sb0 changed the topic of #m-labs to: ARTIQ, Migen, MiSoC, Mixxeo & other M-Labs projects :: fka #milkymist :: Logs
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whitequark, maybe the tests can use some dedicated function for reporting instead of print()?
[artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #704: Adding the conda-forge channel before installing ARTIQ fixes the problem, as it installs pyqtgraph 0.10 then. AFAICT there are no adverse effects.
this goes to the shield of the BNC used to measure ion current
avoiding ground loops?
shield circuit == R156 + C155
yeah, I suppose it's for avoiding ground loops
sb0: then that would complicate running them with host python.
and I think a better behavior for startup kernels is to redirect print() to core log, not just prohibit it.
how do you suppose they should be debugged?
also is there any disadvantage to a large C151 (TIA stabilization cap) instead of optimizing it? this amp is basically taking DC, the bandwidth doesn't really matter
whitequark, sounds good
well, there's rtio_log. but it's for different things.
is it what it is doing now? that should be documented, too
well I suppose large cap = more leakage
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no, that's not what it's doing
but it should be fairly easy to do this redirect
whitequark, ok, please do it, document it, and close the issue
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[artiq] whitequark commented on issue #712: That's what I expect from the current implementation, yes. I recall we've discussed this with @sbourdeauducq and decided that doing a syscall for every `rtio_output` is acceptable....
[artiq] jordens commented on issue #712: Why does it have to go through the comms CPU at all? Why can't the kernel CPU own the DMA engine? Why does there need to be any shared memory between comms and kernel?...
[artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #712: > But what I could rather easily do is accumulate RTIO events in some sort of static buffer, and only send a slice from the buffer over to comms CPU once in a while....
whitequark: maybe a difference is that i have an opinion how i want the compiler to behave. other users might just work around it...
that could be
[artiq] jordens commented on issue #714: ack. "better" just when prioritizing. the `.extend()` ability of `bytearray()` might make it more problematic again. what i'd like is a fixed size bytes/bytearray where i can set elements.