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<liquidAcid> tfiga, thanks again for the advices, i've just sent a new version of the patches
<liquidAcid> hmm, it's missing the signed-off stuff again -- no idea why
<tfiga> liquidAcid: thanks for your work on this
<liquidAcid> ah, i think i finally got it
<liquidAcid> signoff is a parameter for format-patch, not send-email
<tfiga> aha, that would explain why I didn't see it in man
<tfiga> I usually just keep my sign-offs and other tags in my repo, so that format-patch creates patches ready to be sent
<tfiga> also I think you forgot to add the parentheses in patch 2
<tfiga> by the way, I wonder whether anybody ever used libdrm for exynos then...
<liquidAcid> no, i added it, but again, the subject-prefix is a parameter of format-patch
<liquidAcid> grrrr, and now i can't resend it because my mailserver has blocked me
<tfiga> heh, doesn't sound good
<liquidAcid> probably nobody, or they couldn't get it working -- but the g2d block seems quite nice, at least for what i want to use it
<liquidAcid> guess i need to add some delay between sending consecutive mails
<tfiga> probably
<tfiga> I think send-email might have this feature
<tfiga> or maybe not
<tfiga> there was a patch for this floating around, but my git doesn't recognize --delay parameter
<liquidAcid> i also find --sleep
<liquidAcid> but it was never applied
<tfiga> I guess you can just confirm each message separately before sending instead of all at once
<tfiga> depending on your git config you might need to add --confirm=always
<liquidAcid> i was hoping for a more elegant solution, but ssmtp also seems to lack a delay option
<tfiga> I know that there are people that have their ways to do this automatically
<tfiga> personally I don't, as gmail and our corporate smtp servers don't have any issues with this
<tfiga> but I've seen a series of tens of patches being sent one by one with a delay like 1 minute
<tfiga> btw. I still think you missed the parentheses in patch 2
<tfiga> #define G2D_DOUBLE_TO_FIXED(d)((unsigned int)((d) * 65536.0))
<tfiga> this is the only way to ensure that G2D_DOUBLE_TO_FIXED(x + 5) will be evaluated correctly
<liquidAcid> huh? hmm, that's strange
<liquidAcid> ok, great, git fsck-objects reports multiple errors -- maybe i should scan the entire fs after all
<liquidAcid> looks like the g2d userptr feature is a lot more harmful then i initially guessed
<liquidAcid> better not touch it again
<tfiga> the kernel driver doesn't look too good
<tfiga> for certain use cases it might be better to use the V4L2-based one
<liquidAcid> i already wrote inki about that, but the userptr stuff doesn't seem to work -- and apparantly it also does other "funny" things with kernel memory
<liquidAcid> scanning the sdcard might still take a while
<liquidAcid> going out for a bit, hopefully the scan is done when i return -- and probably the mailserver has also "cooled down" then. please disregard the patches until then
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* Wizzup has been trying to get the new samsung chromebook 2
<Wizzup> they're sold out everywhere I go it seems ;-)
<Wizzup> I'll probably have one next week
<WarheadsSE> Dug around, nvm my derp from last night, definitely peach_pi(t) .. although, I can't find that overlay anywhere publically.
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<liquidAcid> ok, filesystem is clean again, i refetched the libdrm tree -- let's see if the mailserver likes me again...
<liquidAcid> tfiga, i think everything went fine this time
<tfiga> liquidAcid: yes, looks good, thanks!
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