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<naobsd> I got MXQ 4K RK3229 box
<naobsd> there are very few LSIs
<naobsd> CPU, DRAMx2, and NAND
<naobsd> and SDIO wifi. that's all...
<naobsd> no PMU, probably all fixed regulators and PWM for cpu/gpu
<naobsd> no USB hub, there are 3 sets of ehci/ohci in SoC
<naobsd> no 100M ether phy. stmmac and probably 100M phy is in SOC
<naobsd> no HDMI bridge, audio/video codec. it seems CVBS "TV Encoder"(?) is also in SoC
<naobsd> no RTC
<naobsd> no internal/external RTC :(
<naobsd> other large parts are... 24M xtal and H1102NL for ether
<naobsd> that's all
<naobsd> the board is Hotack T066-V1
<naobsd> there are UART holes as usual
<naobsd> but strangely all I can see from UART is garbage :(
<naobsd> I'm sure 1 is GND and 2s are 3.3V
<naobsd> garbage output timing is same as working UART, e.g. bootloader and kernel startup, kernel related events such as USB device attaching
<naobsd> I should try analyzer to see waveform but I don't have it :(