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<naobsd> sjg1: is "jump to the code" the matter?
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<sjg1> naobsd: yes
<naobsd> sjg1: what need to be done before "jump to the code"?
<naobsd> sjg1: btw hdmi output is working fine with rock2 and 1200x1920 lcd
<naobsd> sjg1: thank you very much for your work :)
<naobsd> actually it blinks randomly, maybe clock or something is not perfect, but it will be small matter ;)
<naobsd> usb keyboard should be supported :)
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<sjoerd> naobsd: I assume sjg1 mostly wants to use the maskrom to load it into memory, such that u-boot can verify the image (either cryptographically or not) before starting to execute that code
<naobsd> sjoerd: well, the code, loaded by mask rom, is u-boot
<naobsd> ah, spl want to verify u-boot?
<sjoerd> yes
<naobsd> the problem is, spl is too large
<sjoerd> i know
<naobsd> spl need to be simple....
<sjoerd> So in the cases we don't go thorugh maskrom that's fine
<sjoerd> e.g. if you boot from SD card on 3288 that's ok
<sjoerd> on 3036 tha'ts problematic because it needs to be even smaller there so we can't have SD drivers in the SPL
<naobsd> it's not ok on 3288
<sjoerd> yes it is.. on 3288 the SPL loads u-boot from the SD itself rather then using maskrom
<naobsd> I think it will be better that maskrom loads u-boot (if we can fix kernel issue)
<naobsd> with smaller spl w/o sdcard/emmc support
<sjoerd> I don't agree
<naobsd> (well, I'm not sure kernel issue can happen when SD boot)
<naobsd> is there any good idea to reduce spl size? currently spl for firefly is too large
<sjoerd> I haven't had the time to try u-boot master since sjg1 landed a bunch more stuff
<naobsd> btw
<naobsd> I'm curious what happen "maskrom loads u-boot on SD/eMMC" (!OTG boot)
<sjoerd> i never tried that
<sjoerd> I suspect it would work
<naobsd> kernel hangs or not? <- this is the point I want to see
<sjoerd> I suspect it wouldn't :)
<sjoerd> but again, i never tried
<naobsd> yes, I see
<naobsd> I just say what I'm thinking
<naobsd> I can try with your patch :)
<naobsd> (if I have enough time!)
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