avsm changed the topic of #mirage to: mirage 2 released! party on!
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<yiannis_t> Hey! I-ve been trying to use the cubietruck images built by xen-arm-builder but they don't seem to work (for me). I am on Debian Jessie with the emdebian repos for the cross-build tools.
<yiannis_t> When I try the SD card and connect power the cubietruck starts (blue led is blinking) and then it dies :)
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<yiannis_t> How can I debug this? (I don't have a UART-to-usb cable)
<yiannis_t> are there any pre-built images available? (http://blobs.openmirage.org/cubietruck.tar <-- dead link)
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<yomimono> has anyone used mirage-profile outside of mirage unikernels? I'm trying to use it to debug some weirdness in unix-only stuff I compile w/o the mirage frontend
<yomimono> but despite ocamlc running with -package mirage-profile, I get unbound module for MProf.Trace.Control
<yomimono> -package mirage-profile.unix also doesn't solve it, sadly :(
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<miragebot> [mirage] samoht pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/vISWe
<miragebot> mirage/master 39c701a Thomas Gazagnaire: Clean-up opam's dependencies of mirage and mirage-types
<miragebot> mirage/master 99c5322 Thomas Gazagnaire: Merge pull request #416 from samoht/master...
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<mato> thomasga: so, when's mirage 2.5.0 officially being announced?
<thomasga> next week
<mato> great. i have static_website working on rumprun with 2.5.0 and the socket stack
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