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[artiq] dhslichter commented on issue #535: I agree with @jordens; the most important thing to do here would be to implement a "standard" hard FP instruction set. Basically the thing to do would be to implement all the instructions defined in the openrisc standard (ORFPX32) but not actually implemented in mor1kx. The sin/cos/log/exp functions could then be constructed from these with (hopefully) reasonable performance, and we can decide later if they
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I'm wondering from a power perspective what would be better in an FPGA, a long combinatorial chain or an equivalent circuit with pipelining registers
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larsc: assuming same overall throughput, length, routing, logic resources, and the two cases only differing in pipeline registers being bypassed or not, the pipelined version would be worse if a bypassed register uses less power than an in-use one.
but other factors will probably be dominant in practice.
but having the register will cause less glitching
it will block the glitches from propagating until the output value has settled
but does this offset the extra power consumtion by the FF?
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larsc: right. that will depend a lot on the logic graph.
also, with a long comb graph, is it just glitches or do the gates also spend a longer time in intermediate voltages that cause more CMOS power dissipation?
[artiq] r-srinivas commented on issue #432: What would happen if the previous experiment modifies a dataset that's called in the prepare of the subsequent experiment? That would mean it would get preloaded onto the kernel before that dataset was modified, right?