interesting .. never saw "benign" used as a verb ;-)
lekernel: so basically just bypass the beads on the 5V input?
cde, no, near the video-in chip
those on 5v are fine
I'm not sure if they do much actually, but they don't cause trouble
so far, video in has worked fine for me. however I only tested it with the CCD on the green input
the video bead causes ESD to run through the chip, crashing it. not recommended :)
oh. so I guess I was very luck and could have damaged it any time through ESD
but why would a bead cause ESD?
cde: it doesn't cause it. it just makes it worse :) the ESD will find you, don't worry about that ;) there are also other, ESD-like events, such as mismatched potential. i found mine when connecting to ... i think it was the stereo. a little surge went through ground. the bead deflected it and instead if harmlessly dissipating into the ground plane, it went through the chip. the chip hated that :)
luckily, it survived. had to power-cycle, though.
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(toyota) nice :) i'd actually worry a lot more about the "regular" bugs than about the extra safety bits.