hmm, getting openocd to use a kc705 board on a particular board doesn't play nice with the shipped scripts
*particular port
the hacky way to solve the problem is to hardcode the main kc705 location into /usr/local/share/openocd/scripts/interface/ftdi/digilent-hs1.cfg and write another script to use the other kc705
okay I'm going to create interface/ftdi/digilent-hs1-bbmain.cfg, board/kc705-bbmain.cfg, interface/ftdi/digilent-hs1-bbaux.cfg and board/kc705-bbaux.cfg
well, of course, the ftdi_serial command doesn't work
you put any sort of garbage in there and it'll connect to the first ftdi chip it finds
ftdi_location doesn't work either because this is debian and of course libusb is outdated
okay, you need to give it the serial *and* the VID/PID, otherwise it ignores everything
there's no way to tell if the CDR has locked, it seems?
they have this "RXCDRLOCK" signal, but it's marked "reserved"
sounds like they tried, encountered silicon bugs, and made them their customer's problem.
yes, they say that you cannot trust "RXCDRLOCK" and need to have a way to detect if datas are valid or not...
seems like a silicon bug indeed
_florent_, in litesata, is it correct that you are setting both the TX and RX clocks at 1/20 the raw serial rate?
yes, 1/20 when transceiver input/output in 16bits mode (8b/10b inserted in the transceiver), 1/40 in 32bits mode
I really don't get how the tranceiver can so blatantly ignore the input signal and just generate 101010101 at its output
even if the phase alignment, clocking, or something else was wrong, it shouldn't output a stable pattern
xilinx wizards move in mysterious ways
_florent_, how are the clock output frequencies computed exactly?
I have somehow managed to get the TX into a situation where the TX line rate is 1250, user clock 125 and it takes 20-bit data. something isn't right
it should simply be: line rate = N bits (20 or 40 depending how the GTX is configured) * TX user frequency
sorry going out for lunch, bbl
yes, which it isn't
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_florent_, well litesata and my design have txoutclksel=011 (TXPLLREFCLK_DIV1)
shouldn't it be TXPLLREFCLK_DIV1 (010) when bypassing the TX buffer?
ah, no
I meant TXOUTCLKPMA, but for some reason, it does want refclk that has gone through all the muxes when the tx buffer is disabled
this makes no sense though
let's say you have GigE; the doc recommends 20-bit and 125MHz refclk, how is that supposed to work if you bypass the TX buffer?
_florent_, do you know?
are you supposed to divide refclk to 62.5 and then readjust the cpll?
well considering it does the right thing when I do that, I guess the answer is yes
xilinx really ought to trash 90% of their transceiver cruft and properly document the remaining 10%
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okay, got rx to respond to inputs. the reason it didn't before is my SFP transceivers aren't working for some reason...
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