avsm changed the topic of #mirage to: mirage 2 released! party on!
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<hannes> seems to be live https://mirage.io/blog/mirage-seal
<yomimono> \o/
<yomimono> I'm not a web designer but I feel like those code blocks could use to be a font size or two bigger.
<yomimono> anyone know where to file an issue about that? I don't know what actually does that styling with mirage-www
<mort___> is dynamically done via javascript iirc
<mort___> hang on
<mort___> highlight.js
<mort___> magula.css
<mort___> with modifications in site.css
<yomimono> ah, so this is stuff that's actually in the mirage-www repo, not some other package
<mort___> yes
<yomimono> thx
<mort___> tweak site.css ~l33 or so probably
<mort___> (check other pages too though, obviously. and on other browsers. and platforms. yay for the web :)
<yomimono> D:
<yomimono> thomasga: irmin 0.9.7 does indeed fix the particular weirdness I observed in 0.9.5! thanks. :)
<thomasga> yay!
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<thomasga> we have some activity on the website it seems: https://mirage.io/stats/gc?timescale=hour :p
<yomimono> must be all that twitter #brand #engagement
<mort___> …and a 10% error rate?
<yomimono> I think every time someone tries to load favicon.ico it generates a 404
<mort___> isn't there an openssl patch coming out? might make people itnerested… :)
<mort___> ah
<thomasga> ha yes true
<mort___> someone touch favicon.ico in the appropraite place…? :)
<thomasga> or even better, add a cute favicon? :-)
<mort___> i am not good with the crayons
<mort___> but i'm all for cute favicons generally
<mort___> :)
<Drup> https://mirage.io/graphics/mirage-logo-small.png in version MOS, with the same colors
<Drup> (you guys need a logo :D)
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<yomimono> thomasga: print it!
<yomimono> (is 96x96 cool for favicons these days? I don't know how pictures and the web work)
<thomasga> no idea, a website generate me 10 icons with different formats
<thomasga> the default size is very small
<Drup> "such icon files can be 16×16, 32×32, 48×48, or 64×64 pixels in size"
<thomasga> yomimono: I've uploaded the default one to the same address
<Drup> wikipedia has spoken
<Drup> :D
<thomasga> ha
<thomasga> great I don't have the 64x64
<thomasga> I'm not sure everyone will be terribly happy with that cute favicon though :p
<thomasga> http://gazagnaire.org/favicon.ico is now 60x60 (the closer I have to 64 square)
<yomimono> aw :(
<thomasga> but let's try to make a PR anywmay :p
<yomimono> also I think there may be some licensing issues :P
<thomasga> well this one is a paint copy of a gif
<thomasga> done by a random guy on the internet
<thomasga> I'm sure licensing is fine :p
<mort___> at risk of being a killjoy… i strongly suspect something obviously not infringing is preferable… :)
<mort___> given, you know, publicity 'n' stuff
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<hannes> mort___: will you say when you leave to pub? i'll join!
<mort___> leaving now!
<yomimono> mort___, hannes: I'll join you :D
<hannes> ok.. i'll soon join
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<hannes> moving..
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