avsm changed the topic of #mirage to: mirage 2 released! party on!
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<raboof> is it hard to run Xen on a MacBook Pro (to test your Mirage images)? I suppose the easiest way is to boot into a xen-enabled linux and work from there?
<yomimono> raboof: I run Linux myself so can't answer many questions about osx, but perhaps this link will be of help to you: https://github.com/mirage/mirage-vagrant-vms
<yomimono> someone who uses os x set up some automated tools for making a linux vm to host xen with vagrant and virtualbox
<raboof> hmm you can run a xen host inside virtualbox? interesting :)
<yomimono> if I understand correctly (no guarantee :P)
<yomimono> don't see any of the authors here atm, you might have better luck on the mailing list
<gprano> this is also about running xen in virtualbox: http://www.skjegstad.com/blog/2015/01/19/mirageos-xen-virtualbox/
<j_king> virt-in-virt. you need a fair bit of memory for big guest images.
<j_king> which shouldn't be a hindrance in mirage-land. :)
<raboof> gprano: thanks that looks great!
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<thomasga> raboof: https://github.com/mattgray/mirage-xen-virtualbox works very well on osx (I'm using it every day)
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<raboof> thomasga: thx
<raboof> when running 'ocamlfind ocamlopt' with '-dontlink unix', when I get 'Unix referenced from ... lwt-unix.cmxa', is there any way I can track why lwt-unix is being linked in in the first place? (full output at http://paste.debian.net/219647)
<raboof> when I see 'Unix referenced from /home/aengelen/.opam/system/lib/core_kernel/core_kernel.cmxa(Core_kernel)', does that mean I cannot use core_kernel even though I'm not using any of the parts that depend on Unix?
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<miragebot> [mirage] samoht pushed 9 new commits to master: http://git.io/vI1LZ
<miragebot> mirage/master ce1822c Thomas Gazagnaire: Revert "Bump version"...
<miragebot> mirage/master cc1ebfe Thomas Gazagnaire: Update CHANGES
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<miragebot> mirage/master 43721b8 Thomas Gazagnaire: Better CHANGES
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