 9am
<chewitt> I'm in Dubai
<chewitt> originally from UK but got fed up of pissy wet weather
<gavlee> ah right :)
<gavlee> hahahaha
<chewitt> now I just roast in 45ºC during the summer
<gavlee> it's been warm here but sure it's going to turn again
<chewitt> mkdir -p /storage/.config/rtl_bt
<chewitt> ignore
<chewitt> mkdir -p /storage/.config/firmware/rtl_bt
<chewitt> ^ those two should get BT working
<chewitt> or it might complain about missing rtl8822cs_config.bin
<chewitt> in which case rinse/repeat with the different filename
<chewitt> if you can confirm I'll add them to the list of things I pick from linux-firmware
<gavlee> ok sure thing
<chewitt> also see if the IR remote works, I preset the keymap for the x96max remote which looks identical to the one in the Amazon listing
<gavlee> waayyy too many windows open..
<gavlee> hmm i'm sure i downloded the u-boot fix but something must have blocked it
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<chewitt> mount -o remount,rw /flash
<chewitt> reboot
<gavlee> it was my proxy i needed to whilelist the static domain for dropbox
<gavlee> I can read the text now after putting u-boot.ext there. much improved that was killing my eyes
<chewitt> looks like BT requires both files
<chewitt> I will add to the kernel-firmware pick list
<chewitt> the WiFi module will use rtw88 driver eventually, but it's still pcie only at the moment
<chewitt> sdio support is being worked on
<gavlee> i'm getting a link local address on ethernet so I can't ping yet
<chewitt> hmm
<chewitt> bad cable?
<chewitt> the dmesg looked like it was good
<chewitt> [ 9.325657] meson8b-dwmac ff3f0000.ethernet eth0: Link is Up - 1Gbps/Full - flow control rx/tx
<gavlee> let me plug into pi.. and test
<gavlee> seems ok there, plugged back in the air and rebooted same
<gavlee> don't see anything in dhcp leases
<chewitt> sec, I have an idea
<gavlee> rebooted without text mode, libreelec welcome screen, the following networks available wired... stays at "config" for a good few seconds then gets link local address
<chewitt> I think it needs some more bits in device-tree
<chewitt> I'm picking them from the x96-max dts
<chewitt> will give you a new dtb in a min
<gavlee> alrighty. coffee and jig about the room for a bit
<gavlee> ok trying again
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<gavlee> keep knocking the ethernet plug out of this box pluggin the sd in and out .. I suppose it's good news the pulse eight cec adapter shows but no ethernet
<chewitt> can you share dmesg again
<chewitt> with the lastest dtb
<gavlee> yep back to textmode and having a look
<gavlee> this sd card reader has really seen better days now hahaha
<gavlee> i better put that in the basket with usb adapter
<gavlee> still reads link is up, don't understand
<gavlee> i tred setting a manual address i thought it crashed but must have froze for a second. in the libreelec gui
<gavlee> have to say trying to set an ip address in that is not the easiest thing to do
<chewitt> no visible changes
<chewitt> LE kind of expects DHCP for Ethernet
<chewitt> if that doesn't work by default it's probably something on the hardware side not software, so setting a fixed ip won't helpp
<gavlee> yeah i thought so but tried it anyway
<chewitt> @xdarklight @narmstrong ^ any suggestions?
<gavlee> I somehow think something I tested wrong may have thrown you off..
<gavlee> like me using the wrong dtb and you changing something when i wasn't using that dtb?
<chewitt> I don't think so
<gavlee> hang on did you mention earlier about usb?
<gavlee> i'm reading back trying to see things I missed
<la-s> chewitt: I am using my odroid n2 with panfrost, and it works OK
<la-s> Graphic glitches some times though
<chewitt> la-s with wayland or x11 thingss?
<la-s> Wayland of course
<chewitt> :)
<la-s> X doesn't work at all, but I don't see why you'd use it anyway
<chewitt> kodi support (gbm/v4l2) didn't quite get there yet
<chewitt> GUI is up, but text missing
<la-s> Most likely issues with blessing
<la-s> blending
<la-s> Anything transparent doesn't work for me
<chewitt> "rome wasn't built in a day" :)
<Xogium> re: xorg/wayland, a shame, but blind peeps are still stuck on xorg. Wayland is lacking things that would otherwise make it be usable for screen readers, mainly mouse simulation via keyboard can't be performed so far
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<chewitt> gavlee if in doubt on what you've tested is updated
<chewitt> should have working BT now
<chewitt> and would be useful to check the remote works
<gavlee> not sure if this is normal but after loading rtl8822cs_config.bin there is next line "invalid config magic"
<gavlee> i'll reboot again in gui in a sec not sure if it's supposed to work in the terminal or not but it doesn't
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<gavlee> using usb keyboard/mouse combo as can probably tell from the dmesg
<chewitt> no idea about the config.bin message
<chewitt> I've never seen this chip in-person
<chewitt> and this is the first time I add support for it in a dts
<gavlee> amazing
<chewitt> the amazing bits were coded by others, i'm just a glorified cut-n-paste expert :)
<gavlee> hah!
<chewitt> switching between broadcom bt and realtek bt is a one-line change, so right up my street
<gavlee> I didn't expect to get anything working to be honest
<gavlee> and I learn a lot in the process doing this so thanks
<chewitt> np :)
<gavlee> power nap. can't read any more. have a great day
<xdarklight> chewitt: so Ethernet does not work? then I suggest to: 1) enable these dev_dbg prints: 2) temporarily remove the reset-gpios from the PHY node in .dts 3) boot the result and see if the RX delay is enabled by the bootloader 4) if it is: switch to phy-mode = "rgmii-id";
<chewitt> did the rgmii-id changes go into 5.7?
<xdarklight> chewitt: the dwmac-meson8b patches that go into v5.8-rc1 may or may not also help if some weird configuration is used (for example: if that board unexpectedly enables the RX delay in the MAC / PRG_ETH0 registers)
<chewitt> or do I need to pick them from 5.8?
<xdarklight> chewitt: if u-boot enables the RX delay on the PHY side switching to phy-mode = "rgmii-id" will work, but v5.7 cannot clear the RX delay on the MAC side (you'll need 5.8 for that)
<chewitt> so you'd need to manually correct in dts?
<chewitt> how to "enable the dev_dbg prints" ? .. change s/dev_dbg/printf ?
<xdarklight> so far all GXM and G12A boards that I have have the RX delay disabled in u-boot *and* the MAC. so I'm assuming that the PCB trace length adds the 2ns delay (in that case the existing phy-mode = "rgmii" with amlogic,tx-delay-ns = <2> is working fine - changing it would be cosmetics only)
<xdarklight> either s/dev_dbg/dev_err/g or follow
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<chewitt> gavlee: when you surface after that nap .. test
<chewitt> and we'll see if there's anything extra in dmesg
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<gavlee> chewitt: cool :) I checked the remote navigating around LE and seems to work good, not checked numbers yet . latest dmesg from last image with bluetooth and the u-boot.ext
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<la-s> Xogium: mouse emulation via keyboard is something you can easily do within the compositor. Sway supports moving the mouse with its IPC FYI
<la-s> As for other compositors, I don't know of any ways, since I don't use them. You might be able to do something at the level "above" the compositor, if you understand what I mean. Something like but for mice
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<chewitt> xdarklight: with the logging change:
<chewitt> [ 6.915791] RTL8211F Gigabit Ethernet 0.0:00: Disabling 2ns TX delay (and changing the value from pin-strapping RXD1 or the bootloader)
<chewitt> [ 6.916734] RTL8211F Gigabit Ethernet 0.0:00: Disabling 2ns RX delay (and changing the value from pin-strapping RXD0 or the bootloader)
<chewitt> gavlee: can you run "bluetoothctl show" .. does it show the card details
<chewitt> the "invalid config magic" log might be something harmless
<gavlee> chewitt: I ran bluetoothctl before seeing your message and the air is sitting there apparently frozen. couldn't type in terminal for a while but it's come back I think... had that with wifi too
<gavlee> "No default controller available"
<gavlee> not wifi, i meant when ethernet was trying to get address something went funny in the LE gui not sure what really happened
<gavlee> in the other images i tried not this one
<gavlee> it was something like, getting address, freeze, some gui strangeness, freeze. got link local address.. I wish I could give more specific info :S
<la-s> is there a way to increase the amount of memory available to the GPU?
<xdarklight> chewitt: that means the RX delay was enabled by the bootloader. so I suggest to try phy-mode = "rgmii-id" next and see if Ethernet works fine (in both directions, using iperf3 for example)
<chewitt> xdarklight: do I need to remove the "amlogic,tx-delay-ns = <2>;" line?
<chewitt> or that's nulled by the rgmii-id change?
<xdarklight> chewitt: please do as it's not relevant anymore, but the driver will also take care of it (and it ignore it)
<xdarklight> (do = do remove)
<chewitt> gavlee: please try this device-tree
<chewitt> then share dmesg
<xdarklight> I'll remove myself from any electronic device for a few more hours and enjoy the weather. see you later! :)
<chewitt> I just got back from the beach, enjoy!
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<gavlee> > I'll remove myself from any electronic device for a few more hours and enjoy the weather. see you later! :) - sometimes that just needs to be done :)
<gavlee> chewitt: thanks. didn't see link local address this time, no ip assigned haven't looked around much posting dmesg and going back
<gavlee> link local this time.. uhhh
<gavlee> going for walkies and do some chores. bbl
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