avsm changed the topic of #mirage to: mirage 2 released! party on!
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<miragebot> [mirage] avsm pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/vqNAo
<miragebot> mirage/master da1454c Anil Madhavapeddy: Refresh Dockerfile for the latest OPAM Docker remote
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<miragebot> [mirage] avsm pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/vqNx4
<miragebot> mirage/master 9ceba63 Anil Madhavapeddy: Dockerfile: run as non-root
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<dongcarl> Hi guys, doing step 2 of the hello world tutorial here... doing `mirage configure --unix` gives me this error: File "config.ml", line 6, characters 4-9: Pattern matching failed
<dongcarl> help anyone?
<dongcarl> config file is just as on mirage-skeleton
<dsheets> dongcarl, which? console or block? run opam list -i | grep mirage and put in pastebin
<dongcarl> block!
<dongcarl> dsheets: thanks btw
<dsheets> i don't understand why you are getting this error... does mirage configure --unix not install mirage-block-unix?
<dsheets> i mean, i understand because you don't have the necessary packages installed
<dsheets> but mine does: block_test => opam install --yes mirage-block-unix mirage-console mirage-unix
<dsheets> and i have maybe 11 mirage packages installed (without doing much of anything besides running the configurator)
<dongcarl> here's everything I get when I run that
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<dongcarl> a caveat here is that doing utop works but ocaml doesn't, would that have to do with this?
<dsheets> ahhh no... it's because you're on osx and this hasn't been updated for osx
<dsheets> one moment
<dongcarl> that's unfortunate...
<dsheets> this is a real issue, thanks dongcarl
<dsheets> yeah, it shouldn't be hard to fix
<dongcarl> dsheets are you one of the devs? are you gunna fix it?
<dsheets> dongcarl, i'm sorta peripheral but i do a lot of work on various mirage libs
<dongcarl> awesome. so a temporary fix for me would just be doing `opam install --yes mirage-block-unix mirage-console mirage-unix`?
<dsheets> dongcarl, could you modify your config.ml to have | ( `Unix | `MacOSX ) -> block_of_file "disk.img" instead?
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<dsheets> then i believe it will work (but some of the other examples might still be broken) and then i'll work on patches
<dongcarl> okay, do I need an "in" at the end of the line?
<dongcarl> sorry new to ocaml
<dsheets> yeah, you're just updating the `Unix to ( `Unix | `MacOSX ) sorry i wasnt clear
<dsheets> no problem... this is very helpful as having broken tutorials is terrible for new users
<dongcarl> yeah I've been struggling for a while now :-(
<dsheets> oh no! on this issue?
<dongcarl> Do you know who's responsible for maintaining the opam ports for FreeBSD and OpenBSD? Those are badly broken too...
<dsheets> i don't know but I'd be interested in getting those fixed
<dsheets> i think the freebsd port at least should have the maintainer in the metadata in the tree
<dsheets> and avsm might be the openbsd maint, dunno
<dsheets> what's wrong with them?
<dongcarl> I don't remember exactly but something either fails in the port installation phase or when I do `opam install core utop`.
<dongcarl> I don't know if this is intentional or not but on freebsd there are ports for ocaml-* packages which I thought were supposed to be managed by opam
<dsheets> i see. the ocaml-* packages are probably older before opam was usable/existing
<dsheets> some os package managers don't like language package managers, also, but i don't remember what freebsd's policy is
<dongcarl> dsheets, hopefully you won't mind me asking you another question... when I ran mir-block_test... this is what it says... is this correct?
<dsheets> i don't know... it certainly doesn't look good. i see the same thing on linux 4 here
<dongcarl> looks like the tutorials need a tuneup
<dsheets> indeed
<dongcarl> I'll try to see if I can fix anything and perhaps submit some pull requests? Are people maintaining this repo still?
<dsheets> dongcarl, yes, it's being maintained
<dsheets> i'm working on adding OS X to the Travis CI testing of it
<dsheets> i did a git grep -A 5 get_mode and found a number of places that only match against Unix and Xen
<dongcarl> awesome!! I also wanted to add `#!/bin/sh` to the top of generate_disk_image.sh, do I just do that on github?
<dsheets> dongcarl, yes, a PR for that would be nice :-)
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<miragebot> mirage/master 9424ba5 Anil Madhavapeddy: Docker: actually install mirage via opam
<miragebot> [mirage] avsm pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/vqACi
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<dongcarl> dsheets: do you know how I may be able to edit the docs? some of the instructions in hello world are outdated
<dongcarl> e.g. `mirage run` is no longer a thing
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<dongcarl> thanks!
<dongcarl> all: I'm testing stackv4 in mirage-skeleton, after running sudo ./mir-stackv4 it says
<dongcarl> but `telnet localhost 8080`
<dongcarl> says
<dongcarl> Trying
<dongcarl> telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
<dsheets> what about
<dongcarl> telnet 8080 and telnet 8080 just hangs forever
<dongcarl> dsheets: any ideas?
<dsheets> nope... you could mail the mirage-dev list, they would love to hear from you
<dsheets> yup
<dsheets> sorry i forgot the exact name
<dsheets> doing too many things at same time :-/
<dongcarl> dsheets: not too familiar with how mailing lists work... do I just email mirageos-devel@lists.xenproject.org with my personal email?
<dsheets> with whatever email you want replies to
<dsheets> and want to be known by etc
<dsheets> it's pretty low traffic so you could also sub but i don't think it's necessary to post and discuss
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