avsm changed the topic of #mirage to: mirage 2 released! party on!
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<mort___> updating my website against some recent conduit / mirage cli updates (I think)
<mort___> what's the easy solution to:
<mort___> Mirage Error: This expression has type Mirage.conduit Mirage.impl
<mort___> Mirage but an expression was expected of type Mirage.conduit_server
<yomimono> mort___: tbh this is a situation where I just crib from either mirage-skeleton or mirage-www
<yomimono> rather than tracing around in the types myself
<mort___> yeah, i tried that yesterday but it didn't seem to work
<mort___> however ,just now, it idd
<mort___> it did even
<mort___> i should have my typing license taken away
<yomimono> ...should I have bought a typing licence?
<yomimono> well, cheers for your working website :D
<mort___> ta. i'm sure it'll be well worth the wait. oh yes.
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<mort___> yomimono: pinned down why i was confused — imaplet-lwt dependencies were pinning mirage to 2.4.0 whereas the unconstrained install on travis used 2.5.0
<mort___> so now a question about conduit
<yomimono> mort___: oh dear
<mort___> looking at skeleton/static_website i see that selection of port number has moved into dispatch.ml
<mort___> ie., inside the mirage code
<mort___> is there a generic way to pass config parameters from config.ml into the mirage Main?
<mort___> since i clearly can't do Sys.getenv inside Mirage Main
<yomimono> not generically that I know of offhand
<mort___> hm
<yomimono> but you should ask thomasga I think
<mort___> am i going to have to hack a KV_RO with the values I need i ask myself…
<yomimono> I've been tending to pull stuff out of config.ml into the unikernel, the opposite of what you want to do
<mort___> in this case i like being able to run the unikernel configured for unix/socket on port 4000 (a la jekyll) but obvs. then needs to be port 80 in reality
<mort___> (on xen)
<yomimono> yeah, makes sense. I think that's not well-supported by the current configuration language although I could be wrong
<mort___> ok i'll ask on list
<mort___> ta!
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