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<eballetbo> mmind00: did you test suspend-to-RAM lately? I'm facing an issue on rk3288, suspend-to-RAM gets stuck in cpu_suspend call (arch/arm/mach-rockchip/pm.c:216)
<eballetbo> any clue?
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<mmind00> eballetbo: nope, not tested recently ... it was working nicely at some point though
<mmind00> eballetbo: on a veyron or rock2 device (or both)
<eballetbo> mmind00: both
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<karlp> wow, is this _really_ the way you do brightness levels?
<karlp> that looks so vile!
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<mmind00> karlp: binding says "brightness-levels: Array of distinct brightness levels" ... so it looks like that thing defines the number of steps or something
<karlp> it's every value from 1->255
<karlp> just seems like a failing of dt if it just gets such a blob like that.
<mmind00> it's the same on veyron chromebooks, both in mainline and the chromeos kernel ... so I guess they really do use them, but yes the shere size looks "interesting"
<karlp> it would seem tath you should only need an array of allowable levels if you have a restriction on the levels.
<karlp> if you provide all 255, ther ewouldn't seem to be any restrictions, but hey, not at all my field of kernel land.
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<mmind00> the same for me as well (not my field) ... I just guess that as that is used in production devices that way, it supposedly might make some sense
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<karlp> feels very like something wen twrong, and it got copied a bunch if that's really being used a lot.
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