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<mmind00> c0d3z3r0: no idea, I'm not aware of specific changes there
<c0d3z3r0> mmind00: ok, thanks anyways
<mmind00> c0d3z3r0: in your reply to the dwc2 patch, why were you talking about sd-cards? :-)
<c0d3z3r0> let me think...
<c0d3z3r0> I have no clue…
<c0d3z3r0> \o/
<c0d3z3r0> one second
<mmind00> :-)
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<c0d3z3r0> mmind00: corrected. Maybe I should think before typing haha
<mmind00> :-D
<dianders> mrjay: Do and solve your USB problems too?
<c0d3z3r0> dianders: msleep(50) is there in next-20160302 but not in *03 and *04 even though it has not been reverted, yet. that's why I don't see it but you do o.O
<dianders> c0d3z3r0: Ah, maybe there was a merge conflict? Let's see.
<c0d3z3r0> that's what I thought but I couldn't find any
<dianders> c0d3z3r0: Weird. Removal shows in "git diff -- drivers/usb/dwc2" but not in "git log --patch -- drivers/usb/dwc2"
<c0d3z3r0> interesting… just like I said - "magic reverting" :D
<dianders> c0d3z3r0: git blame 3b30be3b6487 -- drivers/usb/dwc2/core.c | grep "This is required"
<dianders> git blame 3b30be3b6487^2 -- drivers/usb/dwc2/core.c | grep "This is required"
<dianders> I'll email Felipe
<c0d3z3r0> dianders: hmm, I can't see where your patch is removed in Felipes´. Let's hope he knows what happened there :D
<c0d3z3r0> enough kernel hacking for today.. good night
<c0d3z3r0> yeah just got your e-mail ;)
<dianders> :) Always figure there are lurkers around following things, so nice to drop breadcrumbs. Sometimes I'm the lurker and I like breadcrumbs... ;)
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<mrjay> dianders: msleep(50); patch did the trick ... i can test this two patches ... but should i revert msleep patch from my tree?
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<mrjay> dianders: sorry about that before coffe post :)
<mrjay> dianders: with applyed these 2 patches problem remains (msleep reverted) ... so for me only msleep did the trick
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<mrjay> dianders: update: usleep_delay 50 ms did the trick also ... i'm gonna check lower values also
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<naobsd> sjg1: is configure_emmc() for using emmc from spi boot, right?
<naobsd> spi or any other non-emmc boot media
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<mrjay> dianders: i think 50 - 55ms is a safe value (20 reboots ok) ...weird
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<dianders> mrjay: Thanks for testing. The problem is that they delay doesn't really make sense where it is. It probably belongs somewhere else.
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<dianders> mrjay: Actually, just for kicks, can you try reverting commit 97e463886b87 ("usb: dwc2: Reduce delay when forcing mode in reset')
<dianders> Instead of 50ms delay.
<dianders> So to summarize: take the two patches I posted but _don't_ take the 50ms delay patch. ...then revert 97e463886b87. Sort of a shot in the dark, but ...
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<Guest38640> mmind00: I found the cause of my voltage problem… looks like barebox sets max-voltage since my last config change and then the kernel isn't able to override that value
<Guest38640> hm.. im a guest.. interesting
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<mmind00> c0d3z3r0: where does barebox set the voltage? *confused*
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<c0d3z3r0> mmind00: I did not look into the code so that was just a guess. Disabling CONFIG_REGULATOR in barebox config solves the problem
<mmind00> c0d3z3r0: is that barebox support even moving forward? last I know there was a tiny bit of rk3188 support in there 1 or 2 years ago
<c0d3z3r0> mmind00: barebox works fine for me :)
<c0d3z3r0> mind00: last commit for rk3188 was in september 2014
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<eli1981> hey all, anyone knows where I can get original firmware/ROM of my Beelink R68 device ? (Need it as a backup as I'm planning to try Wasser ROM)
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<mrjay> dianders: no luck ... what next?
<mrjay> c0d3z3r0: same issue ... i think
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<mrjay> c0d3z3r0: for me with dianders patches it worked once for 3-5 reboots
<dianders> mrjay, c0d3z3r0: presumably my two patches + the 50 ms _does_ work at least. AKA my patch properly allows us to revert "usb: dwc2: Fix probe problem on bcm2835"?
<c0d3z3r0> mrjay: the 50ms patch alone does not work for you?
<dianders> c0d3z3r0: Earlier he said it did.
<dianders> AKA: ToT + 50ms (which is mysteriously missing from ToT) seems to fix everyone. I'm hoping at least that ToT + 50ms + my two patches _also_ fixes people since it's good to revert the "bcm2835" patch and fix it correctly.
<dianders> ...and at some point I think we should find a more correct patch for the "50 ms" one...
<dianders> :-P
<c0d3z3r0> dianders: ah yep, now it's clear to me
<mrjay> c0d3z3r0: dianders: 50ms ( delay works just fine :)
<dianders> mrjay: what about 50ms ( _plus_ and
<dianders> Do the extra two patches break things for you?
<mrjay> dianders: this combination work ok for me ;)
<dianders> mrjay: OK, great! c0d3z3r0: You too?
<c0d3z3r0> dianders: same here
<dianders> mrjay: If you happen to want to do one more test. Skip 50ms (, take and, and change msleep(25) in dwc2_force_mode() and dwc2_clear_force_mode() to msleep(75).
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<mrjay> dianders: usb usb2-port1: connect-debounce failed ... :(
<dianders> Sigh. OK I'll have to spend more time thinking about it.
<mmind00> mrjay: although I remember seeing that on my rk3036 recently as well (without dianders patches)
<mrjay> dianders: thanks anyway ...
<mrjay> dianders: did anyone bisect when this dwc2 issue started?
<mrjay> mmind00: good to know that i and c0d3z3r0 are not the only one
<dianders> mrjay: I think these problems are related to John's patches to decrease some of the delays.
<dianders> Of course, the connect-debounce could be something different? I haven't seen that.
<mrjay> dianders: when usb doesn't work debounce failure apears for me
<mrjay> dianders: one more thing ... only host mode doesn't work ... gadget mode works fine
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