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<hexdump> LiquidAcid: yes right, for instance all the boot messages on the framebuffer are gone as soon as a serial console is configured as well - even if the fb console on the command line is the second cmdline arg and thus should be primary
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<mixfix41> huh so i wasnt able to even compile the chromeos with some recommended options for nfs autofs + whatever config bt i saw also
<mixfix41> but i dont know maybe bluetooth isnt very viable... hmm i even read a few posts thats one person had mostly everything going but on archarm and a mainline kernel but he stopped posting...
<mixfix41> oh well still a cool side project
<mixfix41> well i can stilltr ansfer my files since i got to learning the bluetoothctl plus starting the pulse audio to get those device paired and connected so but definitely a little shadier route as i could just use a cord for my needs
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<LiquidAcid> hexdump, actually i'm not sure how the kernel's printk is supposed to behave in such a case
<LiquidAcid> also, i don't think that fbcon is really suitable for this anyway, considering how late drm is loaded in the process
<hexdump> not a really big problem anyway
<zombah> it is possible define multiple console outputs in cmdline like this: console=ttySAC3,115200n8 console=tty
<LiquidAcid> zombah, that's not accurate
<LiquidAcid> the docs only say that you can specify one console per type, the problem here most likely is that the kernel considers tty0 and ttyS0 separate types, but not ttySAC0 and tty0
<LiquidAcid> see in particular kernel/printk/*
<zombah> LiquidAcid: hm it was working fine last time i tried, probably something changed lately on ttySAC type front
<LiquidAcid> "Note that you can only define one console per device type (serial, video)." <- the question here is what type the kernel assigns to ttySAC
<LiquidAcid> zombah, not sure if that's the "type" we're looking for
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