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<afaerber> mmind00: is Yakir Yang on IRC? I don't understand his/her question
<mmind00> afaerber: nope ... do you mean his question about that exynos<->rockchip generalization? I'm just as confused about Emil's idea myself
<afaerber> about RGA ("is it convince for you to share some specific example here")
<mmind00> afaerber: ah that one ... Emil seems to have requested a link to some upstream project using that new interface (something else than a simple libdrm example)
<mmind00> afaerber: and I guess Yakir was asking for some example on how this worked sucessfully in the past, to get an idea what he will need
<afaerber> mmind00: well, I was just suggesting that Exynos might be the worst example to copy from
<afaerber> but then again I don't work on libdrm myself and haven't looked for some months
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<afaerber> (licenses this is about)
<mmind00> afaerber: if you have better examples on socs implementing this 2d stuff sucessfully, I guess you could just point Yakir in that direction
<afaerber> ah okay
<mmind00> afaerber: I'm generally clueless in that regard, so am probably not that big help there :-)
<afaerber> thx anyway
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<afaerber> mmind00: -rc1 seems tagged now, is there anything still missing for queuing Geekbox beyond the vendor prefix and the node cleanups?
<mmind00> afaerber: nope, everything fine ... you might've seen that I picked some more yesterday already, I'm hoping to get the actual geekbox today :-)
<afaerber> okay, great - yeah that's what I just referred to :)
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