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<mort___> paging dsheets ...
<mort___> wondering what the line
<mort___> match !?* (?|>) revdep_cmd pkg with
<mort___> achieves in travis_opam.ml
<mort___> (and why you chose to make ocaml look like perl… ;)
<dsheets> ! modify the running of something which ? might fail and * multiply the result of ? something | run's > output with the return code (instead of failing)
<mort___> uhhuh
<mort___> yeah, i did go and look
<mort___> (if you have to explain a joke, is it funny though? :)
<mort___> (sorry, s/joke/quip/ …)
<dsheets> normally ?|> will kill the process
<dsheets> if the exit is non-zero
<mort___> on a slightly less facetious note — why does POST_INSTALL_HOOK exist?
<mort___> that is, in cohttp .travis.yml, POST_INSTALL_HOOK is set to "opam install github cowabloga"
<dsheets> people wanted to have arbitrary things run (typically more tests or revdeps that weren't satisfied by the old impl)
<mort___> yeah— for opam install … that can be satisfied by REVDEPS can't it?
<dsheets> yeah but REVDEPS new listing ability is new so the only way to make it work before was to use POST_INSTALL_HOOK
<dsheets> should be updated
<mort___> cool
<mort___> PR incoming...
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<m__> does irmin provide a way of preventing race condition on the keys when accessing by independent programs?
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<gprano> m__: there is a compare_and_set in RW stores (but I don't know more about it)
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<dongcarl> Hi guys, I'm trying to follow the tutorial on http://amirchaudhry.com/from-jekyll-to-unikernel-in-fifty-lines/
<dongcarl> I'm at the bit where I'm supposed to serve the site
<dongcarl> it says to run `sudo mirage run`
<dongcarl> which doesn't work
<dongcarl> so I did
<dongcarl> sudo ./mir-www
<dongcarl> which did work
<dongcarl> but it says "Netif: connect unknown"
<dongcarl> and the tap0 interface isn't created
<dongcarl> help?
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<mort___> argh. i am confused. can someone tell me why the "make build" output at https://travis-ci.org/mor1/ocaml-tftp/jobs/70138091 is clearly broken?
<mort___> the -package switches aren't being added to ocamldep etc invocations
<mort___> they are when i build locally. i'm clearly missing something obvious… :/
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<thomasga> mort___: forgot to push the _tags file maybe?
<mort___> yup, that's it
<mort___> (just noticed that myself :)
<mort___> some default .gitignore i picked up i think — was ignoring _tags
<mort___> gah. all so fragile…
<mort___> ta :)
<thomasga> btw, you can use tags to help compiling your config.ml
<thomasga> with a line looking like: "<config.*>: package(mirage-env)"
<thomasga> (very untested)
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