avsm changed the topic of #mirage to: mirage 2 released! party on!
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<geal> hi
<z0d> hi
<geal> what is the preferred setup to test xen deployment on my dev machine? I know mirage can be tested without xen, but I want to reproduce the whole setup locally
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<miragebot> [mirage] samoht pushed 9 new commits to master: http://git.io/vY5vC
<miragebot> mirage/master 04c54bc Mindy Preston: Builds with separated Arpv4 module type & combinators....
<miragebot> mirage/master c8d2b8d Mindy Preston: arp: abstract macaddr in v1.mli, concrete Macaddr.t in V1_LWT.mli
<miragebot> mirage/master 1ce0177 Mindy Preston: arp : use more standard pp
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<yomimono> :D
<dsheets> geal, either run xen on your dev machine or virtualize xen inside something like virtualbox (i believe OS X users typically do this)
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<geal> I'll try that
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<miragebot> [mirage] samoht pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/vY5oW
<miragebot> mirage/master 0b3e5d5 Hannes Mehnert: fix documentation regarding changes in https://github.com/mirage/mirage-tcpip/pull/164
<miragebot> mirage/master 23d5cb9 Thomas Gazagnaire: Merge pull request #437 from hannesm/fix-doc...
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<amirmc> Hi folks, the link for the fortnightly call is: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/gq7e36svyh3okzlban3s65nwnya
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<geal> sorry you could not hear me well in the call, the internet connection is shared by many people at the office, sometimes the bandwidth is not great
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<amirmc> geal: That's ok. Thanks for joining the call! We can easily set up another call if that's needed. For the time being, the mailing list is a good way to let others keep up
<geal> alright
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<miragebot> [mirage] samoht pushed 4 new commits to master: http://git.io/vYb4f
<miragebot> mirage/master 79a3f75 Thomas Gazagnaire: Bump version
<miragebot> mirage/master 3484ba7 Thomas Gazagnaire: Update CHANGES
<miragebot> mirage/master f876f2c Thomas Gazagnaire: Remove PINS in travis.yml
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<miragebot> [mirage] samoht tagged v2.6.0 at 4dea922: http://git.io/vYxZE
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<miragebot> [mirage] samoht deleted v2.6.0 at 4dea922: http://git.io/vYxZh
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