libgcc (a libary provided with the gnu c compiler) provides these functions, so the easiest way to do it is to (statically) link against libgcc
However, the FSF decided long ago to allow developers to use GCC's libraries to compile any program, regardless of its license < so I can use this code, right?
and link with NetBSD kernel, regardless of the fact that I put the whole thing under BSD
so I'm probably fine, even with the scary gplv3 header in the file
you can still use them even if they were under the gpl3
it would just mean that your binary kernel is also under the terms of the gpl3
? really?
doesn't the exception apply?
for the case the exception didn't apply
you're saying the exception does not apply to my use of the file from libgcc?
or you're saying "if it does not apply"
I'm saying that I'm not a lawyer ;)
I think it applies
but even for the case that it did not, you'd still be safe
i think you are not allowed to copy that file
ie. integrating it into your own project
unless under the terms of gplv3
yeah of course ;)
but what you can do, is to link the GPLv3 libgcc against the BSD netbsd
that might imply me to go against the current of netbsd build system
since it seems the kernel does not link with libgcc
ysionneau: are you sure? on all platforms?
I will need to fight a little bit with the build system
mwalle: I'm not totally sure
ask in #netbsd :)
on ircnet (?)
ysionneau: I think we've talked about this before and you said that some of the platforms link against libgcc
is that the official channel?
my memory is kind of blurry about this topic
I don't remember very well
mwalle: I think so
don't bang your head against the wall that often ;)