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FreezingCold has joined #linux-rockchip
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Astralix` has joined #linux-rockchip
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naobsd has joined #linux-rockchip
<akaizen> naobsd: why do you say no?
premoboss has quit [Quit: Sto andando via]
<naobsd> akaizen: someone may do something for barebox firefly support, but I don't know at all.
Astralix` is now known as Astralix|away
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<akaizen> naobsd: what are the top projects for linux-rockchip currently?
<naobsd> as far as I know, there is no community level project.
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<ruraj> jcabbages
teee has joined #linux-rockchip
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teee has joined #linux-rockchip
<teee> hello all
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<teee> please let me know if anyone is available, I have a question regarding compilation of the 3.10 kernel for RK3188
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markm_ has joined #linux-rockchip
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naobsd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]