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<TomTheDragon> mps: interesting.. how can I tell if it's a Gru/Kevin board?
<TomTheDragon> hmm... appears that's the Chromebook Plus
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<macc24> ugh, can anyone tell me why rk817 randomly says that it is done charging when it is not done charging?
<mmind00> macc24: probably not ... but I did look at the rk817-charger/battery drivers in den vendor kernel yesterday and they're behemoths, so best guess would be a driver bug
<mmind00> macc24: depending on where your variant comes from (odroid-kernel?), best bet would be to look for updates in the main vendor kernel?
<macc24> mmind00: i stole the driver from rockchip's kernel
<macc24> and modified it to read hardware registers and tell this information instead of whatever
<macc24> this is in rk817_battery_get_property
<macc24> might make it so only when it's over 99% it says that it's finished
<mmind00> macc24: is it just randomly saying full, or is that in some way related to the percentage?
<macc24> mmind00: it told me at 43% that it's full, and it still continued charging as indicated in /sys/class/power_supply/battery/capacity
<macc24> i can check if it does that consistently
<macc24> but discharging this device takes AGES
<mmind00> in other circumstances that would be a plus :-D
<macc24> once i took a nap to discharge it and it drained the battery to 0% after few hours ,_,
<macc24> mmind00: tbh i don't really think that all this giantness is needed
<macc24> if rk817 could charge the battery by itself
<macc24> also, for G31 it runs supertuxkart pretty well, if colors weren't messed up for some reason -.-
<macc24> is this supposed to be return true and not return false?
<mmind00> macc24: :-D ... I guess that really should be false
<mmind00> as it is, it'll always return true, which sort of makes that unnecessary
<mmind00> macc24: supertuxkart in gles or gl? ... so far I've monitored bifrost only on one of our px30-based products with glmark and Qt-gles stuff
<macc24> i guess
<macc24> mmind00: supertuxkart in gles2, i didn't even bother starting to compile mesa on px30
<mmind00> rk3326 and px30 are essentially the same ;-)
<macc24> i was tracking panfrost on bifrost on my laptop and i actually complained, err, reported some bugs :D
<macc24> mmind00: i know that they are the same, there is a reason for that #include <px30.dtsi> in rk3326.dtsi
<mmind00> ;-)
<mmind00> as for mesa, building it on a beefy machine helps ... I'm doing that in an arm64 chroot with transparent binfmt emulation ... with "dpkg-buildpackage -j12" it's done in 30 minutes
<macc24> are you building mesa with qemu?
<mmind00> (for an unmodified debian build)
<macc24> with cross compiling i think it takes around 40 minutes for only panfrost on all my machines, except rk3288 laptop
<mmind00> yep ... via qemu-user-static ... so I just have that chroot around ... and everything that gets called runs transparently through that qemu thingy
<mmind00> so it's like chrooting into any chroot ... except that it's essentially arm64 not x86 in there
<mmind00> which is pretty neat
<macc24> i think it's time to upgrade if people are having higher performance when emulating
<mmind00> mind you that is a ryzen 6-core in there so I'd definitly expect some improvements when doing deb building on multiple cores ;-)
<macc24> my daily driver is straight from 2007 with exception of gpu
<macc24> and with exception of ssd
<mmind00> and of course, the nicest part is that it's just "normal" building ... not all that cross-compiling madness
<macc24> cross compiling mesa is easy with a cross file
<mmind00> though I really like staying in *.deb land
<macc24> huh?
<macc24> deb packages are distro specific
<mmind00> yep ... I'm running Debian on my Go-advance
<macc24> i just have a lot of scripts that should not be distro specific
<macc24> and whole distro that is aiming to not be distro specific, or hardware specific, just a bunch of patches, scripts and some magic
<macc24> and i broke battery again ,_,
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<mmind00> macc24: ... should fix that display again ... instead of reverting the dw-dsi patch
<macc24> mmind00: any idea why colors are bad?
<macc24> on kd50 panel
<macc24> pure rgb values are correct
<macc24> but mixing results in weirdness
<mmind00> macc24: no idea ... i.e. I'm still at the "console output on display" stage, and at least during boot messages it looked correct
<macc24> hm.
<mmind00> macc24: and at least glmark2-es2-drm does look fine color-wise with panfrost/mesa from yesterday
<macc24> i referred to odroid go super's panel as 'kd50'
<macc24> i didn't do status = okay in dts and wondered why it isn't working ._.
<mmind00> I just ran both glmark2-es2-drm and glmark2-drm (real opengl) on my Go Advance and the colors looked just fine
<macc24> kmscube?
<macc24> can you make a pic of kmscube?
<macc24> and there shouldn't be any issues with panfrost on bifrost
<mmind00> macc24: as I said, for me all looks fine, so no errors ... though I can't get you kmscube, the one I have on the device doesn't really start
<macc24> here is how it looks on super ->
<macc24> hmm
<macc24> something is weird happening with panel
<macc24> between reboots drm font brightness changes
<mmind00> yeah, the output really looks strange ... so I guess it's something related to that panel?
<macc24> probably related to panel driver
<macc24> this is how it is supposed to look:
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<mps> TomTheDragon: yes, and it serve me for about 4 years very well (though have some quirks but what doesn't have)
<mps> removed chromeos first day when it arrived, ofc :)
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<macc24> i just spent 3h debugging battery fuel gauge and it reality i discharged my odroid. again. ,_,
<macc24> mmind00: i got colors right
<macc24> with the stupidest workaround
<macc24> i set RGB565_PACKED as format
<macc24> launched sway
<macc24> closed sway
<macc24> and on second launch the colors are alright xD
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<macc24> got it working now, i missed some mipi dsi commands
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<mmind00> macc24: yay
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<macc24> mmind00: now it's stuck on "Full"
<macc24> might make it so it reports from current data
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