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<chris2> why do these aarch64 boards use ancient kernels? isnt aarch64 improved a lot since 4.x?
<maz> chris2: time to market, laziness, homebrew hacks that stick, and a small dose of genuine stupidity.
<chris2> tbh i didnt know 3.10 even had aarch64
<chris2> hm, merged in 3.7. ok
<maz> chris2: it did, but I wouldn't want to run it these days. still, we were quite proud of it! ;-)
<chris2> i hope we see proper mainline support soon for some chips at least
<maz> chris2: the core code is in very good shape, and some non-embedded SoCs are very well supported. It's more those targeting Android exclusively that don't have any incentive to do the right thing...
<chris2> i understand the current run of sbc is just tv-boxes rehashed for hobbyists :)
<chris2> also i'd love to buy non-embedded arm64 if someone sold them at a sensible price
<maz> same here - I'm always tempted to take that AMD board home... ;-)
<chris2> if there was an amd board around 300€ i'd just get one
<maz> that'd be a no-brainer, but you still have to add a zero to that prive...
<chris2> that was the price range of 96boards enterprise afaiu
<chris2> i thought the target price for a1100 was $75-100
<chris2> cpu only i mean
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<maz> 96what? never heard of that... ;-)
<chris2> *g*
<chris2> i wonder how long it will take until people figure out how to boot rpi3 in 64 bit mode :P
<maz> not very long - they will then realize that the lack of a standard interrupt controller makes is the perfect doorstop.
<chris2> uh what?
<maz> that ugly PoS still uses the same interrupt controller as the original rpi. they've hacked something on the side to deal with SMP with a GIC on rpi2, and carried on doing the same thing on rpi3.
<maz> I don't think I'll take a patch enabling that on arm64 if I can avoid it.
<maz> s/with/without/
<maz> no GIC, no virtualization, no proper per-cpu interrupts...
<chris2> and usb2 runs over that too?
<maz> probably.
<chris2> hooray :>
<chris2> now tell me everything bad about pine64 ;)
<maz> the HW seems OK-ish. the SW is abysmal, but that was expected.
<chris2> yeah
<chris2> i hope there will be enough community contributions
<chris2> mine is in shipping apparently
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