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<sjoerd> naobsd: which version are you using ?
<naobsd> sjoerd: up-to-date mainline
<naobsd> sjoerd: I commented out configure_emmc() as same as rock2, then I could get smaller(valid) spl.bin
<sjoerd> hmm, guess master grew again
<sjoerd> :/
<naobsd> well
<naobsd> maybe
<naobsd> sjoerd: can I try your "load u-boot by mask rom" for rk3288?
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<sjoerd> you can try :)
<naobsd> well, is there any code/branch for it?
<naobsd> or you just try current u-boot binary with stock spl(ddr init blob)?
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<sjoerd> but it's really a wip hack
<naobsd> I see, thanks
<sjoerd> biggest blocker i have is that linux will fail to boot properly with it :/
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<naobsd> oh interesting
<naobsd> external USB ports are working on u-boot on rock2 by just enabling EHCI and some common USB options
<naobsd> well
<naobsd> host power need to be turned on e.g. gpio toggle A14
<naobsd> usb keyboard support can be added easily?
<naobsd> oops
<naobsd> in dts, there is no relation between ehci/usbphy and gpio0_14
<naobsd> and generic-ehci handles only clk...
<naobsd> so rk specific ehci driver is required to handle power/phy/etc...
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<sjoerd> naobsd: it's done as a trick in the dts
<sjoerd> there is a rough note on my backlog to add a proper thing for it
<naobsd> oh
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<sjg1> sjoerd: It would be great if we could figure out how to use the boot ROM to load from MMC (without it then jumping to the loaded image)
<naobsd> sjg1: I guess save_boot_params/back_to_bootrom works
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<sjg1> But then we cannot tell it what to load, nor verify what it loaded
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<naobsd> well?
<naobsd> well
<naobsd> maskrom refers header(64th sector on emmc/sd, idb sector 0) to get offset to read sram/dram code
<naobsd> For evb_rk3036 board:
<naobsd> ./evb-rk3036/tools/mkimage -n rk3036 -T rksd -d evb-rk3036/spl/u-boot-spl.bin out && \
<naobsd> cat evb-rk3036/u-boot-dtb.bin >> out && \
<naobsd> sudo dd if=out of=/dev/sdc seek=64
<naobsd> this should work
<naobsd> u-boot(-dtb).bin should be loaded at beginning of physical dram space
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<naobsd> well
<naobsd> "-n rk3036" will not good for rk3288 spl
<naobsd> I just said put u-boot.bin just after spl.bin will work
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<sjoerd> sjg1: Yeah having more controlover the maskrom would be nice
<sjg1> naobsd: But it doesn't just read from MMC. It also jumps to the code!
<sjg1> sjoerd: Hoping we can figure something out here with Rockchip's help
<sjoerd> sjg1: but atm i'd be happy if someone would figure out why why linux doesn't get timer interrupts letting maskrom load u-boot..
<sjoerd> sjg1: lets hope :)
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<bashintosh> hi folks, can I boot ubuntu-core from a working initramfs (kernel 4.0.0-rc1) on RK3288 or I must use miniroot?