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Aeron has joined #linux-rockchip
<Aeron> hi guys
<Aeron> i am new to this community.
<Aeron> i am working on an RockChip 3188 project and ran into a few problems on the kernel and would like to ask for some direction.
<naobsd> please don't ask to ask, just ask
<Aeron> got it
<Aeron> here i come
<Aeron> if i install linux onto rockchip3188, it is a full linux right?
<Aeron> if yes, that means i cannot run any android apps on it anymore?
<naobsd> what's "full linux"? if you install _only_ linux, then it's linux only system.
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<Aeron> got it.
<Aeron> so i can only run linux related software
<tony100> hi, there is big trouble I met.
<naobsd> any Android apps cannot run on Linux because it's apps for Android.
<tony100> about camera on can rk3188.
<tony100> I used the gc2145.
<naobsd> (I'm not talking about using emulator to run Android apps on Linux)
<tony100> I2C is okay, the MCLK is okay. but the PCLK is not okay.
<tony100> I got this: rk_cam_cif(2832):Camera host haven't recevie data from sensor,last fps = 0,pcdev->fps = 0,cif_irq: 1,dma_irq: 0!
<tony100> from kernel.
<tony100> naobsd, would you give me some advice ?
<naobsd> tony100: I'm not so much knowledge about clk things... did you enable cif unit properly?
<tony100> naobsd, there is a old camera module works fine, I just want to change a module, so I think the cif was work fine.
<naobsd> tony100: then new camera module is not configured properly...
<tony100> the there were some problem before, we figure them out one by one. and this problem I don't know how to figure it.
<tony100> at first, the PWDN and MCLK's timing was incorrect, the I2C always has not ack.
<tony100> then we modify the timing, the i2c has ACK. the camera driver probe okay.
<tony100> naobsd, what's your opinion ? ;)
<naobsd> tony100: sorry, no idea...
<tony100> naobsd, previewThread(1952): VIDIOC_DQBUF Failed!!! err[Invalid argument]
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<chrs_> which gpu is in the RK3368? PowerVR G6100?
<chrs_> that's not as fast as the Mali-T764, right?
<chrs_> yet they claim it does 4k@60Hz
<chrs_> so for 3d it's worse but for pixel bandwith it's better?
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