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<mixfix41> does the bluetooth work good with 3.8??
<mixfix41> i thought i had the same results on a ml kernel and the usual one from the 3.8 kernel from arch . ill have to try these other distros if there any different esp for bt since i almost am there. and would be nice if there was a fix for 3.8 and could be the same fix for ml
<mixfix41> but then again yea its those little things like sound on ml issue most all you need in a device haha
<mixfix41> i ve never used gentoo i wonder if that wouldve helped in recognizing things especially in the fs should see how different the dir are
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<Wizzup> I have not tried bluetooth. On what devices?
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<mixfix41> xe303c12
<Wizzup> snow?
<mixfix41> yes
<Wizzup> I haven't tried it on ML. No clue about 3.8 either.
<Wizzup> any reason to assume it won't work or the other way around?
<mixfix41> missing filesystem or file firmware ? all the modules are on the 3.8
<mixfix41> kernel
<Wizzup> I can try it on ML later, I have bluetooth disabled in my kernel
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<mixfix41> using the a2dp sink found on aur archwiki bluetooth indeed works
<mixfix41> i had to follow other wikis of there for pulse, bluetooth but wow it sounds great this is what i needed !!!
<mixfix41> for 3.8 kernel ofcourse
<mixfix41> two aur packages bluez-alsa bluez-utils-compat then you shoudl have hciconfig hci0 up & pulseaudio --start (as user) , pair connect through bluetoothctl ,install pavucontrol and set high fidelity playback a2dp sink on device should be good
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<mixfix41> oh and dont forget git & base-devel packages in the process
<mixfix41> this is so hype im just so excited to see it going on linux
<Wizzup> hehe
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