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<sb0> rjo, do BRAMs make sense for shallow and wide memories?
<sb0> afaik one BRAM element is maximum 32-bit wide but very deep
<sb0> a shallow and wide memory implemented on BRAM would use a lot of BRAM elements of which only a fraction would be accessible
<rjo> sb0: 256x32 (depth x width). yes.
<rjo> sb0: but if you have BRAM to spare, why not use it?
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<rjo> sb0: i had also stumbled upon that web page. interestingly enough, his last implementatation (FWFT with improved timing) is as large as mine but two cycles larger latency. i would expect timing to be a bit better with his though.
<rjo> sb0: i posted the two additional FIFOs
<rjo> sb0: afaict if you have BRAM to spare, and your fifo depth is larger than a very small value (~2) SynchFIFO uses more logic than SyncFIFORelaxed. but yeah. The usecases for SyncFIFORelaxed are uncommon.
<sb0> rjo, so we just use your latest patches for now?
<sb0> if any use for SyncFIFORelaxed comes up, it's still in the ML archives...
<sb0> by the way, the SyncFIFOs I use (in the SDRAM controller) are 8 entries deep
<sb0> it generally does not make sense to use BRAM for them
<sb0> (RAM-on-LUTs isn't _that_ bad, since the LUTs themselves are used for read-write storage - it's much more efficient than 1 bit per user flip-flop)
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<larsc> what's the technical term for always @(posedge clk) if (reset) a <= 1'b0 else begin a <= ...; _b_ <= ...; end
<larsc> this will implicity make the reset value b be b, which means it's non const
<GitHub84> [NetBSD] fallen pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/ffr3Mw
<GitHub84> NetBSD/master 2f4e676 Yann: Fix wrong memory_store_area access...
<ysionneau> b is not reset?
<larsc> since b has no assignment in the reset branch the synthezier will create somethink like if (~reset) b <= ...
<larsc> it's a bit like a latch
<ysionneau> ok
<larsc> and I'm wondering if there is a technical term for it
<ysionneau> no idea sorry
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<GitHub15> [NetBSD] fallen pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/Apynbw
<GitHub15> NetBSD/master 5cc2b95 Yann: Add md device-major for ramdisk
<GitHub15> NetBSD/master 643fc9d Yann: Activate Endian independent support for FFS...
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<rjo> sb0: i am fine with that.