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<eballetbo> mmind00: one question, now that the eDP patches are in mainline I expected see the display working in my Veyron, I'm right? or I'm missing something?
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<mmind00> eballetbo: likely this one
<mmind00> i.e. what you are probably seeing is the backlight staying off, right?
<eballetbo> yes, I think so
<eballetbo> let me try this patch
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<eballetbo> hmm, there is something more, my display is still off
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<mmind00> eballetbo: sorry didn't see your last comment till now ... I'm normally running with my own config, so am rebuilding with multi_v7 right now, to take a look
<mmind00> eballetbo: do you have the possibility to see debug output if there is something complaining?
<eballetbo> mmind00: i see lots of messages like this
<eballetbo> rockchip-dp ff970000.dp: could not find pctldev for node /pinctrl/edp/edp-hpd, deferring probe
<eballetbo> just looking pinctrl
<mmind00> eballetbo: then that is the obvious reason for the non-working display :-) ... but a pinctrl problem is really strange ... which veyron-device are you on?
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<eballetbo> CTL Veyron Jerry Chromebook
<mmind00> eballetbo: same as me then ... at which kernel position are you ... my last test was torvalds-master from yesterday, currently I'm building the most recent state from last night
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<eballetbo> I'm on top-of-tree of current torvalds master
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<mmind00> eballetbo: hmm, that is really strange ... I just did the whole process on my devel/upstream branch (only difference to top of master is the pwm patch and some i2s patch Mark already applied)
<mmind00> (aka multi_v7_defconfig, zImage, dtbs, modules) and the display comes up fine
<eballetbo> really? wtf with my setup then ... ok looks like is my problem then, thanks for test
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<eballetbo> hmm, so right .. using your devel/upstream works ...
* eballetbo tests again raw mainline
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<mmind00> eballetbo: which is really strange, because the only diff to master concerns i2s: (from git diff master..devel/upstream)
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<c10ud^> hello, anyone from rockchip here? I see 3188 has a sil902x hdmi transmitter driver somehow complete and I'm running in some troubles with the same chip just with a different mcu
<c10ud^> (sil902x aka sii902x)
<eballetbo> mmind00: doing the diff I just saw that I had this patch applied that seems is what causes the things go wrong ...
<eballetbo> a bit odd but reverting this patch display works otherwise I see the above errors, but this is another war
<mmind00> eballetbo: that change looks pretty odd
<mmind00> c10ud^: I don't think there are real Rockchip people around this channel normally ... also you are probably looking at that hdmi driver in some vendor-specific 3.0 or 3.10 kernel, right?
<eballetbo> It's a local patch I made some time ago to export recovery-switch and write-protect to userspace
<mmind00> c10ud^: where the whole graphics stack is still somewhat if its own framework build on top of fbdev, so that will of course most likely not work with other socs
<mmind00> eballetbo: these seem like they got added to the gpio-controller subnodes? I don't think the pinctrl driver parses these as pingroups
<mmind00> eballetbo: ok, forget the last sentence ... found the gpio-hog docs
<eballetbo> mmind00: yes, each GPIO hog is represented as a child node of the GPIO controller, this is what documentation said iirc
<mmind00> eballetbo: although I don't see the phandles that get reference below that being defined anywhere (fw_wp_ap etc)
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<eballetbo> already are in rk3288-veyron.dtsi i guess, in any case this is a wip patch so not ready
<c10ud^> mmind00, yes, but they use the same chip I'm using, and the datasheet is nowhere to be found (i'm trying with the vendor atm)..they have a pretty complete driver though (and probably published those bits by mistake...but they're from years ago)
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