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<bryanp> naobsd: replied via private
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<naobsd> bryanp: there is updated rkloader and rknand blob. there is also patch to use newer blob with old kernel, it might be possible to apply it on your kernel source.
<naobsd> bryanp: if you're using rkloader 1.x, you have to erase/reformat NAND with new rkloader
<bryanp> very interesting. Patch changes the magic string or what not I am guessing?
<naobsd> bryanp: patch in that archive is already applied in newer Rockchip SDK. I never tried patch so I'm not sure what's changed well. and I think most important change should be done in binary blob, there is no important thing in .c
<naobsd> well
<naobsd> patch -> updated files under kernel/drivers/mtd/nand/
<bryanp> Ah I see
<naobsd> bryanp: about x5 sdk, should have kernel config for X5
<bryanp> Great thanks for this. It is much appreciated!
<naobsd> did you check this SDK? it's 4.2 SDK and kernel is 3.0.36(btw this should be newer than .36 but we usually say it's .36)
<naobsd> bryanp: that sdk archive contains both rockchip original commit and changes for X5 i.e. you can get diff from original to x5
<bryanp> I am not sure. Where did you dig up the link for that one?
<naobsd> diff will be useful to port 4.4 SDK
<bryanp> We are working with 3.0.8 but 3.0.36 could work. the LAN8720 or the rk vmac needs fixing though.
<naobsd> I think I had to fix vmac power on/phy reset sequence for some board...
<naobsd> SDK code was terrible ;)
<naobsd> I think that sdk tarball is not up-to-date (at least it's 4.2, not 4.4) so there must have some amount of errors ;)
<bryanp> (:
<naobsd> I think I found that tarball link on minix user forum
<bryanp> Yeah. I see problems with power on and no cable plugged, problems with warm restart but power off/on works fine.
<naobsd> I guess it needs explicit power-off and/or phy reset on(before) vmac initialization
<bryanp> Yes
<bryanp> most likely the phy isn't being reset on restart
<bryanp> Weird behavior happens. Nothing in kmsg to indicate a problem. Except sometimes link is going up and down. Probably if I can get all the registers dumped in both states I could figure it out.
<naobsd> do you have schematic for your board? it's possible to reset phy via gpio if gpio and LAN8720 reset is connected
<naobsd> generally, phy power on -> some delay -> assert reset pin -> delay -> deassert reset pin -> delay -> init
<bryanp> I might have to ident manually
<bryanp> I could add this to the board init right?
<naobsd> I cannot remember 4.1 SDK structure
<naobsd> in 4.2 SDK, there is kernel/arch/arm/mach-rk30/board-rk30-sdk-vmac.c
<naobsd> it's included by board-BOARDNAME.c... there is minix-neo-x5-box.c in X5 4.2 SDK
<naobsd> in board-rk30-sdk-vmac.c, you need to tweak regulator and phy reset pin control
<naobsd> it seems RK30_PIN1_PD6 is reset pin on X5
<naobsd> I have no idea about regulator on your board
<naobsd> I think what I had to fix was issue on warm reboot
<naobsd> I explicitly disabled regulator output in board-rk31-vmac.c:rk30_rmii_io_init()
<bryanp> I have the warm boot function for sure
<bryanp> problem*
<naobsd> regulator output for phy is dedicated to phy in my case so it's ok to disable on(before) vmac init
<bryanp> I see
<bryanp> So are you powering down reg for phy during vmac init?
<naobsd> probably "disable regulator" & "assert reset pin" in rk30_rmii_io_init(), then "enable regulator" & "deassert reset pin" in rk30_rmii_power_control(enable)
<naobsd> well
<naobsd> accurately, it's not "during", it's "before" or "at the beginning"
<naobsd> well
<naobsd> sorry
<naobsd> rk30_rmii_io_init() should be called at the end of vmac_probe()
<naobsd> MAC is in SoC, PHY is external
<bryanp> yes
<naobsd> MAC is initialized on vmac_probe(), and PHY power is off at the end of vmac_probe()
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<bryanp> Using T659102 for PMIC
<naobsd> PHY power is controlled dynamically. it will be on when vmac is up
<bryanp> Oh I see
<naobsd> vmac_open() does it... enable clock -> controll power/reset -> reset of initialization
<naobsd> it's common PMIC for RK3066
<naobsd> there are some "#ifdef CONFIG_PMICNAME" in rk kernel source
<bryanp> Yes
<naobsd> well
<bryanp> Waiting for 4.2 sdk to download still its pretty slow
<naobsd> how did you get 4.1 SDK for your board?
<bryanp> Base image was provided unfortunately. Would like to source 4.1 sdk
<naobsd> bryanp: if server side is slow, I can put tarball on my server
<bryanp> 20m to go
<bryanp> definitely server side
<bryanp> Now 2h (:
<naobsd> uploading... wait a moment
<naobsd> bryanp: btw do you know ?
<naobsd> (no X5 SDK mirror on there)
<bryanp> I have been looking
<bryanp> I have built a kernel that _runs_ sort of but with many problems from several sources
<naobsd> if you need you can get Rockchip original 4.4.2 SDK from there
<bryanp> Main problem was lack of an actual Kconfig
<naobsd> kernel config is not enough. there are a lot of GPIO configuration in source code...
<naobsd> hmm
<bryanp> Yes
<naobsd> (btw I have to restore rk3066 4.2 sdk mirror... deleted by mis-operation some time ago ;)
<bryanp> Some stuff I might have to figure out. But I have spent lots of time reverse engineering config
<bryanp> Config will save time at least and give a good base
<naobsd> sure
<naobsd> schematic is the best reference ;)
<naobsd> I recommend to try porting 4.4.2 SDK, but I'm sure it should have some amount of bugs too ;)
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<bryanp> Yes. Might affect our software platform a lot though :/
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<naobsd> bryanp: you already made a lot of modification for your system?
<bryanp> Are you talking just kernel? or Android OS as well
<bryanp> Feasible to port 4.4.2 sdk kernel -> 4.1.1 android?
<naobsd> I'm sure old kernel cannot be used for newer Android, but I'm not sure new kernel with old Android
<naobsd> well
<naobsd> bryanp: did you read private message?
<bryanp> I stuck the 4.4.2 kernel from minix onto my firmware and it boots and hangs on ump something
<bryanp> So unsure how much work it would be (:
<bryanp> 4.4.2 kernel seems to be OK
<bryanp> 4.2.2*
<naobsd> some kernel interface related to rockchip soc might be changed
<bryanp> yeah
<naobsd> if you just started your project very recently, I recommend newer SDK, but I think you already did a lot, then I cannot recommend ;)
<bryanp> Something like that
<bryanp> Our android software would have to be ported -> 4.4.2
<naobsd> ah something might behave differently at app layer too ;)
<bryanp> 4.1 sdk never released for anything?
<naobsd> generally RK doesn't release SDK on public. only few board maker release it
<naobsd> personally I don't have 4.1 SDK
<naobsd> SDKs on my mirror is basically from radxa/firefly
<naobsd> ah
<naobsd> I should check marsboard site
<bryanp> Ah yes I have been on there
<bryanp> I forgot they released!
<naobsd> there is 4.1 SDK. I cannot remember it's .git tarball or just source tree with mod for marsboard
<naobsd> if it's not .git, it's difficult to extract generic code without marsboard specific change ;)
<naobsd> I saw their 4.4 SDK, and I surprised because it's based on Radxa Rock SDK. they use Radxa Rock specific changes which shouldn't be needed for marsboard
<bryanp> hehe
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<bryanp> Yes I think I downloaded and saw that it wasn't a git last week
<bryanp> Many many hours have passed since (:
<naobsd> so I decided to forget about their source tarball ;)
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<bryanp> (;
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