I have some customers using it too (as well as MiSoC and/or Migen)
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yes, indeed
used xps once, and learn to dislike it passionately
gcc-lm32 4.9 seems to work :)
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build from official sources, or rtems?
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lm32-elf vanilla
hourra \o/
and ftp.gnu.org is slow today .. what a surprise
* ysionneau
is using the French mirror
goes at > 1 MB/se
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(gcc 4.9) heh, "generic selections" sounds neat. so that's operator overriding for C. one step closer to being able to twice code that's just naturally obfuscated, like in C++ ;-)
wpwrak, what do you think of rpython (pypy's restricted python)?
it does static analysis to infer all types, and then converts to C
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is there a good way to access the lm32 system to develop software on a bram-only soc? (something like grlib's dsu)
the misoc bios can download software to bram
and run it
and you can XIP that BIOS from serial or parallel flash
but is executed from the very same bram?
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iirc LM32 also supports tightly integrated BRAMs
instead of mapping a BRAM on the wishbone bus, which is slow and inefficient
but I have never tried
all my misoc implementations are on boards that have sdram
the JTAG in lm32 source is lattice plattform specific?
mwalle ported it to spartan6
but iirc the pc side software (openocd) isnt in a good shape
ultimately bram is always short, so in the long run there will be external memory
there is also the debug rom that works with gdb and the serial port
mhmm, gdb-stub
it is only implemented in legacy soc atm, no one ported it to misoc
if there is external memory then you can start with a wishbone mapped bram
but i guess it only supports the basic functions and software-breakpoints
and then replace that peripheral with the proper external mem core
it supports hw breakpoints and watchpoints
so there is support from the cpu
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i just build the gcc-4.9.0 and compiled the tdc-core demo with it
and it ran straight out of the box
that was the most pleasant gcc cross build _ever_
mhmm, i think the "test-coverage" of the tdc-core s/w didn't include negative temperatures ;)
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no, it doesn't - and it was only meant to do tests at room temperature
and slightly above
well, up to 48C at package surface
i understand the original intention, it's perfectly fine with me. i just gave sensor a good blast of "kältespray" and it went of scale
you have a SPEC?
no, i just had lx45 and ds18b20 sitting on my desk
i'd actually would have liked to use an TDC for a laser rangefinder project some years ago, that was wall beyond my scope at that time
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