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<deniz1a> hello, do you know when the global task scheduling for arm big.little will be included in kernel?
<Wizzup> hi there
<Wizzup> What hardware do you own?
<Wizzup> this is what I could find with google, not knowing what GTS did exactly
<Wizzup> I think it depends a lot on what you define as 'kernel' :-)
<deniz1a> i dont actually have a big.little system but i am planninng on buying an odroid xu-lite when the kernel supports gts
<deniz1a> i mean the official upstream kernel
<Wizzup> mainline?
<deniz1a> yes that's what i'm talking about. gts makes it possible to use all 8 cores simultaneously
<deniz1a> yes
<Wizzup> you could have a look here
<Wizzup> although I am not sure if that is the identical device
<Wizzup> generally mainline support is still a bit lacking for exynos devices - one of the things we are trying to fix / look at
<deniz1a> so it's not possible to install a normal debian on these devices?
<Wizzup> I don't think so, you can also ask in the odroid/hardkernel irc channel, but I think most still have problematic mainline support
<Wizzup> we're getting somewhere with the first arm chromebook and we're working on a working u-boot+kernel (not mainline atm) for the chromebook2
<deniz1a> oh ok thanks, i didnt know there was an odroid channel
<Wizzup> #odroid on freenode
<Wizzup> If you do some research, please consider writing something on the wiki if it adds anything :-)
<deniz1a> ok
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<WarheadsSE> lol "normal" debian on an ARM device
<Wizzup> you can do that on the sheevaplug
<WarheadsSE> Still wouldn't quite call that normal
<Wizzup> how so?
<WarheadsSE> Although, the Sheeva has been around long enough that everything in /about it is mainlined, and armel *should* run fairly well on it.
* Wizzup runs gentoo on all his sheevas
<Wizzup> love those things
<WarheadsSE> Let me see here...
<WarheadsSE> PPV4, NSA320, NSA325, GoFlex Net .. those are just the Kirkwoods I have running atm
<Wizzup> :)
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<Wizzup> \o/
<WarheadsSE> NSA325 is one performant little bugger
<WarheadsSE> Even if I do hate the EE's that put that watchdog into place
<WarheadsSE> Makes it _really_ hard to test uboot updates.
<Wizzup> heh
<WarheadsSE> No, really. I have changes ready for 2014.04
<WarheadsSE> Can't test them without burning.. because the watchdog kills kwboot.
<WarheadsSE> I'd love to have all the hardware, and scriptability available to the uboot.
<mdrjr> tfiga: ping
<tfiga> mdrjr: pong
<mdrjr> add's support for a few pixel clocks on HDMI 1.4
<mdrjr> however attempting to using 71Mhz on a 4412 Board will cause the pll to not settle :(
<mdrjr> any ideas?
<mdrjr> I think that 4212 and 4412 uses a HDMI IP very look-alike with 5250. But I don't think that 4212/4412 has the same capabilities as 5250 :(
<tfiga> mdrjr: hmm
<tfiga> AFAIK those values are more or less SoC-specific
<tfiga> so you would need to get values for 71 MHz for Exynos4x12 from hardware team
<mdrjr> yep. Asked my boss to ping SLSI engs.
<mdrjr> tfiga: this patch will probably cause a black screen on 4412 boards if they attempt to use 1280x800.
<mdrjr> [ 1.894674] [drm:hdmi_v14_timing_apply] *ERROR* hdmiphy's pll could not reach steady state.
<tfiga> mdrjr: I guess this means that settings for 5250 and 4x12 should be separated, though
<tfiga> looking at old v4l2 driver in media/platform/s5p-tv, even 4212 differs from 4412 in terms of HDMI PHY settings
<tfiga> although both datasheets give the same settings
<mdrjr> tfiga: the funniest part is that those pixel clocks aren't documented. I have almost all datasheets here since 4210 and no SoC claims 71Mhz pixel clock support
<mdrjr> note I have the non-public version of those
<tfiga> mdrjr: so do I
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