sb0 changed the topic of #m-labs to: ARTIQ, Migen, MiSoC, Mixxeo & other M-Labs projects :: fka #milkymist :: Logs
[pythonparser] trotterdylan opened pull request #17: Detect source encoding to properly interpret string literals (master...master)
Hi, all, I've started doing MiSoC stuff again after a long break, and I'm having some trouble building. On fresh git pulls of the master branches of asyncserial, migen, and misoc, when I try to build any target, I get an exception: "ValueError: Cannot extract CSR name from code, need to specify."
I'm using Python 3.6 in a virtualenv on Arch Linux.
I'm not sure where exactly I need to specify the "CSR name", nor why it can't extract it from the code.
cr1901_modern1 is now known as cr1901_modern
cyrozap: try python 3.5
cyrozap, or you can use the patch in the migen issue
I haven't thoroughly tested it though, and it needs some cleanup
hedgeberg is now known as hedgeberg|away
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who proposed I2C EEPROMs for identification of kasli extensions?
how exactly is the software supposed to use those? is it just a random Joe idea?
sb0: proposed by greg.
sb0: what is your problem?
they need a bit of production support to load them, their content needs to be defined consistently, and they are useless unless there is solid software support for them
sb0: you would read the eeprom and then get mux the correct RTIO PHY.
sb0: absolutely.
sb0: it's like the FMCs. imho this is first and foremost a safety feature that you don't plug in extensions into the wrong slots with IO contention and wrong IO standards.
sb0: but yes. it needs production, gateware, software support.
so we should support runtime-muxed RTIO PHYs?
no gateware rebuilds?
sb0: this is what the discussion in the issues gravitated towards.
should the software also scan all those I2C EEPROMs and generate the device_db, or parts of it?
sb0: there would be up to two different phys per pin/group of pins.
sb0: not necessarily.
the phys are just there, enumerated like now. automatic device_db building would help but is orthogonal.
the main issues is reconfiguring the Xilinx IOS
we can easily handle the muxing of an arbitraty amount of rtio phys with migen
sb0: yes. if you read the issues, i explained that to the others.
sb0: not without building n^m bitstreams.
we need some sort of I/O router
in the best case, use the FPGA native routing, but this is tricky :-)
the RTIO phys for the kasli extensions appear to fall into two categories: SERDES and regular. SERDES (higher latency) are the serdes-ttls and e.g. cameralink. regular are regular TTL, SPI, ....
I think the SERDES have bypass ports
we seemed to agree on having at most two PHYs per pin group.
let me check
the important thing is probably fixing the IO standard.
we can change the I/O standard at runtime if we reverse engineer the bitstream a bit and use the ICAP
but yes. there would be an IO muxing shim between the PHYs and the pins.
that shouldn't be extremely complicated actually
sb0: maybe it's not necessary and we can save time by fixing the IO standard.
ISERDESE2 has a combinatorial bypass
the O pin
that's cool. then there is just one category of PHYs. and they can be all IO-muxed. but restricting the cardinality of a pin to two PHYs max is probably still wise.
OSERDES doesn't, but usually you want to register outputs anyway
sb0: iirc OSERDES has more than one cycle latency.
hm, yes
regarding muxing: the smallest mux in a 6-LUT FPGA is a 4:1
so having 4 possibly PHYs per pin is fine
as long as it doesn't cause routing problems, but the PHYs we have, except the phaser, are quite small
sb0: sure. but thy still all need to get their signals and logic close to the mux.
each PHY tends to need at least one BRAM.
but anyway. we'll see how much we can mux there.
one BRAM? for the FIFO?
we can have a central set of FIFOs and route that to the PHYs too
actually more than one set, to avoid large muxes
do something a bit like x-way set-associative cpu caches
but yeah, that will need a bit of redesigning of the rtio core. is the plan to fund that via opticlock?
it does seem one cannot bypass a OSERDES at runtime without some bitstream reverse engineering
sb0: FWIW then the pragmatic approach would be to have the SERDES and non-SERDES classes of PHYs and restrict the MUXing as required.
sb0: and write the IO MUX shim.
yeah. but messing with bitstreams is kinda fun :-)
sb0: absolutely.
and if yosys gives us a good backend for 7 series i'd love to use that.
Clifford told me he's working on it
i would consider the pragmatic approach above to be funded in part by opticlock and in part by the sayma/metlino VHDCI extension breakout suppport that needs to be funded.
regarding the ISERDES combinatorial bypass: I'm not sure if it this pin makes it behave exactly like a normal IOB
IOBs have dedicated input registers that fix the timing despite the P&R non-determinism without requiring additional timing constraints
I don't know if those are placed after the ISERDES O pin or not
sb0: yes. also for IOSERDES they are on the fast clock domain and not on the slow one.
those two domains are from the same oscillator, so it doesn't really matter
also, for the regular I/O pins: do we enable all the dedicated registers?
sb0: for regular IO i would just do a combinatorial mux and then hope that xilinx figures out how to get registers through the mux logic into the IOB. or is that dreaming?
whether the dedicated IOB register is enabled or not is set in the bitstream
you cannot disable or enable it at runtime without messing with the bitstream
sb0: sure. but vivado/ise are able to extract those registers themselves. i.e. i would hope they can push registers in the PHYs through the MUX comb logic and into the IOB.
hm, maybe, one has to make sure then that the mux control signal is also registered with the same clock
we can also bring the bitstream hacking to another level and use partial reconfiguration to dynamically load PHYs
the main thing I dislike about this is non-portability
and it'll probably take a good decade before there is a generic library to do this sort of thing across FPGAs
and cameralink will likely need a different serdes clock than rtio
you want to accurately time the frames coming in.
yes. it needs a different clock.
that's a serious problem
you'd want to gate, timetag, and process/bin/crop the frames.
the pragmatic option is to disallow phy muxing on the cameralink pins...
well. accurately is ~tens of µs here. so i'd imagine a grey transfer of the TSC would do.
sb0: yes. if they need a different clock then we'd have to disallow them.
good point.
well. there are clock muxes...
for high speed serdes clocks? I don't think so
actually we can have a dedicated PLL for the cameralink capable pins, and mux the pll input
500 MHz? pretty sure that BUFGMUXes can roll that.
also. cameralink is not needed now. i just want to keep it on the radar so that we design the rest without needlessly barricading e.g. cameralink phys.
doesn't pll to serdes use dedicated clock routing?
if it's only 500MHz, we can also put cameralink on the non-SERDES IO and use IODDR
oh actually
we can also never use the hard SERDES, only IODDR
[smoltcp] whitequark closed pull request #6: add connection mode for udp sockets (work in progress) (master...master)
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Ahh, I was thinking about resurrecting oh well, I suppose a generic "per project" sim target works as well
"The RAM description <twenty_kilobyte_RAM> will not be implemented on the device block RAM because of limited available resources." That's good. That's fine.
[artiq] cjbe commented on issue #669: @whitequark here is the UART output after applying your patch and trying to run an experiment from the dashboard (using artiq_run still works fine):...